Presbytery of Middle Tennessee E-Newletter

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November 4, 2015
2nd Peacemaker Banquet Highlights
October 29, 2015
by Kathy Corlew, Outreach Committee Chair
 The second Peacemaker Banquet, held on October 29, was a delightful celebration of Peacemaking that happens day in and day out throughout the Presbytery of Middle Tennessee.  The Outreach Committee recognized the work of peacemakers from 20 churches (see below); this work includes: assistance to hungry and homeless people, providing a welcoming presence at worship, organizing outreach efforts and new church developments, activism, and so much more.  
Hunter Farrell, Director of PC(USA) World Mission, was our guest speaker.  Hunter thanked all present for fruitful work and encouraged those present to go even deeper when considering how to do the work of loving our neighbors.  He noted that Presbyterians have a long tradition of missionaries going to 'the ends of the earth'.  Currently, these Mission Co-Workers are engaged in work that is focused on the root causes of injustices which lead to poverty, violence, and powerlessness.  World Mission's partners in 60+ countries encourage all to listen for and to tell stories of faith.  Hunter encouraged us to support Mission Co-Workers with our mission dollars, to pray for them, and to partner with them in our individual church's mission work.
The committee wishes to thank Hillsboro Presbyterian for providing the beautiful setting and the wonderful food.  Thanks are also due to participants of the Mission Fair: Nations Ministry Center, Tennesseans for Alternatives to the Death Penalty, the PMT Guatemala Partnership, PC(USA) Hunger Action, Society of St. Andrews, Bread for the World, Crop Hunger Walk, PC(USA) Young Adult Volunteers, and Oak Ridge Environmental Peace Alliance.

The Peacemakers who were honored
 are listed below: 
2015 Peacemakers

Michael Arwood, Downtown Presbyterian Church, Nashville
Terry Appenzeller, Emmanuel Presbyterian Church, Nashville
Penn Cobb, Hillsboro Presbyterian Church, Nashville
Kathy Corlew, First Presbyterian Church, Murfreesboro
Dianne Cothran, First Presbyterian Church, Gallatin
John K. Folger, Trinity Presbyterian Church, Nashville
Dan Garman, First Presbyterian Church, Columbia
Margie and Bob Gray, First Presbyterian Church, Fayetteville
Inez Gunnel, Northminster Presbyterian Church, Murfreesboro
Judy Lowe and Bill Hutton, First Presbyterian Church, Clarksville
Kathy Ianni, Second Presbyterian Church, Nashville
Adrienne Johnson, First Presbyterian Church, Lebanon
Claudia Kan, First Presbyterian Church, Brentwood
The Rev. Jeffery Kane, Westminster Presbyterian Church, Columbia
Tut Kailiech Lam, Sudanese-American Nuer Presbyterian Church, Gallatin
Laura Litchfield, East Brentwood Presbyterian Church, Brentwood
Tony McMahon, Glencliff Presbyterian Church, Nashville
J. B. Smith, First Presbyterian Church, Pulaski
Jenn Ulschak, First Presbyterian Church, Cookeville
Tom and Marijo Westermeir, Old Hickory Presbyterian Church, Nashville
To read more about these peacemakers, click here.

Pictures from the 2015 Guatemala Mission Trip

2016 Guatemala Mission Trip
March 5-12 or 13, 2016
Purpose of the trip: This trip is designed to enhance the partnership between the Presbytery of the Q'eqchi' Peten and the Presbytery of Middle Tennessee, and to deepen the relationship between individuals of both presbyteries.  The general goals of the partnership between PQP and PMT are to work to enhance general and theological education, various women's issues, and leadership development.  Participants will have an opportunity to:
  • Meet Pastors and Elders of the seven churches in the PQP
  • Learn about the IENPG - the National Evangelical Presbyterian Church of Guatemala
  • Meet women church leaders who are working on the Pig Project and working to develop Presbyterian Women at the presbytery level
  • Worship with our Guatemalan brothers and sisters
  • Help in various areas: Leading children's activities in the villages, participate in planning meetings with church elders and Presbyterian Women, painting at the Sayaxche Presbyterian Complex, update a village-by-village education survey from 5+ years ago, etc.
  • Build lasting friendships with people in Middle Tennessee and Guatemala
  • Visit Tikal National Park, a Mayan ruin and UNESCO World Heritage Center
For more information, click here.
Questions?  Contact:
Kathy Corlew, kathycorlew@comcast.net, or at 615-972-8300 or through the PMT office at 615-332-3330.
General trip information meeting:
Monday, November 30, 6:30 PM
 at the Presbytery office.
Please email Barb, Kathy, or the PMT office (pbymidtnoffice@gmail.com)  to indicate your interest.  We look forward to sharing this faith-deepening experience with you.

Living Waters for the World completes
 50th 'Clean Water U' training
Pictured with LWW founder Wil Howie (back, left) are newly trained water team members Elaney Johnson (front, left) and Harriet Sewell with their Associate Pastor and Clean Water U trainer Carson Salyer. 
-Kendall Cox
The training component of the Living Waters for the World ministry-called Clean Water U-completed its 50th session in October 2015. 
Living Waters for the World is a ministry of the Synod of the Living Waters of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), located in the central southern region of the U.S. The ministry began in the early 1990s, when the Rev. Wil Howie saw the need for clean, potable water in Central American communities.

The majority of Clean Water U sessions are held at Camp Hopewell in Oxford, Miss., where a specially designed building is used to simulate the working conditions of a water purification system in the field. Additional trainings are held at Calvin Crest Conferences in Oakhurst, Calif., in an effort to bring the training to the western part of the U.S...Click here to read more about this great milestone.

The next deadline for articles/events/photos for the MID-TENN newsletter is November 17, 2015.
Please email  pbymidtnoffice@gmail.com with news and happenings in your congregation regarding its mission and ministry activities.
You are receiving this e-newsletter because you are a member or friend of the Presbytery of Middle Tennessee or one of its congregations.

Articles and events that appear in the e-newsletter are believed to be of interest to some segments of the Presbytery of Middle Tennessee.  However, these articles and events are not necessarily endorsed by the Presbytery.