Contents Include:
1. Senate and Assembly Pass State Budget
2. Assembly Passes Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act
3. Rent-to-Own Exemptions Kept Out of State Budget
4. WCC Urges Governor to Veto Payday Lending Expansion
5. Websites of Interest
Senate and Assembly Pass State Budget
By a vote of 18-15 in the Senate and 52-46 in the Assembly, legislators this week passed the state budget, which now awaits Governor Walker's action. The WCC will send out a summary of the final budget once the Governor has signed the bill.
Assembly Passes Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act
On a vote of 61 to 34, the Assembly yesterday passed Senate Bill 179 (Sen. Mary Lazich, R-New Berlin) with no amendments. The bill, which the WCC supports, would prohibit the abortion of an unborn child considered capable of experiencing pain, except to save the life of the mother. The Governor has indicated that he will sign the bill. Update readers are encouraged to send a letter of thanks to their legislators.
Rent-to-Own Exemptions Kept Out of State Budget
After considerable advocacy by the WCC and other groups, legislators did not include a special exemption for the rent-to-own industry in the state budget.
WCC Urges Governor to Veto Payday Lending Expansion
The WCC and 29 other advocacy groups sent a letter to the Governor this week, requesting that he veto a last-minute budget provision that would expand payday lending. The provision would permit Wisconsin payday lenders to sell a new range of financial products, including insurance, annuities, and tax preparation services, as well as allow them to do business in casinos and liquor stores, or to directly operate such establishments themselves.