Summit Land Conservancy // Volunteer Newsletter 
Newsletter #2 
Our list keeps growing and we cannot be more excited! You are all amazing and are helping the organization thrive and save more land! Here are some ongoing, upcoming and immediate needs for volunteers with easy ways to sign up!
Annual Report Mailing
Help Poddy reach out to Summit Land Conservancy's members. Our annual report will inform our members of the
organization's successes this year and what is in store for the future and how they can help. This will be a mailing extravaganza taking place May 28th from 2pm-5pm at the Summit Land Conservancy's World HQ in Park City. Learn more and sign up here
Summit Community Gardens' Clean Up Day! 
Get dirty in the garden and help protect the conservation values of the Miss Billie's open space. This garden is managed by the Summit Community Gardens and this year will be undergoing remediation. On June 7th at 9am we need people who relish in opportunities to get a little messy while preserving a masterpiece. Help is needed with an array of projects from trash clean up to heavy lifting. There will be a job for everyone! Learn more and volunteer here
Hops Hunters
This summer is the 2nd year for our Hops Hunter adventures. Summit Land Conservancy will lead individuals on perspective changing hikes. Together we will search for hops on permanently protected open spaces and learn about noxious weeds and how to identify wildlife scat along the way! These hikes will start in June and end with a drinking goof time! Learn more and sign up here

Thank you for your support! 

Summit Land Conservancy Team 
Other Opportunities to Help
Reduce, reuse, recycle
Free time on Fridays? Want to enjoy some sun while doing some good?  We need someone to help us with our recycling efforts every other Friday! Learn more and sign up here 


Help us maintain accreditation status 
 We need help maintaining our archive of meeting minutes! We need an individual to assist us an hour/week to make sure we are well archived. Upon finishing the archives the volunteer will receive a $5 Squatters certificate! Sign up here 
Ongoing Activities: Adopt An Easement 
Help us steward our properties by enjoying open space. Use your daily, weekly, monthly adventures to tread lightly on one of our easement properties and tell us what you see! It's simple, but the impact is great! Email for more information.
Volunteer Watch List
 Upcoming volunteer events


Moon Shine Party Volunteers: Event with Swaner EcoCenter featuring Lash LaRue  September 9th, 2014

 We also welcome other ideas, events, information and suggestions of ways you feel you can help and would like to contribute.Email with any questions, ideas or just to say HELLO! 
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Summit Land Conservancy
1650 Park Avenue
Park City, Utah 84060