November 23,  2012
Bok Choi in greenhouse
The CSA at Arrowhead
CSA at Arrowhead Logo Mid-Winter Share

Now is the time to sign up for the Mid Winter Share. This is a fun Share. The pick up area will be in a warm, sunny Greenhouse---a real preview of Spring in the doldrums of Winter.Take a deep breath of the warm moist air. Take in the fragrance of fresh Herbs and warm Spring Earth. You may cut your own Greens and Herbs; or have a Volunteer help you. We have five Solar Greenhouses and one heated Greenhouse planted with sixty three different greens for you to try this Winter. Plenty of great Root Crops and Apples from the Barn Storage Room.
Some of the Member favorite crops include; Baby Swiss Chard---eight new kinds to try, plenty of Leeks and Sweet Onions, Fresh Spring Kales, Daikon and Winter Radish, Green Mountain Potatoes, Green Garlic and Shallots, six kinds of Baby Lettuce, Carrots, Lots of Spinach---and Marty's favorite Red Cardinal Spinach, Kohlrabi, Rutabagas, Chinese Cabbage and plenty of Asian Greens. Over eighty varieties all told---an incredible assortment this year.
 Sit for a bit and have some Cider or a cup of Tea. Like I said, this is a fun Share. Starts January 5th and runs every Saturday until Spring. Full Share $390, Smaller Share $305. Pay at the CSA Barn or send me an email And we can set up a payment plan if you would like. BUT WE NEED YOU TO SIGN UP NOW! And thank you.

This Week's Share

This week's Share will include Mixed Greens, Scarlet, White and Purple Turnips, Watermelon Radish, Leeks, Fresh Green Garlic, lots of different Apples, Kale, White Winter Radish, Daikon, Carrots, Cut-your-own Baby Lettuce and cut-your-own Baby Spinach. 

Oh. Plenty of Fresh available for purchase.