Capitol Update

June 20, 2014 - Session Summary

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2013-14 Summary of Legislative Activity

The following legislation was of interest to the WCC this past session.  Legislation is listed by general topic:  life issues, children and families, education, health care, social concerns, criminal justice, stewardship, institutional concerns, and miscellaneous.  Under each topic, proposals are listed in numerical order.  Senate proposals precede Assembly proposals.  Where WCC testimony is identical for companion proposals, the link provided is to the Senate testimony only.  All testimony is available on the WCC website, www.wisconsincatholic.org.



Issue Brief


Congenital Heart Defect Screening

BillSB-104 (Petrowski) / AB-111(Kleefisch)

WCC Position/Activity:  Monitored.

DescriptionRequiring congenital heart defect screening in newborns.

StatusNo legislative action.


Choose Life License Plates

Bill:  SB-176 (Lazich) / AB-206 (Jacque)

WCC Position/Activity:  Supported.  Testimony.

DescriptionPermits registration plates displaying the words "Choose Life."

StatusSB-176 failed to receive a public hearing.  AB-206 passed in the Assembly and out of committee in the Senate, but was never brought to the Senate floor.


Sex Selective Abortion Prohibition

Bill:  SB-201 (Leibham) / AB-217 (Kestell)

WCC Position/ActivitySupported.  Testimony.

DescriptionCivil liability for performing a sex-selective abortion.

StatusSB-201 passed out of committeeAB-217 passed in the Assembly and out of committee in the Senate, but was never brought to the Senate floor.


Abortions and Contraceptive  Coverage

BillSB-202 (Grothman) / AB-216 (Jacque) Issue Brief.

WCC Position/ActivitySupported.  Testimony.

DescriptionProhibits the group insurance board from contracting for or providing abortion services and exempting religious employers, religious organizations, and religious institutions of higher education from contraceptive insurance coverage.

StatusPassed in the Assembly, but failed to advance in the Senate.


Pre-Abortion Ultrasounds

Bill:  SB-206 (Lazich) / AB-227 (Strachota)

WCC Position/ActivitySupported.  Testimony.

DescriptionRequirements to perform abortions, requiring an ultrasound before informed consent for an abortion.

StatusSB-206 enacted as 2013 Wisconsin Act 37.


Newborn Custody

Bill:  SB-326 (Lazich) / AB-405 (Kooyenga)

WCC Position/Activity:  Monitored.

DescriptionRelinquishing custody of a newborn child.

StatusSB-326 passed out of committee.  AB-405 failed to advance past its public hearing.


Congenital Disorder Screening

BillSB-523 (Vukmir) / AB-654 (Strachota) 

WCC Position/Activity:  Monitored.

DescriptionTests administered to newborns for congenital disorders.

StatusSB 523 enacted as 2013 Wisconsin Act 135.


Fetal Alcohol Screening

BillSB-529 (Olsen) / AB-675 (Krug)

WCC Position/ActivityMonitored.

DescriptionEvaluation of infants for fetal alcohol spectrum disorder and referral of infants who have that condition for services and treatment.

StatusAB-675 enacted as 2013 Wisconsin Act 260


Eliminating Ultrasounds

BillSB-623 (Erpenbach)

WCC Position/ActivityMonitored.

DescriptionEliminating requirement to have an ultrasound before obtaining an abortion and eliminating requirement that physicians performing abortions have admitting privileges at certain hospitals.

StatusNo legislative action.


Unborn Child

BillAB-160 (Jacque)

WCC Position/Activity:  Monitored.

DescriptionWrongful death of an unborn child.

StatusNo legislative action.


Fetal Body Parts

BillAB-224 (Jacque)

WCC Position/ActivityMonitored.

DescriptionProhibits the sale and use of body parts from aborted fetuses.

StatusNo legislative action.


Fetal Remains

BillAB-252 (Bies)

WCC Position/ActivityMonitored.

DescriptionDisposition of fetal remains.

StatusNo legislative action.


Personhood Amendment

BillAJR-49 (Jacque) The terms people and person (first consideration).

WCC Position/ActivityMonitored.

DescriptionAmends Article 1, Section 1 of the State Constitution in the following manner:  "All people are born equally free and independent, and have certain inherent rights; among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness; to secure these rights, governments are instituted, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. As applied to the right to life, the terms "people" and "person" shall apply to every human being at any stage of development."

StatusNo legislative action.


Rights of Pregnant Women

BillAJR-111 (Taylor)

WCC Position/ActivityMonitored.

DescriptionThe rights of pregnant women.

StatusNo legislative action.




Restraining Orders

Bill:  SB-161 (Petrowski) / AB-176 (Jacque)

WCC Position/Activity:  Monitored.

Description:  Temporary restraining orders and injunctions for domestic abuse, child abuse, individuals at risk, and harassment, confidential name change petitions, and ex parte orders with a judge substitution.

Status:  AB-176 enacted as 2013 Wisconsin Act 322.  


Child Abuse Report Investigation

Bill:  SB-209 (Harris) / AB-192 (Johnson)

WCC Position/Activity:  Monitored.

Description:  The investigation of a child abuse report in which a person who is not a caregiver of the child is suspected of permitting, allowing, or encouraging the child to engage in prostitution.

StatusSB 209 had a public hearing.  AB-192 passed out of committee.


Concussions in Youth Athletics

Bill:  SB-258 (Farrow) / AB-343 (Ripp)

WCC Position/ActivityMonitored.

Description:  The distribution by schools of a concussion and head injury information sheet and the participation by pupils in a youth athletic activity.

Status:  AB 258 enacted as 2013 Wisconsin Act 93.


Adoption Birth Certificates

Bill:  SB-272 (Jauch) / AB-17 (T. Larson)

WCC Position/ActivityMonitored.

DescriptionRestores information from an original birth certificate after adoption.

StatusAB-17 enacted as 2013 Wisconsin Act 379.


Pregnant Employees

Bill:  SB-401 (Harris) / AB-526 (Genrich)

WCC Position/ActivitySupported.

DescriptionReasonable accommodation of any condition of an employee that is related to pregnancy or childbirth and of an employee's inability to adequately undertake the job-related responsibilities of a particular job because of pregnancy, childbirth, or a related condition.

StatusNo legislative action.


Child Placement

Bill:  SB-461 (Leibham) / AB-581 (Kleefisch)

WCC Position/Activity:  Monitored.

Description:  Advertising related to adoption or other permanent physical placements of a child, delegation of parental power regarding the care and custody of a child for more than one year, unauthorized interstate placements of children, requesting a study of adoption disruption and dissolution, and providing penalties.

Status:  AB-581 enacted as 2013 Wisconsin Act 314.



Bill:  SB-546 (Schultz) / AB-754 (Mason)

WCC Position/Activity:  Monitored.

Description:  expanding eligibility for the earned income tax credit; hospital best practices for postpartum patients and newborns; hospital staff privileges and written agreements required for nurse-midwives; coverage of nurse-midwives under the injured patients and families compensation fund; a report on information related to hospital neonatal intensive care units; an electronic application and information system to determine eligibility and register for public assistance programs; directing the Department of Health Services to request a Medical Assistance waiver; evidence-based home visitation program services for persons who are at risk of poor birth outcomes or of abusing or neglecting their children; designating race and ethnicity on birth certificates; a report on fetal and infant mortality and birth outcomes; requiring informed consent for performance on pregnant women of certain elective procedures prior to the full gestational term of a fetus; cultural competency training for certain students enrolled in the University of Wisconsin System and the technical college system.

Status:  No legislative action. 


Parental Rights

Bill:  AB-150 (Joint Legislative Council)

WCC Position/Activity:  Monitored.

Description:  Post-termination of parental rights contact between a child and a birth relative of the child.

Status:  Failed to advance past public hearing.


Child Placement

Bill:  AB-211 (Kleefisch)

WCC Position/Activity:  Monitored.

Description:  A presumption that equalizing physical placement to the highest degree is in the child's best interest.

Status:  No legislative action.


Child Abuse

Bill:  AB-630 (Berceau)

WCC Position/Activity:  Monitored.

Description:  Elimination of a provision that excepts spiritual treatment of a child in the law criminalizing physical abuse of a child and in the laws governing the practice of medicine or surgery, the investigation of child abuse or neglect, the administration of psychotropic medication to juveniles in correctional custody, and the election of Christian Science treatment in lieu of medical or surgical treatment..

Status:  No legislative action.


Unborn Child Protection

Bill:  AB-860 (Taylor)

WCC Position/Activity:  Monitored.

Description:  Legal representation for an adult expectant mother of an unborn child who is alleged to be in need of protection or services.

Status:  No legislative action.


Marriage Amendment

BillSJR-74 (Carpenter) / AJR-109 (Zamarripa)

WCC Position/ActivityMonitored.

DescriptionEliminates restrictions on marriage (first consideration).

StatusNo legislative action.



Issue Brief


Requirements for Diploma

Bill:  SB-51 (Joint Legislative Council) / AB-489 (Klenke)

WCC Position/Activity:  Monitored.

Description:  The number of mathematics and science credits required for a high school diploma.

Status:  SB 51 enacted as 2013 Wisconsin Act 63.


Educator Tax Deduction Income Tax

Bill:  SB-99 (Gudex) / AB-95 (Jacque)

WCC Position/Activity:  Monitored. 

DescriptionAdopts federal law as it relates to an income tax deduction for certain educators and creates an individual income tax deduction for educators who use their own funds to purchase classroom educational supplies.

Status:  No legislative action.


CESA Contributions Tax Deduction

Bill:  SB-111 (Grothman) / AB-121 (Thiesfeldt)

WCC Position/Activity:  Monitored.

Description:  Allows individuals to claim an income tax deduction for amounts contributed to a Coverdell Education Savings Account (CESA).

Status:  No legislative action.


Bullying and Electronic Media

Bill:  SB-184 (Cullen) / AB-434 (Kahl)

WCC Position/Activity:  Monitored.

Description:  School bullying, unlawful use of a computer systems.

Status:  SB 184 failed to advance after passing out of committee.


Bus Warning Lights

Bill:  SB-239 (Petrowski) / AB-281 (Ripp)

WCC Position/Activity:  Monitored.

DescriptionWarning lights on school buses.

Status:  AB 281 enacted as 2013 Wisconsin Act 96.


Substitute Special Education Teachers

Bill:  SB-271 (Olsen) / AB-348 (Kestell)

WCC Position/Activity:  Monitored.

Description:  Substitute special education teachers and paraprofessional staffing services. Status:  SB 271 enacted as 2013 Wisconsin Act 255.


High School Credit

Bill:  SB-284 (Grothman) / AB-370 (Strachota)

WCC Position/Activity:  Monitored.

DescriptionAllowing pupils in grades 7 and 8 to earn high school credit.

Status:  SB 284 enacted as 2013 Wisconsin Act 138.


Student Information System and School Accountability

Bill:  SB-286 (Olsen) / AB-379 (Kestell)

WCC Position/Activity:  Monitored.  Testimony (for information).

Description:  Designing a student information system, and a school and school district accountability system for all schools, including Choice program and charter schools.

Status:  SB 286 enacted as 2013 Wisconsin Act 256.


Race-based Nicknames/Mascots

Bill:  SB-317 (Lazich) / AB-297 (Nass)

WCC Position/Activity:  Monitored.  Testimony (for information).

Description:  Race-based nicknames, logos, mascots, and team names.

Status:  AB 297 enacted as 2013 Wisconsin Act 115.


Milwaukee Public Schools

Bill:  SB-318 (Darling) / AB-417 (Sanfelippo)

WCC Position/Activity:  Monitored.

DescriptionAuthorizes the city of Milwaukee to sell eligible school facilities to eligible purchasers.

Status:  Passed the Assembly, but failed to pass the Senate.


Choice Program and Student Information Systems

Bill:  SB-443 (Grothman) / AB-587 (Hutton)

WCC Position/Activity:  Monitored.

Description:  Use of the state's student information system by a private school participating in the parental choice program.

Status:  No legislative action.


Special Needs Scholarship Program

Bill:  SB-525 (Vukmir) / AB-682 (Jagler)

WCC Position/Activity:  Supported.  Testimony.

Description:  Establishes a Special Needs Scholarship Program in Wisconsin through which families whose children with disabilities attend eligible private schools would receive a voucher to cover a significant portion of the child's educational expenses.  Families would also be able to participate in open enrollment among public school districts.

Status:  Failed to advance past public hearings.


New or Small Choice Schools

Bill:  SB-584 (Vukmir) / AB-748 (Rodriguez)

WCC Position/Activity:  Monitored.

Description:  Requirements for new private schools seeking to participation in a parental choice program and requiring a private school participating in a parental choice program to maintain accreditation.

Status:  SB 584 enacted 2013 Wisconsin Act 237.


School Year

Bill:  SB-589 (Olsen) / AB-749 (Kestell)

WCC Position/Activity:  Monitored.

Description:  Number of school days and hours of instruction held in a school year and state aid for summer classes.

Status:  SB 589 enacted 2013 Wisconsin Act 257.


Tuition Expense Tax Credit

Bill:  SB-693 (Grothman) / AB-928 (Kaufert)

WCC Position/Activity:  Monitored.

Description:  Creates a refundable individual income tax credit for tuition expenses paid for dependents who attend certain private elementary and secondary schools, and charter schools.

Status:  No legislative action.


Student Information System Disclosures

Bill:  AB-618 (Pridemore)

WCC Position/Activity:  Monitored.

Description:  The students information system, the disclosure of personally identifiable student data, and the disclosure of pupil records.

Status:  Passed in the Assembly, but failed to advance in the Senate.



Issue Brief


Delaying BadgerCare Changes

Bill:  2013 DE3 SB 1/ 2013 DE3 AB1 (Joint Finance Committee)

WCC Position/ActivityMonitored.  Testimony.

Description:  Delays eligibility changes to BadgerCare Plus and other Medical Assistance programs and extends coverage under, and the deadline for the dissolution of, the Health Insurance Risk-Sharing Plan.

Status:  AB 1 (Dec. 2013 special session) enacted as 2013 Wisconsin Act 116.


Medicaid Expansion

Bill:  SB-38 (Erpenbach) / AB-53 (Richards)

WCC Position/ActivityMonitored.

Description:  Medical Assistance for certain adults who are not currently eligible for traditional Medicaid or BadgerCare.

Status:  No legislative action.


Treatment Options

Bill:  SB-137 (Grothman) / AB-139 (J. Ott)

WCC Position/ActivityMonitored.

Description:  The duty of physicians to inform patients of treatment options.

Status:  AB 139 was enacted as 2013 Wisconsin Act 111.


Respite Centers

Bill:  SB-368 (Harsdorf) / AB-455 (Jagler)

WCC Position/ActivityMonitored.

Description:  Grants to counties to contract for peer-run respite centers.

Status:  AB 455 was enacted as 2013 Wisconsin Act 129.


Mental Health Services

Bill:  SB-369 (Olsen) / AB-456 (Ballweg)

WCC Position/Activity:  Monitored.

Description:  Reporting on county performance on providing core mental health services and requiring the exercise of rule-making authority.

Status:  AB 456 enacted as 2013 Wisconsin Act 251.


Volunteer Health Care

Bill:  SB-391 (Vukmir) / AB-619 (Severson)

WCC Position/Activity:  Monitored.

Description:  Allowing health care providers licensed outside the state to participate in and requirement on nonprofit agencies in the volunteer health care provider program.

Status:  SB 391 enacted as 2013 Wisconsin Act 241.


Employment and Mental Illness

Bill:  SB-409 (Petrowski) / AB-459 (Sanfelippo)

WCC Position/ActivityMonitored.

Description:  Individual placement and support program for employment of individuals experiencing mental illness.

Status:  AB 459 was enacted as 2013 Wisconsin Act 131.


Medicaid and Mental Health

Bill:  SB-410 (Petrowski) / AB-458 (Sanfelippo)

WCC Position/ActivityMonitored.

Description:  Mental health benefits and reimbursement for mental health services under the Medical Assistance program.

Status:  AB 458 was enacted as 2013 Wisconsin Act 130.


BadgerCare Plus Changes

Bill:  SB-475 (Joint Finance Committee) / AB-610 (Assembly)

WCC Position/ActivityMonitored.  Testimony.

Description:  Changing the timing of eligibility changes and other changes to BadgerCare Plus.

Status:  SB 475 was enacted as 2013 Wisconsin Act 117.


Restrictions on Caregiver Backgrounds Checks

Bill:  SB-528 (Olsen) / AB-676 (Krug)

WCC Position/Activity:  Monitored.

Description:  Prohibiting the disclosure of a determination that a person has abused or neglected a child for purposes of a caregiver background check when that abuse or neglect has not been substantiated.

Status:  AB 676 was enacted as 2013 Wisconsin Act 261.


Public Assistance Programs

Bill:  SB-245 (Darling)

WCC Position/ActivityMonitored.

Description:  Applications for public assistance programs, offenses in public assistance programs.

Status:  SB 245 was enacted as 2013 Wisconsin Act 226.


Volunteer Health Care Providers

Bill:  AB-270 (Loudenbeck)

WCC Position/Activity:  Monitored.

Description:  Additional providers in the volunteer health care provider program and proof of financial responsibility and malpractice insurance requirements for certain advanced practice nurses serving as volunteer health care providers. To Government Operations and State Licensing.

Status:  AB 270 was enacted as 2013 Wisconsin Act 344.


Mobile Crisis Units

Bill:  AB-460 (Ballweg)

WCC Position/Activity:  Monitored.

Description:  Grants to mental health mobile crisis units.

Status:  Enacted as 2013 Wisconsin Act 132.


Involuntary Commitment

Bill:  AB-488 (Jagler)

WCC Position/Activity:  Monitored.

Description:  Involuntary commitment proceedings and limited appearance by corporation counsel.

Status:  Enacted as 2013 Wisconsin Act 340.




Minimum Wage

Bill:  SB-4 (Wirch) / AB-542 (Mason)

WCC Position/Activity:  Monitored.

Description:  State minimum wage, permitting the enactment of local living wage ordinances, extending the time limit for emergency rule procedures, providing an exemption from emergency rule procedures, providing an exemption from rule-making procedures, and requiring the exercise of rule-making authority.

Status:  No legislative action.


Employment Discrimination

Bill:  SB-143 (Hansen) / AB-269 (Sinicki)

WCC Position/Activity:  Monitored.

Description:  Authorizes the circuit court to order a person who engages in discrimination in employment, unfair honesty testing or unfair genetic testing to pay compensatory and punitive damages.

Status:  No legislative action.


Transitional Jobs

Bill:  SB-333 (Darling) / AB-401 (Weatherston)

WCC Position/Activity:  Monitored.

Description:  Expanding a Transitional Jobs program.

Status:  SB 333 enacted as 2013 Wisconsin Act 113.


Human Trafficking Defined

Bill:  SB-382 (Harris) / AB-495 (Johnson)

WCC Position/Activity:  Monitored.

Description:  Definition of human trafficking.

Status:  AB-495 failed to advance past public hearing.


Out of Home Care

Bill:  SB-451 (Moulton) / AB-570 (Loudenbeck)

WCC Position/Activity:  Supported.

Description:  Extended out-of-home care to 21 years of age for children with individualized education programs, providing an exemption from emergency rule procedures, providing an exemption from rule-making procedures, and granting rule-making authority.

Status:  SB 451 enacted as 2013 Wisconsin Act 334.


Human Trafficking

Bill:  SB-492 (Petrowski) / AB-620 (Loudenbeck)

WCC Position/Activity:  Supported.  Testimony.

Description:  Human trafficking, human trafficking victims, property forfeitures, rights of victims, admitting evidence of past actions, definitions of certain offenses, and providing penalties.

Status:  AB-620 enacted as 2013 Wisconsin Act 362.


Minimum Wage

Bill:  SB-505 (Wirch) / AB-686 (Mason)

WCC Position/Activity:  Monitored.

Description:  A state minimum wage, extending the time limit for emergency rule procedures, providing an exemption from emergency rule procedures, providing an exemption from rule-making procedures, and requiring the exercise of rule-making authority.

Status:  No legislative action.


Employment Discrimination Based on Status

Bill:  SB-563 (Hansen) / AB-755 (Barnes)

WCC Position/Activity:  Monitored.

Description:  Employment discrimination based on employment status.

Status:  No legislative action.



Bill:  SB-620 (Harris)

WCC Position/Activity:  Monitored.

Description:  Removing from records and from the Consolidated Court Automated Programs Internet site a criminal conviction if the person who was convicted has been pardoned.

Status:  No legislative action.


Regulation of Payday Lenders

Bill:  SB-694 (Grothman)

WCC Position/Activity:  Monitored.

Description:  Limits the interest rate that a payday loan licensee may charge, before the maturity date, on a payday loan to an annual percentage rate of 36 percent.

Status:  No legislative action.


Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC)

Bill:  AB-233 (Riemer)

WCC Position/Activity:  Monitored.

Description:  Repeals the changes made to the earned income tax credit in 2011 Wisconsin Act 32.

Status:  No legislative action.


Regulation of Payday Lenders

Bill:  AB-301 (Hintz)

WCC Position/Activity:  Monitored.

Description:  Defaults on payday loans and loans by licensed lenders.

Status:  No legislative action.


Homestead Tax Credit Indexing

Bill:  AB-334 (Riemer)

WCC Position/Activity:  Monitored.

Description:  Restores indexing provisions to the homestead tax credit. 

Status:  No legislative action.


State Language

Bill:  AB-340 (Jacque)

WCC Position/Activity:  Monitored.

Description:  An official state language, use of English for governmental written expression, acquiring language proficiency, and use of languages for nongovernmental purposes.

Status:  No legislative action.


Voter ID

Bill:  AB-493 (Schraa)

WCC Position/Activity:  Monitored.

DescriptionExemption of certain electors from the requirement to present proof of identification when voting in an election and use of veterans identification cards as proof of identification.

Status:  Passed the Assembly, but failed to advance in the Senate.


Payday Loan Defined

Bill:  AB-864 (Hintz)

WCC Position/Activity:  Monitored.

Description:  The definition of payday loan.

Status:  No legislative action.


Felon Voting

Bill:  AB-886 (Pasch)

WCC Position/Activity:  Monitored.

Description:  Restoring the right to vote to certain person barred from voting as a result of a felony conviction, changing the information required on voter registration forms, and changing voting procedure for certain persons who are convicted of felonies.

Status:  No legislative action.


Low-Income Assistance

Bill:  AB-903 (Shankland)

WCC Position/Activity:  Monitored.

Description:  Eligibility for certain low-income energy assistance.

Status:  No legislative action.



Issue Brief


Felon Bias in Employment

Bill:  SB-257 (Taylor) / AB-342 (Taylor)

WCC Position/Activity:  Monitored.

Description:  Prohibits consideration of the conviction record of an applicant for employment before the applicant has been selected for an interview.

Status:  No legislative action.


Juvenile Justice

Bill:  SB-308 (Petrowski) / AB-387 (Bies)

WCC Position/Activity:  Supported.  Testimony.

Description:  The age at which a person who is alleged to have violated a criminal law, a civil law, or a municipal ordinance and who is not allege to have committed certain violent offenses or has not previously been convicted of a crime or adjudicated delinquent is subject to juvenile court jurisdiction.

Status:  Both bills passed out of committee unanimously, but did not advance further. 


Treatment Alternative & Diversion (TAD) Grants

Bill:  SB-374 (Leibham) / AB-457 (Tittl)

WCC Position/Activity:  Supported.

Description:  Providing grants to counties that offer treatment and diversion programs to people with mental illnesses.

Status:  SB-374 failed to advance past public hearing.  AB-457 passed the Assembly but failed to secure a floor vote.


Treatment Alternative & Diversion (TAD) Grants

Bill:  SB-507 (Darling) / AB-668 (Nygren)

WCC Position/Activity:  Monitored.

Description:  Providing grants to counties that offer substance abuse treatment and diversion from incarceration.

Status:  AB-668 enacted as 2013 Wisconsin Act 197.


Child Abuse Investigations

Bill:  AB-776 (Kleefisch)

WCC Position/Activity:  Monitored.

Description:  Child abuse investigations when a court suspects a person of permitting, allowing, or encouraging a child to engage in prostitution and consent decrees or deferred prosecution agreements for such a child.

Status:  Passed out of committee.




Regulation of Ferrous Metallic Mining

Bill:  SB-1 (Tiffany) / AB-1 (Suder)

WCC Position/Activity:  Monitored.

Description:  Regulation of ferrous metallic mining and related activities, procedures for obtaining approvals from the Department of Natural Resources for the construction of utility facilities.

Status:  SB-1 enacted as 2013 Wisconsin Act 1.




Statute of Limitations

Bill:  SB-225 (Lassa) / AB-265 (Pasch)

WCC Position/Activity:  Monitored.

DescriptionChanges the statute of limitations for sexual contact with a child.

Status:  No legislative action.


Medications Administered at Camp

Bill:  SB-553 (Lazich) / AB-775 (Kuglitsch)

WCC Position/Activity:  Monitored.

DescriptionAdministration of medications at a camp.

Status:  SB 553 enacted as 2013 Wisconsin Act 309.


Cemetery Lots

Bill:  AB-79 (Kooyenga)

WCC Position/Activity:  Monitored.

DescriptionTrust funds related to cemetery lots, mausoleum spaces, and cemetery merchandise.

Status:  Failed to advance past public hearing.


Jointly-Owned Cemetery and Funeral Establishments

Bill:  AB-508 (Kleefisch)

WCC Position/Activity:  Monitored.

DescriptionPermits a funeral establishment to be located in cemetery, prohibits discrimination against a funeral establishment that has no relationship with a cemetery, prohibits discrimination against a cemetery that has not relations with a funeral establishment, and eliminates a property tax exemption for cemetery authority property.

Status:  No legislative action.


Right of Conscience

Bill:  SJR-38 (Leibham) / AJR-43 (Craig)

WCC Position/Activity:  Monitored.

DescriptionProposes amending the Wisconsin Constitution with a prohibition on state action that burdens the right of conscience unless the state proves it has a compelling interest and the burden is the least-restrictive alternative.  The proposal further defines burden to include indirect burdens, such as withholding benefits, assessing penalties, or exclusion from programs or access to facilities.  (First consideration.)

Status:  SRJ-38 failed to advance past public hearing.  AJR-43 no legislative action.





Bill:  SB-508 (Grothman) / AB-667 (Born)

WCC Position/Activity:  Monitored.

DescriptionPermitting an employee to voluntarily choose to work without one day of rest in seven.

Status:  SB 508 failed to advance after passing out of committee.  AB-667 failed to advance past public hearing.


Income Taxes

Bill:  SB-604 (Miller) / AB-822 (Taylor)

WCC Position/Activity:  Monitored.

DescriptionAuthorizing certain same-sex couples to file a joint individual income tax return.

Status:  No legislative action.



Bill:  SB-628 (Leibham) / AB-794 (Kuglitsch)

WCC Position/Activity:  Monitored.

DescriptionThe regulation of raffles.

Status:  SB-628 was vetoed by the Governor.


Biennial State Budget

Bill:  AB-40 (Joint Finance Committee)

WCC Position/Activity:  Monitored.  Issue Brief.

DescriptionConstitutes the 2013-15 biennial statebudget.

Status:  AB-40 enacted as 2013 Wisconsin Act 20.


Wedding Officials

Bill:  AB-429 (Larson)

WCC Position/Activity:  Monitored.

DescriptionRequirements for persons officiating at a marriage.

Status:  Enacted as 2013 Wisconsin Act 372.

Capitol Update is a periodic e-mail on legislative issues from the Wisconsin Catholic Conference.


Wisconsin Catholic Conference

131 W. Wilson St., Suite 1105

Madison, WI 53703


