January 19, 2016
In This Issue
Dear Schofield Families,

Each month we will be emailing a monthly newsletter with important dates and information. In addition to the newsletter, we will use Facebook to communicate with our families. Be sure to "Like" our page and check it often for reminders and student learning highlights. Our website is also a great source for information. Be sure to check it out at republicschools.org. 

Schofield PTO 

Schofield's PTO will be hosting all Schofield families on February 19th for Family Movie Night. Students will vote on the movie to be shown in the coming weeks. There will be pizza, soda, and popcorn available to purchase. Come for tons of family fun!

Be sure to "Like" the Schofield PTO on Facebook to learn about upcoming events and volunteer opportunities. Here is the link:  www.facebook.com/schofieldrepublicpto.

Upcoming PTO Events:
  • January   21st     Skate Party
  • January   22nd    Valentine Grams Sale
  • January   29th     A Night Out with Dad
  • February   1st      PTO Meeting
  • February 19th      Family Movie Night
Schofield's School Improvement Plan
In the September newsletter, Schofield's School Improvement Goals for literacy, math and attendance were shared with families. Below you will find an update on our progress toward meeting these goals.

Literacy and Math

After studying student common assessment and benchmark data, it is clear that Schofield students have shown growth in proficiency of ELA and Math standards during the first semester. Here are a few celebrations that should be noted: 
  • Over 80% of Schofield kindergarten and first grade students met middle of the year reading and math proficiency goals.
  • Over 70% of fifth grade students met middle of the year reading proficiency goals. 
  • More than 70% of second, fourth and fifth grade students have scored proficient on math assessments. 
While students have experienced growth, some still have not mastered the standards and need additional support. It is important to remember that standards are to be mastered by the end of the year. Specific areas for improvement include: 
  • ELA proficiency in second, third and fourth grades. Approximately 50% of students have met literacy goals.
  • Math proficiency in third grade. Just over 60% of students have met math goals.

Schofield educators and students continue to closely monitor attendance. Students did not reach the monthly attendance goal for December, but we are working hard to achieve January's goal! Be sure to encourage your child to help Schofield achieve 95% attendance in January.
News from Schofield's Library

There will be a lot going on in the Schofield Library this semester! Students will be busy voting on their favorite Show Me Nominee book. Show Me Nominee books have been shared with students throughout the first semester by Ms. Burton. Be sure to ask your child which book he or she voted for and why.

Students will also begin research in the library soon!  Students will be researching grade level topics in the library and then taking that information back to the classroom to complete a project. We are all looking forward to seeing students learn and share their great work. Ask your student to share his or her topic with you and something interesting he or she has learned. Ms. Burton is working to encourage the lifelong learners at Schofield to read, read, and read some more in 2016. 

Meet Schofield's Student Leadership Teams

Take a look at this special team of lifelong learners! This is Schofield's Public Relations Committee led by Ms. Kelly Hobbs. This team works to promote all school events and partners with PTO to promote events, as well. They also provide encouragement for students during spring assessments.

Schoolwide Positive Behavioral Interventions and Support  

Did you happen to check out Schofield's Expectations on your most recent visit? This matrix outlines expectations for student behavior in all areas of the school and is posted throughout the building. The matrix is part of the schoolwide program to teach students self-discipline and responsibility.

Students earn Tiger Paws for being safe, respectful and responsible. Classes celebrate when they earn a total of 50 Tiger Paws. Check our Facebook page often for pictures celebrating classes earning 50 paws!



A Message from the Schofield Guidance Counseling Program
We are so excited to have our students back in the building and hope everyone had a relaxing break!  During the month of January, all K-2 classroom lessons will focus on academic success since it is important to get back into a good routine after returning from a long break.  Some of the topics that will be discussed are the work habits that are needed to be a successful student, ways that each student can show they are giving their best, as well as recognizing the importance of being at school from bell to bell each day. Groups for the month of January will focus on attendance. As always, please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns.  diana.pietruszynski@republicschools.org

Students in Grades 3-5 are covering the following topics in January:
Third Grade: Interacting with others in ways that respect individual and group differences and applying career exploration and planning skills in the achievement of life career goals.
Fourth Grade: Applying career exploration and planning skills in the achievement of life career goals.
Fifth Grade: Knowing where and how to obtain information about the world of work and post-secondary training/education
Small groups that are meeting in the month of January are grief/loss, divorce and attendance. Please contact me with any questions or concerns.

Thank you to our Volunteers! 


Schofield would like to extend a huge thank you to the volunteers that read with our kindergarten students when they visit the library. We appreciate you!
Jump Rope for Heart

Join us on February 8th at 1:15 p.m.for our Jump Rope for Heart campaign kick off assembly! Schofield students will work to raise money for the American Heart Association through this campaign and also celebrate the importance of healthy habits.



Schofield Reads!

ReadWriteThink is free and available for parents to use at home or at the local library to help promote reading among students of various ages. ReadWriteThink (www.readwritethink.org) offers activities and projects, games and tools, tips and how-to's, and more for ages kindergarten through twelfth grade. Kids can even make their very own comic. Check it out!
Like our Page!

We are working to get over 450 likes on our Facebook page! Can you help us out? Please like our page and help us reach our goal! Currently we have 375 likes!


Upcoming Dates
  • January       21st PTO Skate Part
  • January       29th A Night Out with Dad
  • February       1st  No School
  • February     12th  Mid-quarter Reports sent home
Thank you for helping us develop and empower life long learners! If you have any questions, please contact us via email or by calling 417-732-3610.


Ms. Coursey and Ms. Bravestone