Loving Homesnap? So Are Thousands of Potential Buyers!
Reach Them by Opting IN to Homesnap's Public App
We hope you've joined the over 7,500 MLS PIN customers actively using Homesnap Pro, the app that helps you search for homes, view agent profiles, determine property lines, set safety timers during showings, and more. Those of you who are already using the app have probably discovered the benefits of sharing your custom link with buyers to download the consumer-only version, which embeds your name and contact information and emails market updates with your branding to your clients. But has your Broker taken the extra step of opting your listings IN for the version of Homesnap available to the general public? Homesnap has taken the real estate search app industry by storm, having been voted "Most Addictive Real Estate App" by HGTV Magazine and "App of the Month" by Real Simple. Homesnap is a great mobile tool for agents and consumers alike, so if you want potential buyers to view your listings on the public version of Homesnap, Brokers only need to go to "3rd Party Data Transfers" in Pinergy's Tools tab to complete the one-time-only process. And try the agent version, Homesnap Pro, yourself (for more information or to register, click HERE) and see what all the buzz is about!
Quick Links
Pinergy's Map Search
Gets a Major New Feature
Click on Individual Properties for Public Records and More!

The ability to view public records and historical MLS data on Pinergy's Map Search is now live. The magic happens in the small box on the lower left corner of Map Search's map: zoom in enough, and you'll be able to click any property's boundary (even off-market properties). Now check "Parcel" next to "Parcel Options" - a box pops up with all the important information on that property from Public Records, with a link to the full record. Clicking "Boundary" shows the perimeter measurements of the property, and "Parcel Area" labels the property's total perimeter and area square footage. "Property History" gives you a complete list of all of the property's previous MLS listing data, going all the way back to 1993 (in most areas). The same box allows you to see state, county, and zip code boundaries. Try it out, and see how easy it is to get the whole picture of your client's prospective home and neighborhood.
New: Clone Photos with Cloned Listings
New Pinergy Feature Saves Time and Effort

Pinergy has just put the finishing touches on a much-requested feature: the ability to clone all of a listings photos with a single button. When cloning a listing, enter an expiration date (required) and make any other updates. Then click the new "Save and Clone Photos" button at the top of the page. The button only works if the user cloning the listing is the Listing Agent, a Personal Assistant to the Listing Agent, or a Team Member associated with the listing. The feature just went live in Pinergy's "Listings" tab, so when you need to re-list a cancelled or expired listing or re-use external shots of condos in the same complex, your photos can come along for the ride!
Listing Cover Sheets?
We've Got You Covered!
New Option Dresses Up Your Buyers' Listing Reports

Pinergy's about to add some life to your buyers' reports with new Cover Sheets, available on all listings starting in the near future. You'll see a new dropdown directly above the Pinergy listings pulled from your property searches: the default ("Cover Sheet") will show no cover sheet, but you'll have the option to choose from 6 custom-designed cover sheets that will appear on screen and when you print or create a PDF of the listing for your clients. The cover sheets all showcase your agent photo (if uploaded under Options and Settings) and contact information, and one or more property photos, as well as list price, address, and in some cases, remarks. Pinergy remembers which cover sheet you used last, and it becomes the default for future listing views until you change it again. We hope this new feature will soon add a personal touch to the listing reports you hand or send your clients. MLS PIN has got you covered!
One Small Button Could Soon
Save You a Lot of Time
New "Back to Results" Button Speeds Your Pinergy Searches

We're about to release a small but important change in the listing reports page (the one you arrive at from the standard "Search" page). In the upper left corner, next to the "Report Type" dropdown, we're adding a "Back to Results" button that will take you directly back to your search results. This fixes a quirk in Pinergy where users who were viewing and comparing multiple properties would find themselves having to hit their browser's back button multiple times just to view the original search results list. The new button will get you back in one click, no matter how many listings you've viewed recently. The new "Back to Results" button will also appear in other areas of Pinergy where lists occur, such as Map Search and CMAs. We hope this new button will help streamline your Pinergy experience and allow you to give your buyers even better customer service.
Supra Lockbox Specials - Just in Time
for Spring

As you prepare for the Spring market, we've secured a few special deals on Supra electronic lockboxes. If you still go on unaccompanied showings using mechanical lockboxes, switching to electronic boxes offers increased safety and accountability. You'll know who gains access to the property, receive alerts for showings, and be able to create listing activity reports that track showings. Listing Agents and sellers also get the peace of mind knowing that only active real estate agents with a key assigned to their name can gain access to the property; should a problem arise, you'll know who was there, and when. On April 1st (we promise this isn't a prank), MLS PIN will be offering you the chance to gear up for less, and bring your showings into the mobile technology age. Watch for emails coming directly from Supra as well as the Pinergy homepage for more details on the Spring Supra Specials coming soon!
MLS PIN Tops National "Down Payment Resource" Usage

MLS PIN customers know a good thing when they see it - they've recently made MLS PIN one of the top markets in the country for Down Payment Resource clicks! Adding to that impressive statistic, our public site, MLS PIN Homes, is ranked at the top in the country for converting consumers to DPR down payment assistance programs. We're not surprised, though: DPR has changed the game for real estate professionals looking for millennials and other first-time buyers who need help getting over the financial hurdles of owning a home. With over 2,400 programs available, DPR is an excellent source for finding down payments, grants, tax credits, rehab funds, 0% interest and deferred payments, closing cost assistance, and much more - help your clients may not even know exists. Remember to look for the green DPR logo on Pinergy listings, VOW pages, IDX and MLS PIN Homes listings, and be sure to download the customizable FLYERS to get the word out to anyone thinking that renting is their only option.
Something Suspicious in Pinergy? Report it!
Our Quality Assurance Team Will Take Care of It Immediately

If you've ever looked at a listing in Pinergy and had a suspicion that something with the listing may violate the MLS PIN Rules & Regulations, you may not realize that reporting an alleged violation is as easy as clicking the "Report Violation" button located at the top of the detailed listing page. Clicking this button will allow you to enter a brief description of your concerns. You'll even have the option of keeping your complaint anonymous. If you do choose to identify yourself, your identity is used only to report back to you our findings. We never share the name of who filed the complaint. So, the next time you see something you think is or may be a violation on a listing, hit the "Report Violation" button and our Quality Assurance team will get on it right away.
Power Tip
Enhanced Keyword Option in Map Search Helps Pinpoint Client Options

For years, Pinergy's Search has allowed you to check the Public Remarks field for any or all of your specified keywords. Pinergy's new Map Search takes keyword searching to the next level: now you may exclude any or all of your specified keywords. Not only that, but you may include any or all of one set of keywords while excluding any or all of another set of keywords! For example, you could include the keyword "motivate" while excluding the keywords "fixer, needs work, work needed, needs rehab, rehab needed" and so on. This combination of keywords can help find listings for properties with motivated sellers - excluding any listings that indicate the properties are fixer-uppers. So scroll to the bottom of the Basic criteria in Map Search to take advantage of these new Keywords tools, and be sure to save your Map Search so you won't have to type all those keywords the next time you want to perform a similar search!
Employee Spotlight
Dan Leone, a Talent for Product Management

Dan Leone has been with MLS PIN for over a decade, half of that time as Product Manager for Pinergy. If you have a favorite feature in Pinergy, one that you can't live without, chances are Dan provided a good deal of input; his job includes creating the blueprint for new features, like an upcoming new market review report and managing software testing before anything is released to our customers. Dan started out at MLS PIN in Software Quality Assurance; before that, he was Production Manager at Quest Technologies and a Broker for a distributor of electronic components. His favorite reason for coming to work each day is the "amazing group of people" on his team, and his favorite projects are the ones that give agents information about their listings, like public views and social media presence, that they can use to demonstrate their value to the consumer and to help with pricing strategies. In his spare time, he reads up on science and technology trends and spends time with his rescued greyhound dog. He also bakes amazingly authentic Italian cookies to share with the office. Grazie mille, Dan, on your commitment to Pinergy and the real estate industry!