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Practical Help To Hire Better, Quicker and Less Expensively




This article sparks the question: Do your "best practices" support  the most optimal hiring outcomes? Contemplating the best practices mentioned in this piece will help you arrive at a more informed answer. I invite you to email me at [email protected] and I will share some interesting survey results on this topic.


Practical Help To Hire Better, Quicker, Less Expensively


Today's economic landscape adds to the stress business owners and executives are facing. Do you feel pressured to reduce waste while continuing to run at peak efficiency? This objective often leads to eliminating positions that don't add sufficient value to the organization, and either eliminating or redeploying people in those roles. Organizations fortunate enough to be growing face pressure to hire better, quicker and less expensively.


Top 10 Selection Best Practices



1. Know how each job supports your organization's key objectives.

Consider both internal and external candidates for open positions.

Use objective evaluation criteria based on known outstanding  performers in that job.

4. Ensure that compensation is competitive based on current market rates for the job.

5. Apply a consistent selection process to all candidates.

6. Include key stakeholders in your employee selection process.

7. Train your interviewers in your employee selection process.

8. Give your interviewers guidance to help them probe deeper into a candidate's suitability.

9. Conduct comprehensive reference and background checks on job candidates.

10. Ensure that your orientation process helps redeployed people become productive faster.


When it comes to selection, hiring and re-organizations, the stakes are high and there is little room for error. Having a clear vision of the future, properly designed jobs, and a good selection process supported by good information on each candidate reduces false starts and mistakes. 

Appreciating today's rapidly changing business strategies and what it takes to become a market leader and great manager, JV Consulting strategically provides our clients with talent, performance and customer management solutions that are results-driven and spot-on accurate. Our solutions address: 
  • Selection and Hiring
  • On-boarding
  • Retention--focusing on improving employee engagement, loyalty and productivity
  • Leadership / staff development
  • Succession planning strategies focusing on top performance at all levels
  • Incumbent coaching
  • Team compatibility
Our predictive, job-related tools deliver significant results that will take your organization to the next level. Best in Class companies have recognized the important role predictive job-matching and development plays in building a high-octane workforce and gaining competititive advantage. 


To receive a complimentary consultation and learn more:


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(347) 613-6432