Contents Include:
1. September Legislative Floor Period
2. Copies of Letter Addressing End of Life Issues Available Again
3. Upcoming Hearings of Interest
4. New Bills of Interest
5. Websites of Interest
September Legislative Floor Period
Following its summer recess, the Legislature is expected to resume its floor session in mid-September. The Senate may be in session the week of September 15. The Assembly may be in session the week of September 22.
Copies of Letter Addressing End of Life Issues Available Again
The Wisconsin Catholic Conference (WCC) has recently acquired additional printed copies of the Catholic bishops' pastoral letter on end-of-life health care decision-making and advance care planning, Now and at the Hour of Our Death. The letter voices the bishops' concern and compassion for those facing critical health care decisions, and shares a moral and ethical framework for making such decisions. A single free copy can be obtained by contacting the WCC at 608-257-0004 or
Upcoming Hearings of Interest
(N.B. Only bills of interest are flagged. In most cases, committees will be considering other bills as well.)
Assembly Public Benefit Reform, 11 am, Tue, Sep 1, 225-NW
AB-188 Inactive FoodShare Accounts (Jacque, Andre (R)) Removing FoodShare benefits from an inactive account and expunging unused benefits after one year.
Senate Judiciary and Public Safety, 1:30 pm, Tue, Sep 1, 330-SW
SB-141 Child Custody (Petrowski, Jerry (R)) The notification of relatives when a child is removed from the custody of the child's parent and placement of a child with a parent of a sibling of the child who has custody of the sibling.
Assembly Health, 9 am, Wed, Sep 2, 328-NW
AB-310 Family Planning Grants (Jacque, Andre (R)) Family planning and preventive health services grants and granting rule-making authority.
AB-311 MA Prescription Drugs (Jacque, Andre (R)) Billing the Medical Assistance program for prescription drugs by certain entities.
Senate Government Operations, 1:30 pm, Wed, Sep 2, 330-SW
Hearing on:
SB-229 Columbaria Regulation (Lazich, Mary (R)) Regulation of columbaria maintained by religious associations.
New Bills of Interest
SB-237 Family Planning Grants (Kapenga, Chris (R)) Family planning and preventive health services grants and granting rule-making authority. Referred to Senate Health and Human Services
SB-238 MA Prescription Drugs (Kapenga, Chris (R)) Billing the Medical Assistance program for prescription drugs by certain entities. Referred to Senate Health and Human Services
AB-310 Family Planning Grants (Jacque, Andre (R)) Family planning and preventive health services grants and granting rule-making authority.Referred to Assembly Health
AB-311 MA Prescription Drugs (Jacque, Andre (R)) Billing the Medical Assistance program for prescription drugs by certain entities.Referred to Assembly Health