March 11, 2016

Don't forget! Daylight Savings Time begins this Saturday, March 13th, so set your clock ahead by one hour!

 This Week

Future All Saints Pilgrimages the topic of Fr. Donavan's "Christian Pilgrimage" class THIS SUNDAY

Join Fr. Donavan Sunday morning in the Parish Hall for the FINAL installment of his class focusing on places and practices of Christian Pilgrimage. This Sunday, Fr. Donavan will share possible ideas and plans for a future pilgrimage to Ireland for All Saints and open the floor for other places of interest for future All Saints pilgrimages around the country and around the world. If you'd like to hear about the possibilities and make your own suggestions, this Sunday is your opportunity!  The class begins during the Christian Formation hour, at 9:30am in the Parish Hall.  Don't miss it!

Still a need to DONATE FOOD during Lent for the UCOM Food Pantry!

UCOM Food Pantry, 3349 St. Augustine Road

Last Sunday, All Saints' EYC delivered our first load of nonperishable food items collect during Lent for our local food pantry, but THERE IS STILL A SERIOUS NEED FOR MORE!!  UCOM's food pantry covers the needs of the hungry in OUR LOCAL NEIGHBORHOOD and All Saints' Outreach Committee will continue collecting canned, nonperishable foods to fill up their shelves through Easter! The UCOM Food Pantry is presently in urgent need of canned fruit, canned vegetables, Ramen Noodles, canned meat (chicken & tuna), pasta sauce, peanut butter, and jelly.  All unopened, unexpired, nonperishable food items are welcome! 

Look for the colorful Outreach Barrels at the front entrance of the church and in Rogers Hall, and leave all canned goods inside!  Join us as we continue to help feed hundreds of hungry people in our community! 

All Saints' Lenten Series & Soup Supper on the Book of Revelation, CONCLUDES THIS THURSDAY

This year's Lenten Series and Soup Supper at All Saints, focusing on a new Bible Study on the Book of the Revelation of John, CONCLUDES this Thursday, March 17th, at 6pm in the Parish Hall! 

Our Bishop, the Rt. Rev'd John Howard, has produced a new five part study on the Apocalypse of the New Testament, offering a great opportunity to join in a Bible study with our Bishop.  We have been following Bishop Howard's Bible each Thursday, complete with a wonderful, enriching soup and bread supper.  If you've ever had questions about the Book of Revelation, or if you've ever wanted to be guided through an introduction into this confusing, yet moving portion of the Bible, this is your opportunity!  Don't miss the finale this Thursday!
Childcare is available with a donation of $10 each Thursday. Please call or email Hilary Citrano in the office for child care registration. Reservations must be made no later than noon the Wednesday prior.

Men of All Saints Meet NEXT Monday

The Men of All Saints (MOAS) monthly BYOM (Bring Your Own Meat) dinner and meeting is set for this Monday, March 14th.  Bring a frothy beverage and your favorite steak, chicken, or fish, and join the men for good conversation and an update on important work and ministry happening this Spring at All Saints!  MOAS hopes to see you in the Parish Hall and the grill this Monday!


This year our Bishop, the Rt. Rev. John Howard, will be visiting All Saints and taking part in our annual Blessing of the Palms liturgy at Hendricks Avenue Baptist Church.The 10:30am liturgy will begin in front of the church and then, with Bishop Howard, process to Hendricks Avenue Baptist for the Blessing of the Palms. After the palms are distributed, we will give our blessings to HAB and St. Mark's Lutheran Church, and process back to All Saints for the Passion reading and a homily given by our Bishop. The 8am Liturgy of the Palms will take place outside the church. Palms will be distributed to anyone at either service who is unable to join in the processions.

NEXT Sunday is Your Last Sunday to Order Lilies for Easter Sunday Morning!

If you would like to donate Easter lilies in memorial or thanksgiving for friends or family to be placed around the altar and the church this Easter Sunday, please fill out one of the lily envelopes located in the pews, place your check inside, and put it in the offering plate. Please write legibly. A donation of $15 is recommended. All donations must be turned in to the office no later than Sunday, March 20.

Jesus said, "Stay with me": Sign up now for the Maundy Thursday All Night Prayer Vigil 

Beginning after the Eucharist on Holy Thursday evening, March 24, the church will be open all night until the sun rises on Good Friday, for prayer, meditation and holy silence. Security will be provided, giving all who would like to keep watch for an hour in front of the reserved sacrament this unique and deeply spiritual opportunity. Look for sign-up sheets in the Parish Hall this Sunday.
Calling all Easter Egg donors!

Believe it or not, EASTER is just around the corner, and this year we are already beginning to look forward to another exciting Easter Egg hunt for the children of All Saints!  In order to have a great, fun-filled hunt, we NEED EASTER EGGS!  If you would like to donate stuffed Easter Eggs (no chocolate please) for our annual Easter Egg Hunt, please drop them off at the office, or contact Hillary at We need a total of 700 this year!

Lenten Book Study CANCELLED Next Tuesday, Resumes March 22

Following up on a very meaningful book study with Thomas Merton's New Seeds of Contemplation last summer, Fr. Donavan is leading a new Tuesday 'Lunch Hour' Book Study for the season of Lent.  The group will be reading and discussing C.S. Lewis' renowned novel on heaven and hell, The Great Divorce. 

The Book Study meets during the lunch hour, from 12:10pm to 1pm, each Tuesday, in the CEB Conference Room, and everyone is invited to bring lunch for the discussion.  This is great way to add an excellent novel to your Lenten discipline this year, so if you have the time and enjoy reading and discussing, don't miss All Saints newest book group!  

Friday Stations of the Cross for Lent at All Saints

During the Season of Lent, please consider adding to your spiritual disciplines and devotions the walk through the Stations of the Cross at All Saints.  Fr. Donavan will again be opening up the church each Friday during Lent, beginning on Friday, February 19th, to lead us through all fourteen Stations of the Cross. Most of us have probably noticed that All Saints has always had small stations mounted around the sanctuary, but two years ago one of All Saints' talented "Artist in Residence" Kaytee Esser, hand drew and framed fourteen NEW versions of the Stations of the Cross that are now mounted throughout the Lenten season.  If you've never walked through the Stations, this is your opportunity to spend each Friday in Lent enriching your soul with this powerful set of prayers, scripture readings, and physical movement through the church with Our Lord Jesus Christ.  Make the Stations of the Cross a part of Lenten season of devotion.  

Rite One Holy Eucharist continues throughout Lent on Sunday at the 8am

This year at All Saints, to go deeper into our Lenten worship each Sunday, the 8am Holy Eucharist is returning to the Rite I liturgy of the Book of Common Prayer.  Rite I uses more traditional English language and can help us to focus more profoundly on repentance and God's mercy during the Lenten season. Fr. Donavan will make sure that all page numbers in the Prayer Book are announced to help those who attend the 8am Liturgy participate fully and not miss the changes in our responses and prayers during worship.  

If you've never experienced the more traditional language of the Rite I Holy Eucharist in the Episcopal Church, this is your opportunity to step back into the history of our common worship and to follow Jesus more deeply into the desert over the next forty days of Lent.  

Looking for an Easter Centerpiece or Basket?
Custom Easter centerpiece/baskets will be for sale at All Saints, just in time for Spring planting! Beautiful potted floral baskets for purchase will be available Easter Sunday after the Resurrection breakfast.  All proceeds will benefit our friendship room in the parish hall. Contact Toastie Hardy with any questions at or 904.626.8646.

Coffee Station Update! Only $350 needed to reach the goal!

The Women Of All Saints have been working hard over the past year to raise money to replace our antiquated coffee station, and they have nearly reach their GOAL. To add a new, more beautiful and modern coffee station in Rogers Hall, all the women need is $350! Every nickel, dime, and dollar given already has been greatly appreciated, and prayers are now ascending for the last little bit needed to complete our plans to beautify this section of our church's parish hall! Look for the "Coffee Station" collection jar in the Parish Hall this Sunday, or just write "Coffee Station" in the memo line of a check and put it in the collection plate. Thank you for your support!
In This Issue
Worship Schedule
8:00 am Holy Eucharist. Spoken liturgy. Followed by breakfast.

10:30 am Holy Eucharist. Followed by coffee and refreshments.

This Sunday's Lessons

Isaiah 43:16-21
Psalm 126
Philippians 3:4b-14
John 12:1-8


All Saints Episcopal Church
4171 Hendricks Avenue
Jacksonville, Florida 32207


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All Saints Episcopal Church | 4171 Hendricks Avenue | Jacksonville | FL | 32207