2014 Purity Miss Martha's Ice Cream Crankin' and Summer Social
Join the 29th Purity
Miss Martha's Ice Cream Crankin' and Summer Social
First Presbyterian Church, Nashville
You ca n sample all flavors of homemade ice cream you can eat!
Proceeds benefit Martha O'Bryan Center.
Admission: $10 for adults, $8 for children. Ticket prices go up at midnight on Friday, June 6 to $13 for adults and $10 for children. Tickets will also be available for purchase on-site at the event payable with cash or checks. Online ticket sales will close at 3 p.m. June 8. For tickets, or more information go to www.marthaobryan.org/crankin.
Journey to Kenya
Are you being called to go?
6-21, 2014 are the tentative dates
The Journey to Kenya is the next phase in Priest Lake Presbyterian Church's (PLPC) continuing support of Angaza Nuru, a feeding and education ministry to the people of Lower Bodoi Village in Eastern Kenya.
In March 2013 PLPC began making monthly donations to the Saturday feeding program in Lower Bodoi Village, an outreach ministry that now includes approximately 170 children. During the Christmas 2013 season, PLPC members "adopted" 68 children in the village by financially contributing to tuition for one year of school and a weekly meal.
Those who are called to embark on the Journey to Kenya will work side-by-side with Angaza Nuru leaders and Bodoi residents on a number of projects including: Building a foundation for the Nursery School; providing shoes; feed the children during the Saturday feeding program; build a playground; Bodoi Church will host a one-day medical clinic, handing out mosquito nets; create a mobile library for the village residents; and more.
If you are not being called to go, then perhaps you are being called to help.
Ways to help are: Pray for the Journey to Kenya; participate in the Kenya Open Golf Tournament either by playing, sponsoring a hole or volunteering; Attend a Concert, Silent Auction and Dinner; Sponsorship, and more.
For more complete details regarding Journey to Kenya click here.
Journey to Kenya
Open Golf Tournament
Friday, June 27, 2014
1:30 pm shotgun start
Pine Creek Golf Club
Mt. Juliet, TN
Sponsored by
Priest Lake Presbyterian Church
Purpose: To raise funds to build the foundation for a Christian nursery school, construct a playground and provide books for a mobile library for the indigenous people of Bodoi Village in eastern Kenya.
Entry Fee: $75 per golfer
- 18 Hole Scramble Format
- Unlimited Range balls
- Dinner to follow
- Music Entertainment
- Prizes awarded
- Closest to the Pin Contest
- Longest Drive Contest
- Beverages provided.
For more information and registration form, click here.
Support Your Local Farmer AND Help Feed the Hungry
According to the World Hunger Year website's Food Security Learning Center, "Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) is a mutual commitment between a nearby farmer and the people who eat the food that the farmer produces. The farm feeds the CSA members; the members support the farm and share the inherent risks and potential bounty."
CSAs come in all sizes and shapes: some provide vegetables and fruits; others include eggs, poultry, beef, and pork. You can find information about locations for CSAs, as well as farmers markets and "pick your own" farms, at Pick Tennessee Products.
Have you considered buying a share of vegetables from a CSA but are overwhelmed by the amount of food you would receive? A great alternative is to divide the box with your local food bank, a soup kitchen, or the Martha O'Bryan Center.
Links of Interest
"Grieving Loss, Embracing Hope"
September 20 - October 1, 2014
Jackson, Wyoming
August 9, 2014
Brentwood, TN
June 14-21, 2014
Detroit, Michigan
Committee Meeting Dates
Personnel Committee
Wednesday, June 4th, 11:30 am
Presbytery Office
Committee on Preparation for Ministry
Tuesday, June 10th
4:00 pm
FPC Nashville
Committee on Ministry
Tuesday, June 10th
4:00 pm
FPC Nashville
CEC Brown Bag Lunch
Thursday, June 12th
11:30 am
Presbytery Office
Administration & Finance
Thursday, June 12th
4:00 pm
Presbytery office
Christian Education Committee
Tuesday, June 17th
4:00 pm
FPC Franklin
Outreach Committee
Tuesday, June 17th
5:30 pm
Presbytery office
Coordinating Committee
Thursday, June 26th
4:00 pm
Glen Leven, Nashville
From the desk of
Warner R. Durnell

A few days ago I received a letter from a seminary classmate of mine, the Reverend Joanna M. Adams, who is now serving as Moderator for the Session of the First Presbyterian Church of Atlanta ("FPC/Atl"). It has been close to a decade since last we communicated, so in hearing from her, I was curious as to what prompted the break in silence. Wouldn't you know it, it was the 221st General Assembly Meeting of the PCUSA.
Pastor Adams and the Session of FPC/Atl sent out a statement across the PCUSA urging that the 221
st General Assembly seek to find a "third way"
in addressing the overtures calling for a denominational divestment and economic boycott of three American companies doing business with the government/i.e. military of Israel; this in connection with the ongoing conflict between Israel and the Palestinians. The statement of the Session of FPC/Atl asks, instead of choosing either to divest and boycott, or not to divest and boycott, why not find a "third way," one that would urge the Church to support positive investments in companies doing business with Israel that seek to build bridges of mutual acceptance and peace between Israelis and Palestinians. [Here is a link to A Statement Concerning Divestiture and Boycott that was adopted by the Session of the First Presbyterian Church of Atlanta, should you wish to lend prayer support to their position in the matter.]
Well, the 221st General Assembly Meeting is almost here! Convening in "the Motor City" (Detroit), over 600 commissioners and delegates from across the PCUSA will have several "hot topics" to contend with. Nothing particularly new about that, for such is the nature of our bi-annual national meetings. In addition to the matter concerning the Divestiture and Boycott of companies doing business with Israel's military, there is the Mid-Council Commission Report II with its recommendation to reduce the number of Synods (from 16 to 8), plus the much publicized proposals to change the definition of Christian Marriage to include same-sex partners. Were those three items the only business to come before the Assembly, one would think that within a week's time some consensus among the commissioners could be reached; but there are many more important items of business that commissioners and delegates will be asked to get their heads and hearts around during this brief eight day period. Let us put on our calendars from June 14th - 21st daily reminders to be in prayer for the six GA commissioners and one young adult advisory delegate from our Presbytery who, like their colleagues, welcome and need them!
My earnest prayer is that the Holy Spirit will show up and shine forth at this year's General Assembly, steering voices and votes in the direction of finding those "third ways" that are there to be found. Not just in the case of the Israel-Palestine debate, but in the Christian Marriage debate and other highly controversial business items appearing on the Assembly Docket. I am one who believes that seemingly irreconcilable polarities can, with the Spirit's leading, imagine new ways of looking at an issue, and discover creative responses to them that are both biblically sound and theologically consistent with our Confessions. To that end I pray, and invite you to do the same. For in a culture and in a Church that seems caught up in the whole "my way or the highway" approach to dealing with emotionally charged issues, may we Presbyterian-Christians of all people, find that "third way" of pursuing paths not formerly considered apt for travel.
Presbyterian Writers Guild
officially recognized
Rev. Todd Jenkins,
Pastor of First Presbyterian Church, Fayetteville,
for his wonderful book
Tuesday's Muse.
 This book was selected as the 2nd place recipient of The Presbyterian Writers Guild's "Best New Author of 2012-2013." "Ordinary" is a deceptive term, because, in God's eyes, everything is holy. Tuesday's Muse is a collection of poems pointing to the extraordinariness of our daily lives. Each poem is accompanied by a photograph and brief scripture passage, allowing the reader to receive visual, verbal, and scriptural reflections on life. In the process of soaking-up 24 years of parish ministry, Todd Jenkins has been blessed to serve two PC(USA) congregations (Fort Valley Presbyterian Church, Fort Valley, Georgia; and First Presbyterian Church, Fayetteville, Tennessee). This collection of prayerful poems has grown out of the rootedness he has shared with the members of these two communities. (information via Amazon.com)
Highlights of the
118th Stated Meeting
May 17th, 2014
Therese Howell, Stated Clerk

Commissioners were warmly welcomed by The Rev. Shin Kang, the session and congregation of the Nashville Korean Presbyterian Church. Worship was led by Dr. Donovan Drake, who preached the sermon. An offering was collected for the Presbytery's Centsability program, and the presbytery's commissioners to the 221st General Assembly (2014) were commissioned.
- The stated clerk presented 2013 church membership statistics, as well as 2013 teaching elder statistics (receptions, dismissals, ordinations).
- The presbytery's Administrative Commission for First, Gallatin presented its final report and recommendations, and were thanked for their work and dismissed.
- The stated clerk presented the final report of the investigating committee with the charges filed, and the report of Mr. Ben Schultz's renunciation of ordered ministry.
- The 2013 Auditor's report was adopted.
- A revised budget for 2014 was approved.
- The presbytery's Personnel Policies were revised.
- The presbytery approved nominations for committee vacancies.
- The ministry of Rev. David Jones with The Moment Fellowship was validated.
- Mr. Chance Dillon was moved to candidacy, and Rev. Hudson Neely was received as a candidate under care of the Presbytery.
- The presbytery celebrated the ministry of The Rev. Emily Barker.
- Commissioners enjoyed lunch provided by the host church.
- With sadness, the presbytery received the report and recommendations of the Isaiah 1:18 Team and dismissed the First Presbyterian Church of Clifton with their name and property.
- Executive Presbyter Warner Durnell reported on the ongoing work of the Special Visioning Task Force. Commissioners spent time in small group discussion before adjournment by the Moderator.
The Presbytery of Middle Tennessee and the Presbytery of the Q'quechi Peten (Guatemala) Presbyterian Women and Presbyterial Women Pig Project
 In February 2014 five women from PMT had the opportunity to have in-depth conversation and sharing with five women who are wives of Pastors of the Peten Q'quechi Presbytery. The women designed a project of raising pigs in each of the communities -- a project similar to a Heifer International Project. This project will be organized by their Presbyterian Women groups.
It is with hope of the Guatemala committee of the Presbytery of Middle Tennessee that Presbyterian Women groups in MT will want to partner with Presbyterial (the name for PW in Guatemala) to provide seed money to purchase young pigs, food, fencing, etc. and to underwrite transportation costs for these women so they may meet together as the Presbyterial and to oversee this project.
The 11 year covenant partnership between PMT and PQP took an important step in 2014 with the inclusion of the Guatemalan women in the active planning for their churches. The women of PQP have crafted a Pig Project to support their churches and presbytery. The women are in need of "seed money" to get this project off the ground. The Guatemala committee is soliciting PW groups in Middle Tennessee to partner with Presbyterial groups in Guatemala and to donate monies for this project. Monies donated will go directly to the Q'qechi Peten Presbyterial and will provide money for young pigs, food, fencing, and transportation costs. Checks can be made out and mailed to the Presbytery of Middle Tennessee, with Guatemala pigs in the memo line. If you have any questions, please contact Kathy Corlew at kathycorlew@comcast.net.
To read more about the Story of the Pigs, click here.
NaCoMe Camp & Conference Center Newsletter and "Lend Us A Hand" Flyer
T o see what is going on at NaCoMe for May/June/July please read their newsletter Holler Highlights.
If you would like to help with camp needs, please read "Lend Us A Hand" for details.
 First Presbyterian Church, Nashville
is seeking a
Hospitality Center Coordinator
The Hospitality Center Coordinator should be a self-starter who is warm and welcoming by nature and who possesses good organizational skills. As a member of the Communications Ministry the successful candidate will be familiar with website architecture and the use of social media. For more information regarding the position and to fill out an application please go to:
Are you looking for a Youth Director?
If you are looking for a full time Youth Director here is someone who may be looking for you. Click here to review cover letter and resume.
 Let us know what is happening in your church/congregations. The deadline for the next Mid-Tenn E-newsletter is June 13, 2014. Please submit your article/event to pbymidtnoffice@gmail.com.
Linda Griffis
Presbytery of Middle Tennessee