Capitol Update

April 24 2015Like us on Facebook

Contents Include:

1.  Update Readers Urged to Contact Legislators on State Budget

2.  WCC Opposes Drug Testing of the Poor

3.  Upcoming Hearings of Interest

4.  New Bills of Interest

5.  Websites of Interest


Update Readers Urged to Contact Legislators on State Budget

The Committee on Joint Finance continued its executive sessions on the state budget this week and Capitol Update readers are encouraged to contact their state legislators (see below for contact information), urging them to support or oppose the positions outlined in the WCC State Budget Issue Brief.


WCC Opposes Drug Testing of the Poor

Last week, the Wisconsin Catholic Conference (WCC) and eight other religious organizations sent a letter to members of the Wisconsin Legislature's Joint Committee on Finance, asking that the governor's proposals to drug test applicants for some public assistance programs be removed from the budget.  Among the concerns raised are questions of fairness, stigma, impact on children and communities, cost-effectiveness, and the availability of treatment programs for low-income persons who are identified as having substance abuse problems.  Because of the problems with the policy, the letter states, "It is likely . . . that many persons who are jobless or in poverty would be simply punished, rather than helped."  Groups signing the letter were Interfaith Conference of Greater Milwaukee; Community Relations Council, Milwaukee; Lutheran Office for Public Policy in Wisconsin; Madison-area Urban Ministry; Wisconsin Catholic Conference; Wisconsin Council of Churches; Wisconsin Faith Voices for Justice; Wisconsin Jewish Conference; and WISDOM.


Upcoming Hearings of Interest

(N.B.  Only bills of interest are flagged.  In most cases, committees will be considering other bills as well.)


Assembly Public Benefits Reform, 10 am, Thu, April 30, 417-N

AB-177 FoodShare (Brooks, Robert (R)) Limiting the foods that may be purchased under FoodShare; requiring a report on the cost to implement and comply with the food limitations; requiring review, updating, and publication of the list of authorized foods; providing an exemption from rule-making procedures; and making an appropriation.

AB-191 FoodShare Drug Testing (Rohrkaste, Mike (R)) requiring drug testing and treatment for eligibility for certain work experience programs; requiring the Department of Health Services to Request a waiver to screen and, if indicated, test and provide treatment to FoodShare employment and training participants for illegal use of a controlled substance; and making an appropriation.

AB-192 Unemployment Claimants Drug Testing (Rohrkaste, Mike (R)) Requiring certain unemployment insurance claimants to submit to drug tests, eligibility for unemployment insurance benefits following a drug test, granting rule-making authority, and making an appropriation


New Bills of Interest

SJR-32 Right to Vote(Taylor, Lena (D)) The right to vote (first consideration). Referred to Senate Elections and Local Government


SB-123 Trust Funds for Cemetery Lots (LeMahieu, Devin (R)) Trust funds related to cemetery lots, mausoleum spaces, and cemetery merchandise. Referred to Senate Elections and Local Government


SB-129 Accountability Reports (Harsdorf, Sheila (R)) School district accountability reports. Referred to Senate Education Reform and Government Operations


SB-130 Income Tax Deduction for Educators (Marklein, Howard (R)) Adopting federal law as it relates to an income tax deduction for certain educators. Referred to Senate Revenue, Financial Institutions and Rural Issues


SB-136 FoodShare Replacement Cards (Tiffany, Thomas (R)) A waiver to limit the number of FoodShare replacement cards. Referred to Senate Health and Human Services


AB-167 Income Tax Deductions for Educators (Novak, Todd (R)) Adopting federal law as it relates to an income tax deduction for certain educators. Referred to Assembly Ways and Means


AB-177 FoodShare (Brooks, Robert (R)) Limiting the foods that may be purchased under FoodShare; requiring a report on the cost to implement and comply with the food limitations; requiring review, updating, and publication of the list of authorized foods; providing an exemption from rule-making procedures; and making an appropriation. Referred to Assembly Public Benefits Reform.


AB-188 Inactive FoodShare Accounts (Jacque, Andre (R)) Removing FoodShare benefits from an inactive account and expunging unused benefits after one year. Referred to Assembly Public Benefits Reform


AB-191 FoodShare Drug Testing (Rohrkaste, Mike (R)) requiring drug testing and treatment for eligibility for certain work experience programs; requiring the Department of Health Services to Request a waiver to screen and, if indicated, test and provide treatment to FoodShare employment and training participants for illegal use of a controlled substance; and making an appropriation. Referred to Assembly Public Benefits Reform


AB-192 Unemployment Claimants Drug Testing (Rohrkaste, Mike (R)) Requiring certain unemployment insurance claimants to submit to drug tests, eligibility for unemployment insurance benefits following a drug test, granting rule-making authority, and making an appropriation.  Referred to Assembly Public Benefits Reform


Websites of Interest

2015-16 Session Schedule 

Senate Directory 

Assembly Directory 

Senate Committees 

Assembly Committees 

Weekly Schedule of Committee Activities 

Who Are My Legislators or type your address in the top right hand corner of the Legislature's Home Page: http://legis.wisconsin.gov/ 

Wisconsin Eye - Independent, nonpartisan video coverage of state government proceedings.

Capitol Update is a periodic e-mail on legislative issues from the Wisconsin Catholic Conference.


Wisconsin Catholic Conference

131 W. Wilson St., Suite 1105

Madison, WI 53703


