Capitol Update

January 25, 2016Like us on Facebook

Contents Include:
1.  Capitol Update Changes Publication Day
2.  Senate Passes Bill to Defund Abortion Providers
3.  Upcoming Hearings of Interest
4.  New Bills of Interest
5.  Websites of Interest
Capitol Update Changes Publication Day
As of this issue, the Wisconsin Catholic Conference (WCC)
Capitol Update will change its publication day from Friday to Monday.
Senate Passes Bill to Defund Abortion Providers
On a party-line vote of 19 to 14, the Senate on Wednesday passed Assembly Bill 310, which would establish a priority process wherein federal Title X funds, if awarded to the State, would flow to the Department of Health Services (DHS) for use by the Wisconsin Well-Woman Program and by other public entities that provide services to women at the local level.  The bill would prohibit public entities from distributing Title X funds to a private, nonprofit entity that provides abortion services or has an affiliate that provides abortion services.  In effect, the bill would prohibit Title X funds from going to Planned Parenthood, which currently receives $3.5 million annually from this federal program.  The WCC supported the bill and Governor Walker has indicated that he will sign it.   
Upcoming Hearings of Interest
(N.B.  Only bills of interest are flagged.  In most cases, committees will be considering other bills as well.)
Senate Labor and Government Reform, 10:01 pm, Tue, Jan. 26, 330-SW
SB-385 Family and Medical Leave Insurance Program (Ringhand, Janis (D)) The establishment of a family and medical leave insurance program; family leave to care for a grandparent, grandchild, or sibling and for the active duty of a family member; the employers that are required to permit an employee to take family or medical leave; granting rule−making authority; making an appropriation; and providing a penalty.
Senate Elections and Local Government, 1 pm, Tue, Jan. 26, 201-SE
SB-533 Regulating Photo ID by Local Government (Wanggaard, Van (R)) Regulating the production and use of photo identification cards by local units of government.
Assembly Children and Families, 10 am, Wed, Jan. 27, 415-NW
AB-737 Child Sex Trafficking (Loudenbeck, Amy (R)) The crime of child sex trafficking, the inclusion of child sex trafficking in the definition of child abuse, the investigation of a child abuse report in which a person who is not a caregiver of the child is suspected of permitting, allowing, or encouraging the child to engage in prostitution or of child sex trafficking for purposes of a commercial sex act, and providing a penalty.
AB-749 Surplus Retention Limitations (Kooyenga, Dale (R)) Surplus retention limitations for providers of rate-based services purchased by the Department of Children and Families, the Department of Corrections, the Department of Health Services, or a county department of human services, social services, community programs, or developmental disabilities services.
New Bills of Interest
SB-517 Organ Donor Employment Leave (Darling, Alberta (R)) Leave from employment for the purpose of serving as a bone marrow or organ donor and providing a penalty. Referred to Senate Economic Development and Commerce
SB-533 Regulating Photo ID by Local Government (Wanggaard, Van (R)) Regulating the production and use of photo identification cards by local units of government. Referred to Senate Elections and Local Government
SB-534 Self-Insurance by Religious Sects (Olsen, Luther (R)) Self-insurance by religious sects for purposes of motor vehicle financial responsibility and liability insurance requirements. Referred to Senate Transportation and Veterans Affairs  
SB-574 Procedures for Investigating Abuse or Neglect (Cowles, Robert (R)) Model procedures for investigating reports of abuse or neglect involving children with disabilities. Referred to Senate Health and Human Services
SB-582 Use of Changing Rooms (Nass, Stephen (R)) Use of changing rooms by pupils. Referred to Senate Education
SB-589 Possessing Firearms on School Grounds (Lazich, Mary (R)) Possessing firearms on school grounds by persons with a license to carry a concealed weapon. Referred to Senate Judiciary and Public Safety
AB-618 Parental Choice Suspension Reports (Pope, Sondy (D)) Requiring a private school participating in a parental choice program to report suspension and expulsion of pupils. Referred to Assembly Education
AB-630 Representations of Nude Children (Jagler, John (R)) Capturing and distributing a representation of a nude child and providing a criminal penalty. Referred to Assembly Criminal Justice and Public Safety
AB-649 Self-Insurance by Religious Sects (Kulp, Bob (R)) Self-insurance by religious sects for purposes of motor vehicle financial responsibility and liability insurance requirements. Referred to Assembly Insurance
AB-650 Adopted Child Access to Birth Certificate (Tittl, Paul (R)) Contact preference forms for birth parents whose parental rights have been terminated in this state; access by such a birth parent to identifying information about his or her child or an offspring of that child; access to medical and genetic information about such a birth parent; and access by an adult adoptee or an adult born to a surrogate mother to his or her original birth certificate. Referred to Assembly Children and Families
AB-657 Treatment and Diversion Programs (Nygren, John (R)) Treatment and diversion programs and making an appropriation. Referred to Joint Finance
AB-667 Procedures for Investigating Abuse or Neglect (Kleefisch, Joel (R)) Model procedures for investigating reports of abuse or neglect involving children with disabilities. Referred to Assembly Criminal Justice and Public Safety

AB-691 Sexual Abuse Prevention Education (Spiros, John (R)) Requiring sexual abuse prevention education. Referred to Assembly Education
AB-692 Teen Dating Violence Education (Spiros, John (R)) Teen dating violence policies and education. Referred to Assembly Education
AB-722 School Accountability Report (Neylon, Adam (R)) School and school district accountability report. Referred to Assembly Education

AB-723 Regulating Photo ID by Local Government (Sanfelippo, Joe (R)) Regulating the production and use of photo identification cards by local units of government. Referred to Assembly State Affairs and Government Operations

AB-724 Workers Compensation Changes (Spiros, John (R)) Various changes to the worker's compensation law, granting rule-making authority, and making an appropriation. Referred to Assembly State Affairs and Government Operations

AB-731 ABLE Accounts (Macco, John (R)) Repealing the authority to create ABLE accounts in this state and creating tax benefits for contributions to ABLE accounts in other states. Referred to Assembly Ways and Means

AB-737 Child Sex Trafficking (Loudenbeck, Amy (R)) The crime of child sex trafficking, the inclusion of child sex trafficking in the definition of child abuse, the investigation of a child abuse report in which a person who is not a caregiver of the child is suspected of permitting, allowing, or encouraging the child to engage in prostitution or of child sex trafficking for purposes of a commercial sex act, and providing a penalty. Referred to Assembly Children and Families

AB-739 Education Loan Tax Deduction (Macco, John (R)) Creating an individual income tax deduction for certain interest paid on qualified education loans. Referred to Assembly Colleges and Universities
AB-744 Educational Costs and Financial Literacy Info (Murphy, David (R)) Requiring institutions of higher education to provide information to students relating to educational costs and financial literacy. Referred to Assembly Colleges and Universities
AB-749 Surplus Retention Limitations (Kooyenga, Dale (R)) Surplus retention limitations for providers of rate-based services purchased by the Department of Children and Families, the Department of Corrections, the Department of Health Services, or a county department of human services, social services, community programs, or developmental disabilities services. Referred to Assembly Children and Families

AB-751 Special Needs Scholarship Program (Jagler, John (R)) Special needs scholarship program. Referred to Assembly Education
AB-752 Organ Donor Employment Leave (Mason, Cory (D)) Leave from employment for the purpose of serving as a bone marrow or organ donor and providing a penalty. Referred to Assembly Health

AB-763 Child Care Provider Ratings (Barca, Peter (D)) Child care provider rates and ratings under Wisconsin Shares, funding for Wisconsin Shares child care subsidies, and making an appropriation. Referred to Assembly Children and Families

Websites of Interest

2015-16 Session Schedule 

Senate Directory 

Assembly Directory 

Senate Committees 

Assembly Committees 

Weekly Schedule of Committee Activities 

Who Are My Legislators or type your address in the top right hand corner of the Legislature's Home Page: http://legis.wisconsin.gov/ 

Wisconsin Eye - Independent, nonpartisan video coverage of state government proceedings.

Capitol Update is a periodic e-mail on legislative issues from the Wisconsin Catholic Conference.


Wisconsin Catholic Conference

131 W. Wilson St., Suite 1105

Madison, WI 53703


