Volume III, Issue 4 
January 30, 2015 - In This Issue:
Weekend Weather
Partly Sunny
Fri., January 30
Partly Cloudy
High 30 Low 21
Partly Sunny
Sat., January 31
Partly Cloudy
High 37 Low 30
Sun, February 1
Chance of Snow
High 36 Low 18
Chicago Sports 
   Friday, Jan. 30
Bulls @ Suns;
9:30 PM; ESPN

Wednesday, Feb. 4
Bulls @ Rockets;

   Friday, Jan. 30
Hawks @ Ducks;

Saturday, Jan. 31
Hawks @ Sharks;
9:30 PM; CSNC

Networking Events
Know Your Target Market and How to Catch it! 

Wednesday, February 4th - 9 AM

Learn how to establish customer profiles that can give you information you need to generate business from new and existing markets. Click HERE to RSVP and find out more. 

Weekend Events
Free Museum Days!  

Head to one of Chicago's premier museums and take advantage of free admission days. Click HERE to find out more info.
"Connecting businesses with professional accounting and finance experts."

The Health Care Law's Effect on You

Nearly everyone is affected by the Affordable Care Act and will need to do something new when filing their taxes this year. The following chart will help you better understand how the health care law affects you and everyone on your return. This chart is also available on


To help navigate these changes, taxpayers and their tax professionals should consider filing returns electronically. Using tax preparation software is the best and simplest way to file a complete and accurate tax return as it guides individuals and tax preparers through the process and does all the math. There are a variety of electronic filing options, including free volunteer assistanceIRS Free File for taxpayers who qualify, commercial software, and professional assistance.




Are U.S. citizens or are non-U.S. citizens living in the United States

Must have qualifying health care coverage, qualify for a health coverage exemption, or make a payment when you file your tax return

Have health coverage through an employer or under a government program such as Medicare, Medicaid and coverage for veterans for the entire year

Just have to check a box on your Form 1040 series return and do not read any further

Do not have coverage for any month of the year

Should check the instructions to Form 8965 to see if you are eligible for an exemption

Are eligible for an exemption from coverage for a month

Are not responsible for making an Individual Shared Responsibility payment for that month, and must claim the exemption or report an exemption already obtained from the Marketplace by completing Form 8965Health Coverage Exemptions, and submitting it with your tax return

Do not have coverage and are not eligible for an exemption from coverage for any month of the year

Are responsible for making an individual shared responsibility payment when you file your return

Are responsible for making an individual shared responsibility payment

Will report it on your tax return and make the payment with your taxes

Received the benefit of more advance payments of the premium tax credit than the amount of credit for which you qualify

Will repay the amount in excess of the credit you are allowed subject to a repayment cap

Need qualifying health care coverage for 2015

Can enroll in health insurance through the Health Insurance Marketplace (Marketplace) during the open enrollment period that runs through Feb. 15, 2015; once open enrollment ends, individuals can enroll only if they qualify under special enrollment provisions  

Enroll in health insurance through the Marketplace for yourself or someone else on your tax return

Might be eligible for the premium tax credit

Did not enroll in health insurance from the Marketplace for yourself or anyone else on your tax return

Cannot claim the premium tax credit

Or another person on your tax return who is enrolled in coverage through the Marketplace is not eligible for health care coverage through your employer or under a government program

 Might be eligible for the premium tax credit

Are eligible for the premium tax credit

Can choose to get premium assistance now to lower your monthly payments or get all the benefit of the credit when you claim it  on your tax return

Choose to get premium assistance now

Will have payments sent on your behalf to your insurance provider. These payments are called advance payments of the premium tax credit

Get the benefit of advance payments of the premium tax credit and experience a significant life change, such as a change in income or marital status

Report these changes in circumstances to theMarketplace when they happen

Get the benefit of advance payments of the premium tax credit

Will report the payments on your tax return and reconcile the amount of the payments  with the amount of credit for which you are eligible


More Information

Find out more about the tax-related provisions of the health care law at

Find out more about the health care options at


Consultant Spotlight
Could Your Team Benefit from Having Additional Resources? 

Interim CFO - Seasoned financial executive with expertise in all aspects of financial operations in addition to strong administration and information system skills. Experienced in high-growth and start up environments; having participated in the purchase / acquisition of multiple businesses and the rapid growth and subsequent sale of two businesses
  • Developed a company's first comprehensive financial reporting package and internal financial budgeting model.
  • Implemented first detailed revenue reporting system that analyzed revenue performance in terms of the various customer segments served, multitude of product offerings and geographic markets.
  • Redesigned company's financial statements, cleaned up and reconciled balance sheet accounts, strengthened credit and collection procedures.
  • Led successful multi-company general ledger and payroll systems integration in addition to significant upgrade / restructuring of general ledger within 90 days to meet requirements of company reorganization. 

Please contact Chris Samaan at 312.546.9800 or at to learn more about this consultant. 

Potential Opportunity
Looking for a new opportunity?  

Tax Consultant

Large construction firm located in Northern suburbs is looking for a tax consultant. Consultant must have strong systems experience in OneSource / Fastax and have the ability to pick up systems quickly. Good general tax and provision experience is a must. Qualifications and responsibilities include:
  • ASC 740 Accounting experience
  • Familiarity with OneSource tax provision and tax compliance software is a plus
  • Tax accounting / tax provision work - preparation of 3 or 4 legal US / Canadian entities and month end tax provisions
  • US Federal tax compliance - preparation of US Federal tax returns for the legal US / Canadian entities
  • Special US tax projects - preparation of LIFO calculation, depreciation and fixed asset roll forwards, basic timing and permanent items, general research projects, and assist with IRS Audit
Interested parties are encouraged to contact Steve Newman at 312.546.9800 or at