December 20, 2012 Copyright 2012
Bridal Shows, Inc. Newsletter by Naomi Hulme, CEM, Bridal Shows, Inc. |
Happy Holidays!! We hope everyone is enjoying the hustle and bustle of the season while also taking the time to slow down and relax with family. Here at Bridal Shows, Inc. we are gearing up for an exciting new year beginning with the Las Colinas Bridal Show on January 6, 2013 and the Dallas Bridal Show on January 26-27, 2013.
It's been a busy year full of lots of changes and new surprises and we look forward to growing even more in 2013! Remember, our goal is to help YOU build your business! Call today to find out how we can help you achieve further success in the new year.
Read all the way to the end of this newsletter and be treated with a hilarious holiday dance video by Naomi!
Bridal Shows, Inc.
Amazing Bridal Show Opportunities!!
In this digital age where relationships become more and more impersonal, obtaining face to face contact with prospective clients is important for any business. However in the wedding industry, where decisions are often made based on emotional connection, face to face contact is crucial. Imagine the opportunity to look thousands of brides in the eye as you shake their hand and share your vision with them. What could you achieve by speaking directly with thousands of grooms, mothers, friends, and family? Bridal Shows Inc. gives you that opportunity and makes those dreams a reality!
Take a look at our upcoming 2013 shows in calendar order and call us today to find out if openings are still available for your company.
Las Colinas Bridal Show -- 2nd year
Sunday, January 6, 2013
Irving Convention Center, NOON-5:00pm
Over 800 brides -- Over 2,000 total attendance
Last January, the first annual Las Colinas Bridal Show took place at the Irving Convention Center with over 1,900 attendance... PHENOMENAL success! In 2013 we are anticipating an even bigger and better show with over 2,000 total attendance. Limited spaces available.
Dallas Bridal Show -- 24th year
Sat. & Sun., January 26-27, 2013
Dallas Market Hall, 10:00am-5:00pm
Over 3,000 brides -- 10,000 total attendance
The Dallas Bridal Show is the 3rd largest bridal show in the United States, and is proven to draw big crowds every year. However, in 2013 at the January show we are anticipating our BEST Dallas Bridal Show EVER! Now is the time to book your booth and be a part of this BIG opportunity to grow your business.
Fort Worth Bridal Show -- 16th year
Sunday, February 24, 2013
Fort Worth Convention Center, NOON-5:00pm
700-1,000 brides -- Over 2,500 total attendance
A great option for targeting brides in the Tarrant County and surrounding areas, the Fort Worth Bridal Show is another opportunity for face time with prospective clients. Spaces still available!
Plano Bridal Show -- 24th year
Sunday, March 10, 2013
Plano Centre, NOON-5:00pm
Over 500 brides -- 1,800 total attendance
The Plano Bridal Show packs a powerful punch drawing in a high-end clientale from Collin County and surrounding areas. A favorite of many vendors, this show is very limited on space and closes out every time so don't wait; book your space today!
For a complete show schedule,check the column to the right hand side of the newsletter. |
Dallas Bridal Show Sponsors
We want to take this opportunity to thank all of our sponsors for the Dallas Bridal Show!
MC for stage events
Fashion Show DJ
Lighting and Video |
Bridal Show Testimonials
Naomi! Just wanted to drop you a note to highlight the fact that once a vendor does a Dallas Bridal Show and the season passes, doesn't mean that the effectiveness of the show has diminished in the least! January 2012 I reported to you that I had signed 16 Wedding Receptions. Since that time, Bride after Bride approaches me to let me know that they saw me at the Jan Bridal Show and want to hire me. I am now officially up to 20 Wedding Receptions off that ONE show. Proving again there is ALWAYS business from the Dallas Bridal Show!!!!
Jeff Christenson
Jay Fox Productions
I want to thank you and Bridal Shows Inc. for the amazing weekend at the July Dallas Bridal Show. The turn -out was great and I did amazing with strong leads for my business. I had such an amazing time that I know January will also be phenomenal. I am hoping to secure a spot for January 2013 show in Dallas. Again I thank you all for an amazing show and also this opportunity to grow my business.
Thank you,
Mary Reid-Russell,
Dallas Passion Divas
Naomi, Thank you so much for all your hard work and dedication. Without your effort, I would not be enjoying the success I now have. All the best to you in the New Year.
Gloria Parker
Blooming Accents
I wanted to thank you and your crew again for the great show and Hospitality!
Sanah Brown
Salvation Through Art
Workshop Testimonials |
Naomi! I just wanted to say thank you for the workshop on this past Wednesday. It was very insightful and inspiring and it was nice to meet you. I can't wait to be a part of the Dallas Bridal Show in 2013.
Thank you,
Hi Naomi, I just wanted to thank you again for allowing me to be one of your guests at the JWI Luncheon and for your inspiring seminar. I am so pumped up! I'm about to explode...Thank you...
Talk to you soon. Thank you,
Thank you for sharing your knowledge with us today. It was greatly appreciated!
Dana Hickles,
Memorable Event Planning
Dear Naomi, Really nice meeting you yesterday! Your workshop is really inspiring and helpful. Thank you! And thanks for the book too. I got the one "Learn to talk about anything with anyone". Seems an interesting book! I hope I can be a person like you, always passionate for work and life!
Regards, Isabelle,
Light in the Box
How-to Workshops
The "How-To" workshops that are held at the Bridal Shows Inc. business office (4821 Keller Springs Rd, Addison, TX 75001) will start back up sometime next year. Naomi speaks with small groups and shares her expertise on the art of getting the most from a show and from working your leads. Each person will receive a business book.
Please email to let us know you are interested in being contacted once we lock in the dates and use subject line "2013 Workshops."
Exhibiting 101� Seminar
Date, location and times are to be determined for the next Exhibiting 101� Seminar. Subscribe to this monthly newsletter for more details as they are confirmed. |
Congratulations to Jeff Christenson, with Jay Fox Productions, on winning the bid for Naomi's artwork that was up for auction at the AWP Holiday Party. The proceeds received from the live and silent auctions went to three very deserving charities.
Editor's Note
Would you like to contribute to the Bridal Shows, Inc. Newsletter? We are always looking for informational content in the way of testimonials, press releases, or industry advice. To learn more about how you can be a part of the newsletter,
Bonnie Crumpton
Newsletter Editor
Bridal Shows, Inc.
Happy Holidays!!!
All of us at Bridal Shows, Inc. wish you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Enjoy this video from our very festive President and CEO, (Elf) Naomi Hulme.
| Naomi Elf's Holiday Dance |
 Naomi's Notes:
"Why It Is Critical To Get Names & Information At Your Booth."
Your main goal in exhibiting in a show is to obtain sales leads and turn those leads into sales and profit. The way to make this happen is to ask questions and find out more information to help the potential client know that you care and can help them accomplish what they want. Working your leads properly and effectively will then ensure the amount of business you end up getting from that one event.
If you just hand out cards or brochures at your booth, you will not get the results that you should expect from a show. A huge opportunity is missed by doing this.
When a bride is walking into your booth because your booth looks inviting and interesting, you have done something right in creating curiosity. This helps to be able to ask those qualifying questions to see if the bride is a real qualified lead for your business. Have your lead slips ready with the top two or three major questions that you want answered. The answers you receive will tell you whether or not this person is a potential current client or possible future client. Your staff should be properly trained with knowing how to answer every question and knowing where to lead the conversation with different comments.
Make notes on your lead slips with all information that you are given, what ideas and goals the bride has, any comments that are made, and especially answers to your important questions. Also, add the initials of the staff person that talked to the bride at the booth. Some who email their leads may have a subject line that reads, "Saw you at the .... Show." Instead, make the subject line more personalized and customize it to the individual person and their requests. Let the bride know that you will be mentioning one of the requests or ideas in the subject line so that she knows it is coming from you. Whoever talked to the bride at the show needs to be sending the email with their photo in the email signature (no downloads). Voicemails need to be from the staff person who actually talked to the bride.
Doing all of the above will help you in getting more responses from your emails and calls. And of course, work your leads on a consistent basis until someone tells you to stop. You have so much more potential business besides the wedding with every person you meet.
If you do not ask qualifying questions, and then try to email or call, you have missed that one chance to find out what the bride really wants. This can cause you to get fewer responses.
A bride is more apt to spend time with you and trust you when you show that you really care about what she wants. I call it the Burger King Principle---helping the bride have the wedding she wants, her way. Remember the 80/20 rule with 80% listening after you ask questions. You have a short time to find out as much as you can at a show, so make every moment count.
These are just a few ideas of what we discuss in our "How-to Workshops" and "Exhibiting 101�" Seminar. Please stay in touch with us for upcoming workshop and seminar dates in 2013.
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New Employees in 2012
Bridal Shows, Inc. welcomed four new staff members this past year. We are glad to have these new members of the Bridal Shows, Inc. team!
Monnika Young
Special Projects Assistant & Telemarketing
Start Date: April 2012
Monnika is currently in her final semester as a student at Collin College, where she will be receiving her degree in Event Management as well as Hospitality Management. She is so excited to be a part of Bridal Shows Inc. As a current bride herself, Monnika understands what the brides are looking for, and she is excited to see how many brides leave our shows with huge smiles. Monnika is hoping to work on a cruise ship in the next few years, and help make magical moments for thousands of guest every week.
Nastacia Kelly
Start Date: July 2012
Nastacia Kelly has a bachelor's degree from Mary Baldwin College in Hospital Administration and is pursuing a teacher's licensure in Elementary General Studies. Since moving to Dallas in 2007, she worked a couple of years for Silver Tray Staffing at many prominent venues around the city. She even helped her mother open an event floral business. Nastacia currently attends Sword of the Spirit Church in Irving where she enjoys spending much of her time, planning and helping out with various affairs. One day, she plans to expand her interest to a business in the event planning industry.
Sondra Shipp
Special Projects Assistant & Telemarketing
Start Date: October 2012
Sondra is currently a student at Collin College and is working on her Hotel/Restaurant management and her Conventions/Events management associates degrees. She plans on graduating in the summer of 2013. Sondra wants to work in the Meeting/Event/and Convention sector of the Hospitality Industry.
Abigail Tusant
Special Projects Manager
Start Date: April 2012
Abigail Tusant attended the American Musical and Dramatic Academy in New York City where she studied musical theater performance. After learning a lifetime of experiences in the Big Apple, she came back to Texas to pursue a theater career. She has performed with Theater Arlington, Six Flags Over Texas, and the Fort Worth Opera just to name a few. In 1999 she was able to further her education by attending Texas Women's University where she studied vocal performance and vocal pedagogy. After taking a break, and a few corporate jobs, she found that God had gifted her with teaching, and became a theater teacher and private vocal instructor. She is married to her husband, Andr�, and has a beautiful 3 year old daughter, Amelia. She is completing her Music Education degree at Texas Woman's University to be able to teach choir in the public or private school systems. |
Book of the Month
by Naomi Hulme
This month's book selection is:
Power Questions: Build Relationships, Win New Business, and Influence Others
By: Andrew Sobel and Jerold Panas
You may request a copy of my "Book Suggestions List" at any time.
Happy Reading! | |
Marketing Campaign for
Las Colinas Bridal Show & Dallas Bridal Show
106.1 Kiss FM (KHKS)
99.5 The Wolf
102.9 NOW
Ch. 4 - Fox 4
Ch. 8 - WFAA 8
Good Morning Texas
Clear Channel Outdoor - Small & Digital
CBS Outdoor - Large/Digital
Outdoor Signs - Digital
Bridal Magazines:
Bride & Groom Magazine
Brides of North Texas DWeddings
Fort Worth Texas Magazine Texas Wedding Guide |
Internet: Brides of North Texas Wedding Blog
MANY Others
Social Media
Twitter - @DFWBride
Many E-mail Blasts through
our website and to previously registered brides
Various Local Calendar
We also have Multiple
Press Releases and other marketing sources
always in the works!
Bridal Show Schedule
Las Colinas Bridal Show
**2nd year**
January 6, 2013
Irving Convention Center Dallas Bridal Show **24th year** January 26-27, 2013 Dallas Market Hall Fort Worth Bridal Show **16th year** February 24, 2013 Fort Worth Convention Center Plano Bridal Show **24th year** March 10, 2013 Plano Centre Dallas Bridal Show **24th year** July 27-28, 2013 Dallas Market Hall Plano Bridal Show **24th year** September 8, 2013 Plano Centre | |
Working Your Leads Song
Don't be a couch potato... make 50 calls a day! Naomi made this song to help motivate others to work their leads!
| Working Your Leads Song |
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Follow-up Links
| Wedding and Event Professionals of the Mid-Metroplex( WEP ) |