Notes From The Farm
Hi Folks, 

My son Justin loves the Mountains, just as my mother Charlotte did and as do I. There is always perspective to be gained in the Mountains if we just take time to seek it. One of the things that I shared with my mother, shortly before she died, was the thing she taught me that has had the most value in my life; when troubled with indecision or caught up in too many details, I get myself to the Mountains, where I always find clarity. She taught me nothing greater than that.
We who live North of Boston are blessed in that we are only a two hour ride from the White Mountains. Take a day, make some sandwiches, fill a thermos with coffee and head north---up route 93 maybe---until you are in the Mountains. Get off the highway onto a side road and drive up hill. Find a spot with a view and pull over. Shut off the engine and get out. Stand there. Breath the fresh air. Listen to the quiet. Find a log or rock to sit and have your sandwich and coffee. Listen to the quiet, breathe the fresh air. And I tell you your mind will clear and your shoulders will relax. It's less than a tank away. Do it. Take along someone special if you like. But do it.


Come Visit the Farm


Brussels Sprouts Tug-O-War! As I said last week, the Sunday before last was Arrowhead's last day at The Newburyport Farmers' Market. I invited Folks to visit the Farm last Saturday and get a trial Share of Fruit and Vegetables. And what a super-fun day we had. A lot of Folks showed up, picked out their Share, the Young Folks fed the Pigs and the Hens, they dug their own Potatoes with Gus, and they had a great time. We met some nice new faces, signed up five new CSA Member Families and I really enjoyed the day. This is what I want to do; get Folks out to the Farm and be a part of what a Farm does. Check out the Little Girls with the Brussels Sprouts in the photo.

So, again this week, I invite anyone and everyone to come to the Farm and pick out a weeks worth of Fruits, Vegetables & Herbs on us---and with our thanks. If you come between 11 and 2 Gus will be on hand to help you dig your own potatoes. And you'll have as much fun as Gus does. And Children just love to dig Potatoes and feed Pigs. One of the CSA Volunteers will help with your Share and show you around the Farm a bit. And I'll be happy to walk you through the Winter Vegetable Greenhouses and show you our new Laying Hens. Apple Cider will be available to sample as well. So please, stop by Arrowhead for a visit on Saturday. And bring the Family. Thank you.
Share Sign Up Time


CSA at Arrowhead Logo Now is the time to sign up for the Mid Winter Share. This is a fun Share. The pick up area will be in a warm, sunny Greenhouse---a real preview of Spring in the doldrums of Winter. Smell the fragrance of fresh Herbs and warm Spring Earth. You may cut your own Greens and Herbs; or have a Volunteer help you. Plenty of great Root Crops and Apples from the Barn Storage Room. Sit for a bit and have some Cider or a cup of Tea. Like I said, this is a fun Share. Starts January 5th and runs every Saturday until Spring. Full Share $390, Smaller Share $305. Pay at the CSA Barn or send me an email.
Now is the time to sign up for the Pork Share. The Yorkshire Hogs will be headed to the Butcher soon. The best cuts of Pork, Ham, Bacon, Sausage and Canadian Bacon you ever ate. The Pigs are fully grown now and we are starting to put some weight on them. All Summer they have had a diet of grain, fruit and vegetable waste and John has been feeding them large green weeds every day as well. Now we will finish them with grain corn from Frank Matheson's Farm in Littleton. No feed additives, hormones or anti-biotics what-so-ever. But NOW is the time to reserve your Share, $180 at the Farm or send me an email.
So, the main take-away from this Newsletter is to get out to the Farm and get some great Vegetables, Apples and Potatoes.
That's my son Justin in the banner photo. He sent that with the subject line saying "A Perfect Day". He also sent along this week's Frost Poem. Thank you Justin for sharing.
Remember from "The Sound of Music"? Remember the Psalm (121-1)? "I will lift up my eyes unto the Hills, from whence cometh my strength" My Mother was right. Get yourself up into the Mountains. Do it.
See you at the Farm Saturday.
Dick Chase
CSA at Arrowhead

The new 2013 Membership Application Brochures are back from the Printer. Please ask for yours!
This Week's Share
CSA at Arrowhead Logo
Leeks, Winter Squash, Turnips, Roasting Radish, Daikon, Watermelon Radish, Carrots, Plenty of Greens, Tomatoes, Peppers, Lettuce, Green Garlic and plenty of different Apples.
For Purchase This Week
Peach Blossom Honey, Frank Carlson's Special Blend Cider from his Orchards in Harvard,MA and plenty of Fresh Eggs. 
Bring Your Leaves!
Bring in your bagged leaves to go in our Hen/Tomato Houses. See last week's Newsletter for details, but we need your leaves. We are also getting truck-loads of leaves from Newburyport and Amesbury City Pick-up this year to spread on the fields before Spring Tillage;  which will be here before we know it! 
Speaking of Hens
The Farm has 500 new Red Laying Hens this week, with another 250 of these Red Pullets on the way next Month. So the long dearth of eggs is over. Be sure to pick up yours while you are at the Farm.
Deviled Eggs for the Holiday, anyone? 
Simple Deviled Eggs
1 dozen eggs, hard-cooked

2 teaspoons dijon mustard

1/3 cup mayonnaise

1 Tbsp minced shallot

1/4 teaspoon tabasco

Salt and pepper


Ask at the CSA barn for free shallots for your eggs! 

OUT through the fields and the woods    
  And over the walls I have wended;    
I have climbed the hills of view    
  And looked at the world, and descended;    
I have come by the highway home,
  And lo, it is ended.    
The leaves are all dead on the ground,    

  Save those that the oak is keeping    
To ravel them one by one    
  And let them go scraping and creeping
Out over the crusted snow,    
  When others are sleeping.    
And the dead leaves lie huddled and still,    

  No longer blown hither and thither;    
The last lone aster is gone;
  The flowers of the witch-hazel wither;    
The heart is still aching to seek,    
  But the feet question 'Whither?'    
Ah, when to the heart of man    
  Was it ever less than a treason
To go with the drift of things,    
  To yield with a grace to reason,    
And bow and accept the end    
  Of a love or a season?
~Robert Frost