CSA at Arrowhead Logo
December 7, 2012
Pearl Harbor Day


Just a couple of reminders below about the Apple Pie Contest and Great 2012 Harvest Celebration, next Saturday, the 15th during regular pick-up hours from 11 until three. You may pick up all the apples you need at the Farm tomorrow or Monday this week and bring your creations to the Farm by 11am on the 15th. We will be cutting and selling slices for five dollars-two dollars Young Folks, to raise money for the CSA Sponsor A Share Fund. It will be a fun event so please confirm if you can participate. All are welcome, so please tell your friends and neighbors as well. Thank you.


Re-run from November 30th- 

SAVE THIS DATE! Saturday, December 15th. Arrowhead will celebrate what has been a Great Harvest this year. Apple Pie (or any Apple Desert) Contest, Pie by the slice, Apple Crisp, Mulled Apple Cider, a chance to socialize with other Members and an opportunity to raise some badly needed funds for the CSA Sponsor A Share Fund. Long time Member, Katerina, has suggested this remembering what a good time was had by all last year. Thank you Katerina. During regular Share pick up hours. All will be welcome, so tell your neighbors and friends.  


Also re-running below the Community Supported Seed opportunity with High Mowing Organic Seeds in Vermont. We would like as much participation in this as possible so please sign up early for next year if you possibly can---and save yourself and your CSA 5% each. Thanks.

Seed Packets
A Discount Proposal

The CSS offer (see email below) from High Mowing Organic Seeds, is simply too good for your CSA to ignore. High Mowing is one of our two favorite Seed Farm/Seed Companies, and we purchase many of your favorite varieties from them. And this CSS offer is quite innovative. Located in Wolcott, Vermont, High Mowing represents the very heart of the fledgling movement toward appropriate Agriculture. Your CSA purchases many thousands of dollar's worth of Organic Seed.
So here is my proposal: You provide the front money and Arrowhead will split the savings with you. Sign up and pay for any, or all, of the 2013 CSA Shares by December 17th and you may deduct five percent of the total. And you will be supporting two small farms, at the same time, that are doing things right. We will accept up to eight thousand dollars at this discount, and will turn right around and purchase CSS Seed Shares for the coming season. At this discount price we ask that you pay by check or cash, as involving the Big Banks will take out most of the savings for all of us. If you have any questions, please send me an email and Paula or I will be happy to help out. Thank you.
One of the things that stands out at High Mowing is this: Almost all of the multi-national seed producing corporations are completely Male dominated. At High Mowing there are plenty of Females at every level, including their new Head Plant Breeder. This is all but unheard of in the Seed Industry.
Please see below for the CSS details. And please visit their wonderful website------makes for some great browsing on a dreary late Fall day.

----- Original Message -----
From: High Mowing Organic Seeds
To: dickchase@arrowheadfamilyfarm.com
Sent: Monday, November 26, 2012 3:50 PM
Subject: Community Supported Seed Share Program

Save 10% on Your 2013 Organic Seed Order!

Join our Community Supported Seed Program Today!

The CSA model used by many small, diversified farms has revolutionized the relationship of consumers to their food sources, replacing the anonymity of industrial agricultural with a direct connection between eaters and farmers.  

Here at High Mowing Organic Seeds, we strive to build a community of growers by fostering a direct connection with our customers.  This commitment led us to our Community Supported Seed (CSS) program, where our customers - our community - could purchase Seed Credits to be redeemed the following season.  

Like farmers, High Mowing Organic Seeds is also running a seasonal business. Our expenses are high this time of year, but our peak income season isn't for another few months.

We would much rather give the interest that borrowing money costs us to you - our customers who have helped us grow.

By joining our CSS, you put your seed dollars towards supporting a family-owned company committed to offering high-quality organic seeds and you receive 10% off your order. This offers growers the obvious benefit of the discounted seed, but also offers the opportunity to realize your 2013 seed expense in 2012, a possible tax benefit.

For example, if you purchase $100 worth of seed credits, you will pay only $90. You can get seed credits in any denomination and you can place your order by phone or on the web. These seed credits can be redeemed anytime between January 15th and December 31st 2013.

To learn more, please check our out Community Supported Seed Share program on our website. Shares are available for purchase until midnight, Dec. 21, 2012. (Note that this is an earlier deadline than in previous years.)

Take me to the Community Supported Seed Program webpage!

High Mowing Organic Seeds is an independent, family-owned business dedicated to supporting sustainable agriculture by providing organic growers with the highest quality certified organic seed.  
High Mowing Organic Seeds - 76 Quarry Rd., Wolcott, VT 05680 - 802-472-6174   www.highmowingseeds.com

Salem Farmers' Market Logo
at the Lake Street Garden Center

We will be at the Salem Winter Farmers Market again this Sunday with plenty of fresh Greens, Carrots, freshly pulled Garlics with the tops still on and plenty of those wonderful Watermelon Radish as well as our fresh Eggs from our organically fed Rhode Island Red Hens. Please stop by for a visit And, by the way, all you folks from the Salem Market are invited to the Apple Pie Contest/Harvest Celebration mentioned above. If you wish to enter the contest you are welcome to pick up extra Apples at The Salem Market this Sunday, at no charge. Please just send me an email. And tell your friends and Neighbors as well. Thank you.


PLEASE NOTE---Arrowhead will not be participating in the Newburyport Winter Farmers' Market this Year. We would, however, love to have you visit us at the Farm. Please just send me an email and I will set you up with a complimentary Trial Share at no charge. Please try to take advantage of this offer---we'd really love to see you at the Farm. And don't forget to bring the Young Folks!


Apples for CSA Members CSA at Arrowhead

In the Share this week: Kale, Turnips, Carrots, Watermelon Radish, White Winter Radish, Fresh Garlic, Leeks and Big Chief Squash. And pick your own Roots and Greens.


Once again Eggs will be offered at buy a dozen---get a dozen free. Why not share some with a friend?


And it's high time to sign up for the Mid Winter Share if you intend to do so. This will be a fun Share and payment plans are available. And remember, save five percent if you pay by the 17th.



For the first week of the month, at least, my prognostication of a warm December is right on track. Thanks, as always, for reading along. And please spread the word about our Celebration on the 15th.



Dick Chase


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