Capitol Update
December 20, 2013Like us on Facebook
Contents Include:  

1.  Senate Passes Health Care Extension

2.  WCC Supports Foster Care Expansion

3.  New Bills of Interest

Senate Passes Health Care Extension

On a partisan vote of 18-12, the Senate passed Governor Walker's proposal to delay by three months the transition of about 72,000 low-income people from Wisconsin's Medicaid program (BadgerCare) to the federal health exchange plans and to delay the dissolution of the Health Insurance Risk-Sharing Plan until April. Special Session Assembly Bill 1 now goes to the Governor for his signature. The bill will also delay by three months the provision of Medicaid coverage for 83,000 childless adults who live below the poverty line.


WCC Supports Foster Care Expansion

The WCC registered in support of Assembly Bill 570, which would extend foster care to 21 years of age for children with individualized education programs. The Assembly Committee on Children and Families took no further action on the bill.


New Bills of Interest

SB-418. Paternity (Law Revision Committee) Minors acknowledging paternity; service of the summons and petition in a paternity action when the respondent is deceased; the form for a paternity action summons; releasing a frozen bank account of a support obligor; determining eligibility for Wisconsin Shares; notices to, and the exercise of rights by, a guardian ad litem in an unborn child in need of protection or services proceeding; requiring a diligent investigation by an agency that receives a report of child abuse or neglect if the agency cannot identify an individual who is suspected of the abuse or neglect; eliminating a voluntary foster care education program; the prohibition against a person who has committed armed robbery from showing that he or she has been rehabilitated for purposes of being licensed, certified, or contracted with to provide child care. To Health and Human Services.


SB-429. Sexual Assault of a Child (Law Revision Committee) Fixing an incorrect cross-reference under the statute of limitations for repeated sexual assault of the same child; numbers of subsections; sexual assault of a child; suspension of license to carry concealed weapon if the person is prohibited from possessing a dangerous weapon as a condition of release when charged with a felony or misdemeanor.  To Transportation, Public Safety, and Veterans and Military Affairs.


SB-436. Child Deaths (Olsen) Creating a statewide program to review child deaths. To Transportation, Public Safety, and Veterans and Military Affairs.


SB-443. Parental Choice (Grothman) Use of the state's student information system by a private school participating in the parental choice program. To Education.


AJR-79. Tax Increases (Knudson) Requiring a supermajority for passage of tax increase legislation (first consideration). To Ways and Means.


AB-540. Child Placement (Kleefisch) A presumption that equalizing physical placement to the highest degree is in the child's best interest and child support changes, including prohibiting basing support on income over $150,000 per year, deducting the amount of health insurance premiums from the support amount, prohibiting increasing support above the standard amount, prohibiting orders that set minimum future support amounts, and requiring a support revision if there has been a substantial chance in circumstances. To Family Law.


AB-542. Minimum Wage (Mason) A state minimum wage, permitting the enactment of local living wage ordinances, extending the time limit for emergency rule procedures, providing an exemption from emergency rule procedures, providing an exemption from rule-making procedures, and requiring the exercise of rule-making authority. To Labor.


AB-544. Epi Pens (Pasch) A pupil's possession and use of an epinephrine auto-injector. To Health.


AB-549. Charter Schools (Kooyenga) Authorizing independent charter schools, eliminating noninstrumentality charter schools, establishing magnet schools, replication process for certain operators of charter schools, and utilizing and alternative process for educator effectiveness. To Urban Education.


AB-553. Health Care Providers (Richards) Arbitration agreements used by long-term care facilities, civil and criminal actions against health care providers and long-term care providers, use in civil and criminal actions and confidentiality of incident and occurrence reports, use of evidence of records given to a regulatory agency, use in criminal actions of records of reviews and evaluations of health care providers, limits on noneconomic damages, limits on punitive damages. To Judiciary.


AB-554. Child Deaths (Loudenbeck) Creating a statewide program to review child deaths. To Children and Families.


AB-555. Home Schooling (J. Ott) Standards for admission into a course offered by a school district of a pupil enrolled in a home-based private educational program. To Judiciary.


AB-566. Paternity (Law Revision Committee) Companion bill to SB-418 above. To Judiciary.


AB-570. Out-of-Home Care (Loudenbeck) Extended out-of-home care to 21 years of age for children with individual education programs, providing an exemption from emergency rule procedures, providing an exemption from rule-making procedures, and granting rule-making authority. To Children and Families.


AB-575. Dementia (Joint Legislative Council) Psychiatric and behavioral care and treatment for individuals with dementia, dementia care units. To Health.

Web Sites of Interest

Who Are My Legislators


Directory of Senate Members


Directory of Assembly Members


Wisconsin Legislature's Home Page

  • 2013-14 Session Schedule
  • Weekly Schedule of Committee Activities
  • Senate and Assembly Daily Floor Calendar 

Capitol Update is a periodic e-mail on legislative issues from the Wisconsin Catholic Conference.


Wisconsin Catholic Conference

131 W. Wilson St., Suite 1105

Madison, WI 53703


