Construction of a New Parking Garage and Redevelopment of Three Historic Buildings Moves Forward in MidTown

On Tuesday,October 8, the Oklahoma City Economic Development Trust approved a series of agreements to finalize Tax Increment Financing to support four redevelopment projects in MidTown. The redevelopment projects include putting residential units into the historic Marion Hotel building, the development of a new 282 space parking garage and the redevelopment of two historic buildings located at the corner of 10th Street and Broadway Avenue into 87,800 square feet of mixed-use space. The Tax Increment Financing support will be provided in the form of a loan and a performance based grant. Midtown Renaissance is overseeing the projects. 

Images courtesy of Downtown Design Review Committee agenda.

RFP for Redevelopment of the Northeastern Corner of Couch Drive and North Lee Avenue

The Oklahoma City Urban Renewal Authority (OCURA), a partner of The Alliance, issued a request for proposal (RFP) for the redevelopment of the northeastern corner of Couch Drive and North Lee Avenue. The site is located in the Central Business District of Oklahoma City and is part of the Authority's Amended and Reissued Central Business District Urban Renewal Plan, R-30.


The Authority intends for this to continue revitalization of the Central Business District and Arts District as a mixed-use urban environment that is pedestrian-oriented, visually exciting and lively. Preference will be given to proposals with full-scale redevelopment that includes appropriate urban density. For the full request for proposal, click here


Northeastern corner of Couch Drive and North Lee Avenue area for redevelopment.

OK Kids Korral Opening Soon 

OK Kids Korral will provide cost-free lodging for pediatric patients battling cancer and for their families. Construction of the OK Kids Korral began in spring of last year and should near completion in the next month. Last week, the Alliance staff had an opportunity to tour the state-of-the-art facility, which will include 16 private suites, a gourmet kitchen, indoor and outdoor community dining areas, a game room, movie theater, business center, education room, outdoor play area and garden. OK Kids Korral is a project of the Toby Keith Foundation and is made possible through a redevelopment agreement between the Presbyterian Health Foundation and Oklahoma City Urban Renewal Authority.


Front entrance of OK Kids Korral. 
Kitchen and indoor dining area.
Featured art throughout OK Kids Korral.

Devon Energy Center Receives Bronze Award for Public-Private Partnership

The Alliance for Economic Development teamed up with the Greater Oklahoma City Chamber of Commerce to nominate the Devon Energy Center project and its supporting partners for the 2013 International Economic Development Council Excellence in Economic Development Awards.


The project received a Bronze Award for Public-Private Partnership of the year. The nomination recognized the participating partners including Devon Energy Corporation, City of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma City Economic Development Trust, Central Oklahoma Transportation and Parking Authority and the Oklahoma City Urban Renewal Authority


The project was recognized for its partnership in planning, development and financing of the project, direct economic benefit to the community, spin-off impact of the project, and creativity and innovation in packaging the project. To learn more about this public-private partnership, read the full nomination here.


Current RFPs
Urban Renewal RFPs
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About The Alliance
The Alliance was created in 2011 to better serve the economic development needs of Oklahoma City.

With its collaboration with city and private entities, the Alliance acts as a "one-stop-shop" for businesses in need of assistance from the public sector.

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