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Insight Prison Project
VOEG Next Step 2011

This has been an exciting and productive year at Insight Prison Project, and, as an ally and friend of IPP, you have been a vital part of our growth as we promote programs for men, women and youth in prisons and jails which bring real healing from trauma and violence. We work with hundreds of prisoners every year who take on the courageous and heartfelt work of taking responsibility for their behavior, developing accountability for their actions and finding compassion for others. We teach hundreds more community members about these transformative trauma-healing practices as well. Perhaps the most compelling way of conveying the power of this transformative process is through the words of those who experience it:


San Quentin prisoner and IPP facilitator, Nghiep Lam has been involved in IPP programs for the past nine years. He speaks eloquently about the effect of IPP programs on his life:  "(t)he programs I have taken have revolutionized my life. If it wasn't for those programs I wouldn't be the man I am today....  V.O.E.G. (Victim Offender Education Group) taught me how to take accountability for my actions, thoughts, and how to connect with my emotions.... I am a believer in the healing practice of Yoga.  I have been an active Yogi for over two years now and look forward to the sessions each week...In order for a caterpillar to transform into a butterfly it needs a place to evolve.  I believe IPP programs offer that place for incarcerated men to transform into healers.  A changed person is like a pebble thrown into a pond, which create(s) a ripple in the water.  The more support a person is given, the more likely he is to become more than a pebble-instead, a boulder, which in turn creates a much larger wave."


With equal passion, crime survivor, Aileen Ford, also speaks about the power of being involved in IPP's transformative trauma-healing programs: "I continue moving forward with my own healing - to effectively give voice where it counts - to those individuals who have harmed (others). I have the opportunity to be a critical piece in the personal redemption of human beings seeking to evolve through IPP's transformative learning. I have no words to describe knowing that I have changed lives, brought light, relieved pain on both sides of the prison walls. A soul cannot be incarcerated, only a troubled mind in an all too often brutalized body. I participate because I believe in redemption, that light banishes darkness, and that freedom is an inside job. I participate because IPP is a bridge to accomplish exactly this. I participate because, quite simply, I must."


Please help us turn a pebble into a boulder, bring light into the darkness and build our capacity to reach more prisoners, crime survivors and community members in the process of expanding justice and trauma-healing for all by making a donation to support our transformative work.


With deepest thanks,

Ellen Barry Signature
Ellen M. Barry
Executive Director
2013 Accomplishments
Your donation will help us transform the lives of those impacted by incarceration through programs designed to develop behavior inspired by insight, accountability and compassion.

Please consider donating online by clicking here or by sending a check made payable to the Insight Prison Project to:


Insight Prison Project

PO Box 151642

San Rafael, CA 94915


Robert, one of IPP's participants inside San Quentin states,

"Your contribution indicates that you believe the men inside prison are redeemable - and we are!!  They say that doing time is easy. But doing the work of IPP is hard - in a good way. When one discovers what went wrong in one's life and takes accountability for ones transgressions; I call that justice! How do we as a society want these men to return?  For my community I pray that they have a chance to participate in programs like IPP's to be exposed to new possibilities in life."

Having you as a partner in this work enables Robert, and the many men like him, to re-enter society as a contributing member. The demand only grows and your support helps us to respond. 

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Help IPP transform the lives of those impacted by incarceration today.

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or send a check to:

Insight Prison Project
PO Box 151642
San Rafael, CA 94915
On behalf of the men, women and youth we serve, and the communities that are positively effected as a result, we thank you.

yoga class - common ground article
Robert 'Red' Frye

Tony and Willie
Yoga - Gino
Two men
VOEG image
planting seeds

PO BOX  151642
San Rafael, CA 94915
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Our Mission: Insight Prison Project transforms the lives of those impacted by incarceration through programs designed to develop behavior inspired by insight, accountability and compassion.


Our Vision: Insight Prison Project envisions a vibrant and just society that inspires individual transformation beyond the walls of both personal and institutional incarceration.



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