Hi Folks,
As you can see in the photo above, "The frost is on the peppers!" We have come to the end of the "Growing Season", having suffered a killing freeze lasting six hours----from 1:30 am until 7:30 am-----last Friday, with a low of 26F. This is about the average date for the first Fall frost over the past three decades. "Growing Season" refers to that period between the last Spring frost and the first Fall frost when annual plants can grow and, hopefully, mature. This year's Growing Season was 195 days---unusually long for our area----having the last Spring frost early, on April 9th.
We harvested some extra Tomatoes and Peppers before the frost for this week's Share, but most of our annual crops were already done for the season. So this year the first Freeze was no big deal. We have PLENTY of cold hardy Fall and Winter crops yet to come, our Greenhouse crops are going strong, we have finally managed to fill the Apple storage room in the Barn and our Fall Squashes are safe and sound inside #8 Greenhouse. So, as I said, PLENTY of good things to eat coming right up. In fact, the Late Season Share is always our highest rated Share by CSA Members---last year receiving a 10.6 rating on a scale of ten! Better get signed up if you have not done so yet. The Late Season Share starts in just two weeks. Just send an e-mail.
Fall Squash
Are not keeping as well as I had expected this year. They lost their foliage before they were completely mature and I think this is likely the cause. This early senescence often occurs without the use of protective fungicides. But, at Arrowhead, we simply don't use pesticides---period. So here is what we need to do. The Honey Nut and Delicata are the worst affected so we will be using these varieties first. You may well receive more than you can use each week so I suggest you cook up the extras and freeze them. The New England Sugar Pie Pumpkins will also be distributed this week. I suggest you use markers for decorating them instead of carving, and then you can cook them up for pies. The Honey Bear Squash as well as the large Butternuts are keeping well so far, and we will be using them last----hopefully for the Holidays. We'll see.
On the Email Trail.......
ON THE E-MAIL TRAIL............ The following correspondence is with CSA Charter Member Kathleen last week:
----- Original Message ----- From: Kathleen To: Dick Chase Sent: Saturday, October 13, 2012 8:54 PM Subject: Re: Late Share Pick up time on Fridays??
Hi Dick, Thanks so much for this great explanation!! This is what I love about being a member of Arrowhead Farms CSA. I never would have known any of this ~ you continuously expand our knowledge base, consciousness and awareness of the word of farming and our food sources. You're the best, Kathleen ----- Original Message ----- From: Dick Chase To: Kathleen Sent: Saturday, October 13, 2012 8:41 AM Subject: Re: Late Share Pick up time on Fridays??
Good Evening Kathleen, I neglected to answer your post script. This season the freeze is a welcome event. The Summer Crops are about done any way, so they are no major loss---as might be a different case another season. All we will likely lose is a few peppers and some Mountain Magic and plum Tomatoes. And the Flower Shares will most probably be done for the season. But the great advantage to this Freeze is the late weeds. Our plantings of August 28th have become crowded with Sugarweed (Galinsoga sp.) and I was afraid we would need to spend a couple of hundred hours weeding them. The extra-ordinarily warm month of September is responsible for this growth of these annual weeds.This planting includes all of our Fall and Winter Root Crops---Radishes, Turnips, Daikon, Watermelon Radish, etc. Also includes all of our Late Season Greens, and the weeds are getting out of control in these crops----Spinach, Mesclun, Arugula, Tatsoi, Dill, Mizuna, Pak Choi, Mustards and the like. So, I am hoping for a good hard Freeze tonight that will kill all of the Galinsoga weeds and release our frost-hardy Fall Crops to continue their rapid growth, without the hand weeding. I will bring in my deck and patio plants, though. They are beautiful right now, and I don't expect any more frost for several weeks. I have also covered a late blooming Sunflower that I am hoping to save seed from. Thank you for asking! Cheers, Dick Chase ----- Original Message ----- From: Kathleen To: Dick Chase Sent: Friday, October 12, 2012 7:02 PM Subject: Re: Late Share Pick up time on Fridays??
Thanks Dick!!! (no more Sundays??) PS: is this "first hard frost" good for the farm?? ----- Original Message ----- From: Dick Chase To: Kathleen Sent: Friday, October 12, 2012 5:48 PM Subject: Re: Late Share Pick up time on Fridays??
Hi Kathleen, Pick up times Saturdays 11 to 3, Mondays 9 to Noon ----- Original Message ----- From:Kathleen To: Info at Arrowhead Sent: Friday, October 12, 2012 3:53 PM Subject: Late Share Pick up time on Fridays??
Hi Dick, I got home from work early today, and just visited your website, to see if the CSA had any Friday afternoon pick-up times?? I scoured the website, and couldn't find a pick-up time anywhere :) Can you please let me know if there is a Friday pick-up with the Late share??
And A Reminder.......
From Niki, our Market Manager at the Cape Ann Farmers' Market
2012 Thanksgiving Cape Ann Market
In the Share this Week
Sweet Bell Peppers, two different Adriatic Peppers---- Oranos and Xanthi, Tomatoes, Sugar Pie Pumpkins, Delicata and Honey Nut Squashes, Celery, Leeks, All Blue Potatoes, Brussels Sprout Crowns, Portuguese Cabbage, Fresh Dill and a nice assortment of Fall Greens from which to choose. Also a nice selection of Apples and plenty of fresh Herbs for the Cutting Garden Share. Also available for cutting are some lovely miniature red corn stalks for Fall decorating, just ask one of the Volunteers. Looking forward to seeing you at The Farm!
At the Newburyport Farmers' Market
Still a nice selection of those great Heirloom Tomatoes from Arrowhead's Solar Greenhouses, Plenty of bunched Fall Greens to choose from, Bagged Mixed Greens for salads, steaming or braising, Sweet Bell and Adriatic Peppers, Fresh Dill, Arugula, Honey Nut and Delicata Squashes, Shiitake Mushrooms and maybe the last of the raspberries and blackberries along with a nice selection of Apples. Hope to see you at The Market.
Some nice mid season Apples available at the Market and in the Share this week. Varieties include McIntosh, Cortland, Ginger Gold, Macoun, Gala and Northern Spy. Also Beurre Bosc Pears. Cider will be available at the Farm. We're coming into the good part of Apple Season!
And Those Red Ranger Chickens

Will be back from the Butcher this week. They will be available for pick up during regular CSA hours at the Farm; Saturdays 11 to 3, Sundays 3 to 5 and Mondays 9 to Noon. These will be the best birds you have ever eaten. If you haven't reserved yours yet, best send me an email right away. Bon Appetite!
What We Planted This Week
Steve and I planted six varieties of Lettuce in #4 Greenhouse for The Mid Winter Share. That's it for this week. But we have filled two thousand growing containers with compost, so a lot of transplants will be planted next week. I'll keep you up to date. And next letter I'll discuss how you can grow your own fresh greens this winter.
It's Mid October
Only twelve more days to sign up for The Late Season Share without having to pay a late sign-up charge.
I'm going to leave you with Frost's "OCTOBER". Sometime soon the morning he describes will be upon us. Send me an email when you think it has arrived and I'll save one of those Red Ranger Chickens for whoever comes the closest. Thanks, as always, for reading along.