News from the Farm
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Hi Folks,

     A real "Weather Breeder" today, if ever I saw one. But no problem; when you pick up your Share tomorrow it will be a nice green Spring day in the greenhouses. The days are getting longer quickly now, the nights are shorter and the stronger sun really warms the greenhouses during the day. I think you will notice right away just how much faster things are growing now. And we have had several nice sap runs; my son Justin has been making a lot of nice sweet Maple Syrup with his two sons.
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This Week's Share

This week's Share will likely include; Bok Choy, Apples, Green Onions, Leeks, Kohlrabi, Turnips, Winter Radishes, Daikons, Garlic Greens and a nice bag of Spring Greens. Next week will start a nice big harvest of Spring Spinach and the first Baby Greens that Christine and I planted back on December 29th. These crops look great.

Operating Funds Needed

It is now time to sign up for the Early Spring Shares. $390 Full Share, $295 Smaller Share. Bring a check to the Farm tomorrow or sign up now using PayPal. This Share is a great way to kick off Spring and will include cut-your-own Daffodils as well as all those great Greens and things. These crops are already being planted.



It is also time to sign up for the Berry Share that we talked about two weeks ago. If you like Strawberries all season long, Summer Blueberries and Summer and Fall Raspberries, then this is a Share for you. And I think it will prove to be a great value as well. Starts in June and ends late October. $320 one size Share only. Bring a check tomorrow or sign up now using PayPal.



It is time to sign up for the one month Gap Share which will cover the time between the end of the Mid Winter Share and the start of the Early Spring Share. $95 one size Share only Bring a check to the Farm or sign up now using PayPal.



And finally, it is not too soon to think about signing up for the Summer Shares as well. The Heirloom Tomato Seedlings are already growing in #4 Greenhouse. Full Summer Vegetable Share $695, Smaller Summer Vegetable Share $545; Full Tree Fruit Share $385, Smaller Tree Fruit Share $285. Don't miss out on all those great Summer Peaches, Nectarines, and Fall Apples and Pears. Again, bring a check to the Farm or sign up now using PayPal. Thanks.


Bok Choi in greenhouse
What We Planted This Week

White, Red, Yellow and Striped Beets, several Heirloom Lettuces for the Early Spring Share, and seven cultivars of Heirloom Tomatoes for the Summer Vegetable Share. We also seeded a number of Baby Greens for Braising and Salads for the Gap Share. The Farm is starting to get busy.

Now, if you are not a Member of the Mid Winter Share, and you wish to stop by the Farm Saturday to sign up for an up-coming Share, we would love to see you. And we will set you up with a week's worth of fresh Vegetables and some great Eggs to take home at no charge.


Also, if you wish to sign up for a Share and would like to set up a payment plan, please just ask and we will set up something that works for both of us. No problem. But we do need to know right away just how many Members we will be planting for. Thank you.

  Winter Roto-tilling after the snow

Not much time to write this week. Next week I will try to re-cap the great conversations I have had with Members regarding how to grow our corn this year. And I will discuss the Farm Bill with you. And remember, you are always welcome to stop by the Farm for a visit on Winter Saturdays from 11 until 3. Hope you'll stop by; and bring the Young Folks!



Dick Chase


Oh, and a Post Script:


I hate post scripts and always try to avoid them. But, I just came back in from a greenhouse irrigation check and found four seed shipments have arrived---among them one hundred pounds Spring Peas, representing ten varieties. I don't care what the weekend weather brings, with all those seeds arriving, can Spring be far behind?



A great recipe for you to try from Member Volunteer Christine -  

Kohlrabi Ham Bake. You'll need a Pork Share and some nice fresh eggs to make this one up.