Strategic Investment Program Attracts New Jobs to Oklahoma City
More than 600 new jobs were announced last month as the Oklahoma City Economic Development Trust and the Oklahoma City Council approved job creation incentives for General Electric and Baker Hughes. The Strategic Investment Program, a citizen-approved $75 million job creation fund, will provide $1 million to General Electric for the creation of 133 new jobs during the next five years at its new Global Research Oil and Gas Technology
Rendering of GE Global Research Center  
Image submitted to OCURA
Center, projected to open in 2015. The Global Research Center is one of only eight in the world and the first specializing in a specific industry, oil and gas technology. Baker Hughes will be receiving $850,000 for the creation of 475 new jobs at its new manufacturing plant and research facility to be constructed near the Kilpatrick TurnpikeTo learn more about the Strategic Investment Program, visit
Alliance Project Manager Awarded Scholarship for Retail Development Training

This month, project manager Cassi Poor attended the International Council of Shopping Centers (ICSC) John T. Riordan School for Retail Real Estate Professionals in Scottsdale, Arizona. The school offers seven institute courses with Poor electing to attend the Development, Design and Construction Institute Courses.  Poor 

participated in the week-long, rigorous program learning from retail real estate industry experts on the positive impact quality retail development can bring to the community. Poor was awarded an ICSC Certificate of Participation for successfully attending and completing the courses of the Development, Design and Construction Institute. 


"The program allowed me to deepen my knowledge on the retail industry," said Poor. "It will prove valuable as Oklahoma City 

moves forward with the Park Avenue Retail Enhancement Plan and for recruiting new-to-market retailers to Oklahoma City."


Poor was a recipient of the ICSC Thomas M. Menino Alliance Scholarship, a scholarship available to individuals working in the public or non-profit sector, making it possible for her to attend the school with all expenses paid. In May, Poor will be attending the ICSC Global Retail Real Estate Convention (RECon) to receive recognition as a recipient of the scholarship and participate with deal making opportunities to recruit retailers to Oklahoma City. The Alliance's President, Cathy O'Connor, and Chief Operating Officer, Denise Balkas, will also be in attendance. 


City Council Agrees to Move Forward with Study of NE 23rd Street Corridor
In March 2014, the City Council approved moving forward with the creation of a new tax increment finance (TIF) district along NE 23rd Street between Lincoln Blvd. and Interstate 35. 
NE 23rd Street and MLK Ave.
photo credit via The Oklahoman
This redevelopment study is the first step in establishing the ninth TIF district in
Oklahoma City. 
Moving forward, the Oklahoma City Urban Renewal Authority will prepare a blight study of dilapidated areas in northeast Oklahoma City along NE 23rd Street and Martin Luther King Ave. 

If approved, the creation the the TIF district will be the first in five years. The plans for redevelopment of this area include a Buy for Less grocery store and shopping center to feature retail, offices, and education and health entities. This development will transform 23rd Street and MLK into a destination for commercial and retail investment.


The proposal to create a TIF District has earned broad support from the community and was passed unanimously by council members. Councilman John Pettis and The Alliance for Economic Development of Oklahoma City are working together to apply the lessons and accomplishments of other downtown developments.


The timeline of the TIF district approval is 3-6 months. If the new TIF district is created, a winter 2014 groundbreaking is projected for the new development at NE 23rd Street and MLK.

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Urban Renewal RFPs
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About The Alliance
The Alliance was created in 2011 to better serve the economic development needs of Oklahoma City.

With its collaboration with city and private entities, the Alliance acts as a "one-stop-shop" for businesses in need of assistance from the public sector.

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