January 25,  2013
Winter Greetings from Arrowhead!
CSA at Arrowhead Logo

Hi Folks,


     Quite a Sundog in the west this late afternoon----Usually means snow. I wish we had received that snow they promised us back the first of the week. Without any snow cover this cold has driven frost down almost a foot deep into the ground. That will likely make for a bit of Mud Season when things thaw out later on. The only thing that might prevent this is if we were to have several weeks of snow cover and allow the ground to thaw out from underneath. We'll have to wait and see. But February is Snow Month after all. And the thought just occurred to me---I made need to explain what Mud Season is for some of you folks who have always lived on pavement. I'll see what I can come up with later.


     The Beef and Pork Shares will be ready to pick up on February 9th---a week later than originally thought. Carl says a bit more smoking time is needed for our hams and bacon. But we do have some Red Ranger Roasting Chickens ready to pick up this weekend. They run four to six pounds and are $6.75 per pound and they are delicious---just like the ones my Grandfather Charlie Moulton used to raise more than a half century ago. There are still a few Hereford Beef and Yorkshire Pork Shares available to order as well. Just send me an e-mail. And it's still not to late to join us in the Mid Winter Share as well.


     A couple of new things this week, we will be adding Chinese Cabbage to the Share---a real treat in late January---and we'll help you cut your own. And each flock of laying hens has a few Rhode Island Red Roosters for the Young Folks to check out. We're getting ready to produce some fertile hatching eggs this Spring. These young Cockerels are beautiful birds to. So, stop by the Farm Saturday and check things out. Even if you are not a Member yet you'll go home with a few good things to eat just for stopping by.


     OK---don't forget to save the date, next Saturday February 2nd, Groundhog Day. Pot luck Lunch in #3 Greenhouse. We'll take the opportunity to discuss what you might like to see your CSA grow this year. Open to all Members---past, current and future. More later---but save the date


     Short letter this week. Next time I'd like to tell you about my Christmas Tree. And this coming month we'll be talking about The Farm Bill, How we might like to grow our Sweet Corn this year as well as a bit of a deeper look into GMOs. Lot's to share---too little time. Oh, just FYI, today, January 25th is statistically the coldest day of the year. Spring is coming---try not to let the Winter get you down.



Dick Chase