Capitol Update

December 4, 2015Like us on Facebook

 Contents Include:
1.  Upcoming Hearings of Interest
2.  New Bills of Interest
3.  Websites of Interest
Upcoming Hearings of Interest
(N.B.  Only bills of interest are flagged.  In most cases, committees will be considering other bills as well.)
Assembly Family Law, 10 am, Tue, Dec. 8. 400-NE
AB-282 Denials of Kinship Care Payments (Vorpagel, Tyler (R)) Appeals of denials of kinship care payments based on arrest or conviction record.
SB-202 Denials of Kinship Care Payments (LeMahieu, Devin (R)) Appeals of denials of kinship care payments based on arrest or conviction record.
AB-473 Domestic Violence Protection Orders Act (Jacque, Andre (R)) The Uniform Interstate Enforcement of Domestic Violence Protection Orders Act.
AB-528 Disclaimer of Parental Rights (Jacque, Andre (R)) The disclaimer of parental rights by a birth parent and his or her appearance in court.
AB-489 Child Abuse and Neglect (Brandtjen, Janel (R)) (Updated Draft) Recodification of the child abuse and neglect reporting law; making probation agents, parole agents, and certain employees, contractors, and volunteers of schools and institutions of higher education mandated reporters of child abuse and neglect; training in child abuse and neglect identification, laws, and procedures and in human trafficking identification for certain employees, contractors, and volunteers of schools; eliminating an exception to the child abuse reporting requirement for providers of certain health care services when the suspected or threatened abuse consists of sexual intercourse or contact with a child; definitions of physical injury and neglect for purposes of mandated reporting of child abuse and neglect; and granting rule−making authority.
Assembly Children and Families, 10 am, Wed, Dec. 9, 415-NW
AB-513 Birth Parent Access to Child's Information (Novak, Todd (R)) Access by a birth parent whose parental rights have been terminated in this state to identifying information about his or her child and access to medical and genetic information about such a birth parent.
New Bills of Interest
AB-545 Lifesaving Instruction to Pupils (Spiros, John (R)) Providing lifesaving skills instruction to pupils. Referred to Assembly Criminal Justice and Public Safety
AB-553 Sales Tax Exemption (Born, Mark (R)) The sales tax exemption for occasional sales by nonprofit organizations. Referred to Assembly Ways and Means

Websites of Interest

2015-16 Session Schedule 

Senate Directory 

Assembly Directory 

Senate Committees 

Assembly Committees 

Weekly Schedule of Committee Activities 

Who Are My Legislators or type your address in the top right hand corner of the Legislature's Home Page: http://legis.wisconsin.gov/ 

Wisconsin Eye - Independent, nonpartisan video coverage of state government proceedings.

Capitol Update is a periodic e-mail on legislative issues from the Wisconsin Catholic Conference.


Wisconsin Catholic Conference

131 W. Wilson St., Suite 1105

Madison, WI 53703


