

The 10 Best Moments from Holiday Adopt-A-Family™ 2014


1. Watching this little guy help carry out his family's gifts on his brand new trike.




2. Lots of aspiring artists expressing themselves. 




3. No rain - or snow! - on distribution day.




4. Welcoming chilly families into our Thanksgiving Thrift Shop
and sending them home in warm coats and scarves.




5. Increasing the number of deliveries made to families unable to 

pick up their gifts thanks to teams of Santa's helpers from T-Mobile and Hitachi.




6. Not all of our sponsors are well-behaved but we love them anyway!




7. The latest Christmas colors - blue and green!




8. Families spending time to put the impact of Adopt-A-Family into words.




9. Sponsors embracing their role as holiday elves.




10. Recreating these moments year after year, thanks to our 

members, sponsors, donors and volunteers. 




Thank you for making the holidays special for over 500 children.


Your impact doesn't end here! Your continued involvement with Bellevue LifeSpring 

through financial support or volunteering will make a difference in 

the lives of the children most in need in Bellevue. 


Visit the www.BellevueLifeSpring.org to learn more.


  Donate Now


Happy Holidays and Happy New Year to you and your loved ones!

Our mission is to foster stability and self-sufficiency for Bellevue's children and their families 
through programs that feed, clothe and educate.
 425.451.1175 | info@BellevueLifeSpring.org | www.BellevueLifeSpring.org
P.O. Box 53203 | Bellevue, WA 98015