April 2016
In This Issue


Each month, we share news of CDSP's students, faculty, alumni and campus life. We welcome your news, ideas and suggestions via emailThank you, as always, for your support of CDSP.
Katharine Jefferts Schori Returns to CDSP
Former presiding bishop is St. Margaret's Visiting Professor

During her nine years leading the Episcopal Church's nearly 2 million members, the Most Rev. Dr. Katharine Jefferts Schori spent a good deal of time representing the church on public issues ranging from caring for the poor to caring for the planet. Next fall, CDSP students can engage with her firsthand when the former presiding bishop returns to campus as the St. Margaret's Visiting Professor of Women in Ministry to teach a course entitled The Public Square: Engaging Emerging Opportunities.

"We are going to consider a variety of ways in which pastoral leaders might engage the public square, in partnership with others, and including such areas as public policy, human flourishing, scientific discovery and artistic creativity," Jefferts Schori says. "Climate change would be an excellent example. I expect us to focus on how people of faith can flourish in their baptismal vocation of reconciliation. We will consider how to balance this work with reflection, Sabbath, silence, and re-creation."

Archbishop Kwong to Speak at Commencement
Morgan and Clader will receive honorary degrees at May 20 ceremony
New MDiv Curriculum Launches in June
Introduction to Pastoral Care Online with CALL 
Summer course begins June 13 and ends August 1

Join CDSP online this summer for a new course from the Center for Anglican Learning and Leadership (CALL):

with the Rev. Dr. Kwasi A. Thornell

This course will explore the examples in scripture of what we now call pastoral care. Students will look at what forms pastoral care takes in the parish setting and in the community, as well as the changing cultural times that impact how we perform pastoral care. Learn more and register online

Introduction to Pastoral Care
Introduction to Pastoral Care
Faculty Titles Featured on Summer Reading List
Incoming students get introduction to works by Countryman, Meyers

Students enrolling at CDSP in 2016 are receiving a hefty new summer reading list designed by faculty to prepare them for their studies. Two titles on the list will introduce students to some of the significant intellectual work done by CDSP faculty in recent years.

In a 2015 review of this 1999 book by L. William Countryman, Sherman E. Johnson Professor Emeritus in Biblical Studies, Israel Galindo wrote: "Countryman's book is a worthy contribution to the study of ordination and the issue of the nature of clergy vs. laity. His framework of interpreting clergy as priests among priests is a helpful corrective to overly strict sacerdotal polarities between clergy and lay." Galindo, of Columbia Theological Seminary, was the consultant to CDSP's recently concluded curriculum review process. Read the review.

Ruth Meyers, Missional Worship, Worshipful Mission:  Gathering as God's People, Going Out in God's Name

Shortly after the 2014 publication of her most recent book, Dean of Academic Affairs and Hodges-Haynes Professor of Liturgics Ruth Meyers said in an interview:

"In the book, I propose that missional worship isn't a matter of particular techniques but rather an approach to worship and to all of congregational life that places God's mission at the center. Having memorable models invites people to think creatively about a missional approach to worship. ... Look outside your doors. See who is in your neighborhood and ponder how God is at work in your context. Ask how your worship can more fully express the needs and hopes of your community and how your congregation can respond to the needs in your neighborhood." Read the interview.

A Most Heartfelt Thanks
Please support our students with your annual fund gift

A most heartfelt thank you to those of you who have given to the CDSP Annual Fund. You provide CDSP with the ability to make seminary education more affordable for many students. Continuing support from alumni and friends is essential to maintaining a strong and thriving seminary.

Through your annual fund support, you show your belief in CDSP and its students, programs, and future. Click here to make your annual fund giftThank you!

I want to express my deep and heartfelt gratitude for your generous support of my ongoing theological education. Truly, if it were not for the gracious and thoughtful work that you do, I would not be able to pursue this calling to the priesthood.   

Aaron Klinefelter
Master of Divinity (First Year)
Diocese of Southern Ohio
Community News

Faculty News
Academic Dean Ruth Meyers and Visiting Professor Scott MacDougall recently led adult formation classes at All Souls Parish in Berkeley. MacDougall presented a session titled "Considering and Reconsidering 'Good' Death" on April 3, and Meyers presented on "Planning Your Funeral" on April 10. Meyers said, "The Book of Common Prayer tells us that the liturgy for the dead is an Easter liturgy that finds all its meaning in the resurrection. So scheduling this during the Easter season was intentional."

Professor Cynthia Moe-Lobeda's book, "Resisting Structural Evil: Love as Ecological-Economic Vocation," is the 2016 Silver Winner of the Nautilus Book Award. 

Associate Professor Susanna Singer attended the Episcopal Church Foundation Vital Teams Leadership Colloquium in Los Angeles in early April. The annual gathering convenes representatives from Episcopal leadership formation institutions and aims to build a shared sense of purpose and sense of urgency for team leadership skills in the church.

Assistant Professor Jennifer Snow led a forum titled "Just the Facts: Islamic History, Important Figures, and Crucial Concepts" at St. Mark's Lutheran Church in San Francisco on April 10.

Alumni News
The Rev. Karen Cuffie, '15, has been called as interim rector of St. Timothy's Episcopal Church in Mountain View, California.

Archbishop Paul Kwong '82 was elected chair of the Anglican Consultative Council at its recent meeting in Lusaka, Zambia. Read the story from the Anglican Communion News Service.

The Rev. Daniel Richards, '03, was installed as the sixth rector of Christ Church of the Ascension in Phoenix, Arizona, on April 26.

The Rev. Amber Sturgess '05, became priest-in-charge of All Saints' Episcopal Church in Carmel, California, in January.

In Memoriam
The Rev. Dr. Alfred H. Smith '59, died on December 26, 2015. Read his obituary on the Diocese of Los Angeles website.

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