Somewhere, I remember reading something, once, that made reference to this month as "Febru-weary". And sometimes on gray or snowy days, as the month wears on, that may well seem true. But I'm here to say that Tuesday the sap started running, marking the start of Maple Season. It may have been an inauspicious start, as it was quickly brought to a halt by the increasing cloud cover. But it was a sap run none-the-less. And that signals the trees' reawakening from winter dormancy. And that, my dear friends and readers, signals us that Spring is on the way. Remember back in early December when Robert Frost told us that "All the precedent is on my side."? Turns out he was right. And as I looked into the sky late last night, sure enough, there was The Pleiades - The Seven Sisters - looking back at me. Maple Season.
But what I really want to talk with you about today is something new and, at least for me as I get to do the growing, fun and exciting. A Summer Berry Share! Actually it will likely be a three season Share, as it will start in late Spring with Strawberries, then progress into Summer with the start of Blueberries, and then pick up a new crop of primo-cane Raspberries and Blackberries in August. And all of this over-lain with a continuing harvest of day-neutral Strawberries right through October. In fact, in August and early September I foresee all three---Strawberries, Raspberries and Blueberries being harvested together. And then the Fall Raspberries, Blackberries and Strawberries will continue right up until hard freeze late in October. At least twenty weeks of berries, and maybe more.
We will accomplish all this by starting off picking June-bearing Strawberries in #1 Greenhouse---four different cultivars; AC Wendy, Earliglow, Jewel and AC Valley Sunset. Next will come Blueberries from our container grown plants, and next a new type of Strawberry---day neutral cultivars---that harvest all Summer and Fall the first year they are planted. These cultivars will include Seascape and San Andreas, both developed at UC Davis, and Evie 2 developed at the East Malling Ag Station in Kent, UK. And we will also be planting primo-cane fruiting Raspberries and Blackberries that will have a modest crop in late Summer into Fall, the first year of planting. There may well be some Pick-Your-Own extras opportunities along the way as well. I will be ordering all of these transplants this week---a sizable investment.
So this Share is really going to be---forgive me---The Berries! This first year crops are apt to be on the light side, so, wanting to ensure plentiful Berries, I am going to set a limit of just fifteen shares. If you would like to participate, please don't waste any time in getting signed up. Cost for this twenty-plus week Share is $320 payable at time of sign-up. Sorry, no Smaller Shares available this first year, this is going to be a great Share!
I'll try to talk with you again later in the week. But, Maple Season and plenty of new berries in the works--- I'd say it's already a pretty good week!