CSA at Arrowhead
Hi Folks! 

There will be a Newsletter coming along later this week. But first I am sharing this email from Christine, who just happens to be the winner of our Seed Box Contest from late this Summer. She is now enjoying a Full Late Season Share as the prize.
Below is a promo and trailer for tonight's screening of "Farmageddon", another Food documentary which I am familiar with. I know this is short notice but the film is well worth a view. And the price is right.
The sponsor is New Entry Sustainable Farming, a division of Tufts School of Nutrition. And I'm here to say that New Entry is a darn good outfit. I will try to talk about them with you a bit, in a future Newsletter. But for right now, try to get yourself up to Lowell tonight and check out "Farmageddon". Car pool anyone? Send me your emails and I'll see if I can put a few of you together.
Thanks for passing this along, Christine.
Click on the milk bottle to RSVP!