June 17, 2015
Presbytery of Middle Tennessee E-Newsletter
Presbytery meeting
July 18, 2015
 is the next presbytery meeting
Place TBA

The Nashville Mobile Market Has a New Look
from Barbara Howell, HAE


The Big Tent will be held July 30- August 1 on the University of Tennessee campus.  Volunteers are still needed, some areas are filled but there are others that are wide open.  One area of need is in the Shuttle Service (i.e. driving a golf cart from point "A" to point "B").  Every shift needs 10 drivers.  Another area is in Meal Assistants.   But the purpose of these positions is to "man the elevator" which some individuals will need in order to navigate from the two floors in the dining hall.  If you are interested please see links below for Volunteer Task openings and the Volunteer Assignment Request Form.


Emotional Intelligence (EQ) and

Human Relations (HR) Workshop
July 27-30, 2015

A workshop is being conducted for clergy centered on Emotional Intelligence and Human Relations Skill. 
This workshop will be held at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN, July 27-30, 2015 just prior to the BIG TENT conference in Knoxville July 30 to August 1, 2015.

For more information, click here
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Back from the Holy Land!
by Warner R. Durnell, Executive Presbyter

By the time you find yourself reading this article, I will have been back in Middle Tennessee from my trip to Israel (including parts of the West Bank) for the better part of two weeks!  In almost every encounter that I have had since returning, the question put to me has been, "How was the mission trip to Israel?"  My mantra has been and remains, "It could not have been any better!!"  The overnight accommodations were first class, the food and beverages were top-shelf; the pace of activities, though brisk at times (close to grueling in the Old City), was well balanced; concern for safety and security was practically a non-issue; and the esprit-de-corps was the finest.

A majority of our stops were at places frequented on Holy Land Tours - Bethlehem, Nazareth, Capernaum, Caesarea Philippi, Jordan River, Jerusalem, the Dead Sea
and the Sea of Galilee.  Enjoying a quiet time at sunrise, with feet in the Sea of Galilee, just north of Tiberius, was a moment in time that I shall treasure the memory of the balance of my days!

Equally inspiring for me were times of conversation and instruction shared with the featured presenters on the trip: Doron Wilfand, our Israeli tour guide; Ben Zion Gruber, a Colonel in the IDF; Rami Nafez Nazzal, a Palestinian journalist; and Rachel Korazim, a Professor of Jewish Education; just to mention a few.  Brilliant people to a person, and they all gave informed and insightful (albeit differing) views of the facts on the ground in present day Israel's political struggles.  I for one returned home with an expanded appreciation of the complexity of the challenges that face that region of the world and the State of Israel in particular.  This was a wonderful life broadening and faith enriching experience for me.


Know that the Reverend Kim Rodrigue, Interim Pastor of Trinity Presbyterian Church of Nashville, and I will be hosting a midday luncheon at Trinity Presbyterian Church on Tuesday, July 28, 2015, from 12 Noon until 1:30 pm, for Teaching Elders, Commissioned Ruling Elders, and Ruling Elders who hold leadership positions in the Presbytery.  At this luncheon, Kim and I will share our gleanings from the trip.  The two Jewish Rabbis from here in Nashville have also agreed to be with us to share words, with ample time (we trust) devoted for a Question and Answer Session.     


I want to thank the Coordinating Committee of the Presbytery of Middle Tennessee, and my wife Sandy, for allowing me to participate in this Leadership Mission Trip to Israel.   It was a wonderful time; and I dare say a life and faith calibrating trip! So that's how I'll wrap this article up.  I repeat, "It could not have been better!"


by Lindsey Groves


Whew! It has been a hurried four months since I was welcomed into the presbytery and began a new call as the campus minister for Belmont and Vanderbilt Universities. It has been very special to be invited into the lives of students, and to worship with many of you and some of our students at our wonderful local churches. One of the things I love about this ministry is the great sense of support and hospitality we see from local churches and church members. It is a hospitality that I see spreading farther than we may realize. I started my call just as a handful of folks headed to New Orleans for

a Spring Break mission trip to work with Project Homecoming, which developed out of Presbyterian Disaster Assistance. Students returned and shared stories in worship of continued renewal in those communities. We had a lot to celebrate at the end of our academic year last month, with a wonderful group of seniors graduating, and heading out to places like Washington, D.C. and Stanford University, as well as Columbia Seminary. 


It has been a full year for UKirk Nashville, in general, with many transitions. For one thing, we call ourselves UKirk Nashville now, which was a decision made last year that we have tried hard to live into this year. Though the name change accurately reflects some changes in our ministry goals, for the most part, wherever you once saw Presbyterian Student Fellowship at Belmont or Vanderbilt before...read more.


Congratulations to Historic Franklin Presbyterian Church for winning the 2015 Historic Commercial award from the Heritage Foundation!

This annual event, which falls during National Historic Preservation Month, recognizes winners in seven available award categories-property owners whose visions have helped the Foundation protect and preserve historic structures. They include both residential and commercial rehabilitation's, as well as new construction projects that complement the historic character of the community.


BPC Cares
Family Festival
Saturday, June 20, 2015

BPC CARES (www.bpccares.com) is participating again in the Alzheimer's Association, The Longest Day fundraiser on Saturday, June 20, 2015 with a Family Festival, including a yard sale, bake sale, and family activities.  See Schedule.

All Events will be held at Bellevue Presbyterian Church at 100 Cross Timbers Drive in Nashville, TN 37221.

The Task Group to Study and Report on the Future of the Certification of Christian Educators (created by the Committee on the General Assembly) is seeking responses to the short survey (link below)

This survey is for mid council leaders (staff and volunteers), Congregations, and Christian educators (employed and volunteer).  Deadline for receipt of responses is July 12, 2015.
Questions, contact Kerry Rice, Associate Stated Clerk & Director Ordered Ministries and Certification Mid Council Ministries.


The Office of the General Assembly is seeking a Manager of Administration (Job Description) to provide administrative leadership within the OGA in the areas of human resources, financial management and policy.  The application deadline is July 1, 2015.

Contact Bobbie Montgomery,bobbie.montgomery@pcusa.org,
Office of the General Assembly
Louisville, KY.

Let the presbytery know what is happening in your church/congregation.  Send news, photos, upcoming events, mission trips, etc., to share.  We would like to know what is going on in your corner of the presbytery.
The next deadline to send in your events/news is June 29, 2015.  

Please email Linda Griffis at pbymidtnoffice@gmail.com
You are receiving this e-newsletter because you are a member or friend of the Presbytery of Middle Tennessee or one of its congregations.

Disclaimer:  Articles and events that appear in the e-newsletter are believed to be of interest to some segments of the Presbytery of Middle Tennessee.  However, these articles and events are not necessarily endorsed by the Presbytery.