Asian Seminary of Christian Ministries
Asian Seminary of Christian Ministries (ASCM)
No Limits

On its seventh year of visiting ASCM, the Church of God Youth & Discipleship Team headed by Dr. Tony Lane once again made a significant impact training and encouraging Christian Education workers based in the Philippines.


The team members this year consisted of Dr. Randy Holdman from Naples, Florida with his co-pastors in Parkway Life Church such as Rachel Hernandez, Mary Bellofatto  and Peter Melhrose; Teri Mullen from Washington, DC; Retta Ewell from Wilmington, North Carolina; Jeff Smith from Richmond, Virginia; Jimmy Coffelt from Gadsden, Alabama; Brian Rayburn from Longview, Texas and Jared Waldrop from Cleveland, Tennessee.  


"ASCM appreciates your sacrifices in making this training as excellent, relevant and creative as possible.  We are honored to have known all of you and be partners in ministry. Thank you so much for you not only trained men and women in the ministry but you also shared your lives to us, you touched our lives with your testimonies and you are inspirations of God's faithfulness. Thank you for investing in the lives of our students here in Asia and beyond."


The two-day Conference with 198 participants offered six (6) ministry tracks such as Children's Ministry, Youth Ministry, Pastoral Ministry, Leadership/Administration, Creative Arts & Drama and Counseling. The response was overwhelming and encouraging. In fact, participants are looking forward to next year's training.  ASCM headed by Interim President, Dr. Marcos Ligero and staff are extremely grateful for the help extended by Parkway Life Church; the church raised funds and gathered $10,000. Aside from raising this year's financial gift, Dr. Randy Holdman once again led this year's collection of 26 laptops. Other resources given to ASCM were basketballs, volleyballs and a DLP projector. Many puppets, books, Sunday School curriculum materials and various ministry resources were distributed to the participants at the Closing Assembly.


The Conference ended with the challenge by Dr. Tony Lane from Zechariah 4:6, "Then he said to me, "This is the word of the Lord to Zerubbabel saying, 'Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit,' says the Lord of hosts." Using a real shovel to emphasize his point, Dr. Tony Lane challenged all to believe that God can dig out or dig around all obstacles believers face as they serve Him in the field. Everyone then received toy shovels to always be reminded of this truth.

Conduit of God


"I'm happy to see the seeds we have planted in 2011 have started to bear good fruit."

"In one word, I see myself as a CONDUIT of God's answers to the prayers of His people."

These are some of the encouraging words from Rev. Richard Baker, Lazarus Foundation Executive Director during his visit to ASCM on March 12, 2015 where he spoke in Chapel and shared a powerful life testimony on how God can make somebody out of a nobody and how his prayer to be used as God's conduit has been answered many times over beyond his imagination.

Rev. Baker later enjoyed a lunch fellowship with the Administration led by ASCM Interim President Dr. Mark Ligero together with faculty, alumni and students of the Master of Social Work (MSW) Program headed by Dr Zonia Tappeiner.

Lazarus Foundation's financial support for the MSW Program during its inception is one of the reasons for its success.  Alumni of the program had back-to-back 100% Passing Rate in the 2013 and 2014 Social Work Board Exam with two of its pioneer graduates landing in Top 3 and Top 8 in the nationwide exam. 

MSW alumni are now working in various fields of the social work and social development world in the country.  One returned to her home country of Mongolia to continue her work as a better-equipped social worker.  Several are working with children and youth in need of special protection.   Another is working in the medical social services of a hospital.  One is shoulder to shoulder with government social workers. All are busy doing the good works God has assigned to each one to accomplish.

Six MSW students are set to graduate on April 24, 2015 and eight more are in the program with more expected to come in this summer and by June 2015.

Indeed, God has used Rev. Baker and the people behind Lazarus Foundation to be his holy conduits to produce more equipped ministers to advance His Kingdom in Asia and beyond.  

                    (Victor Immanuel Cuarto, Director of Institutional Advancement)


Admissions Exams Schedule for SY 2015-2016

Upcoming Event

We are inviting you to celebrate with us in our 40th Commencement Exercises. Let us support Batch 2015!

First Quarter 2015
In This Issue
Message from the Interim President 
41 years ago in 1973, a vision was conceived in the heart of a Church of God Canadian missionary Arthur W. Pettyjohn who started a Bible School in Manila to train men and women for the ministry.


As a Church of God Institution of Higher Learning, ASCM is committed to the following Education purposes and objectives as listed in the Church of God Division of Education Handbook and Directory 2008-2010.


  • To impart knowledge about God as He is revealed in the
    Bible and in Creation.
  • To train in Biblical knowledge, attitudes, and skills necessary for ministry.
  • To give highest educational priority to the preparation of clergy and laity for effective Christian Ministry.
  • To ensure excellence in all programs of education by endeavoring to meet appropriate accreditation standards, where such standards are not in conflict with the Church of God philosophy of education.
 Like many other Educational Institutions, Asian Seminary of Christian Ministries went through a lot of challenges which is natural to every educational institution.



One of the greatest challenges ASCM went through as a seminary is the need and continuity for financial resources to be able to continue its mission to train men and women who have the 
calling of God for ministry. But the grace of God is sufficient, because for 40 years, ASCM have seen and experienced the sufficiency of God's grace to provide in times of need in the past and in the present. We believed, that what God has started at ASCM, God will continue to sustain  up to the


Praise God for our ASCM Alumni as "polished arrows" who are now actively working - at home and abroad, doing  

works and ministries
according to their callings and chosen professions.


Congratulations to all of you, our beloved Alumni! We are very proud of you all! Keep up the good work! Keep the faith and keep going... We are praying for you. 

God bless!


Commendations  is given to all the Board passers for Teacher's Lincensure Examination, and for Professional Social Workers of which two of them garnered the 3rd and 8th placers among the topnochers in the Board Examination.


Through the most capable Leadership and vision of the School Board, with the wholehearted support of

Executive Council and the dedication and competence of the Faculty members and Staff, along with our committed and vibrant
student body, ASCM will continue to equip men and women for excellence in ministry, and prepare them to meet the challenges of the 21st century.
The year 2015 marks the beginning of the greatest success and progress of ASCM's pursuit of Excellence in Higher Education to the glory of
our God Almighty. "For with God nothing is impossible!"




Interim President

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Asian Seminary of Christian Ministries
102 Valero St. Salcedo Village, Makati City, 1200, Philippines
+63-2-810-7151 | +63-2-819-0697