WCC Supports Religious Liberty and Abortion Ban Bills
At a public hearing before the Assembly Health Committee this week, the WCC presented testimony in support of Assembly Bill 216 (Rep. Andre Jaque, R-DePere), which would 1) provide religious entities that have a moral objection to purchasing coverage for contraceptive services the same protection under Wisconsin law as provided for under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA); and 2) affirm that funds held by public authorities are prohibited from being used to subsidize the performance of abortions.
The WCC also presented testimony on Assembly Bill 217
(Rep. Steve Kestell, R-Elkhart Lake)
, which would prohibit abortion providers from knowingly performing sex-selective abortions. The Committee took no further action on the bills.
JFC Budget Agenda for Next Week
The Joint Finance Committee is expected to conclude its executive sessions on the budget on Tuesday, June 4. The agenda includes budget provisions related to taxes, Medicaid, and education (including K-12 revenue limits and parental choice expansion). Viewers can watch the JFC sessions online at WisEye.
New Bills of Interest
SJR-38. Religious Liberty (Leibham) Religious liberty and the right of conscience (first consideration). To Judiciary and Labor.
SB-201. Sex-Selective Abortion (Leibham) Civil liability for performing a sex-selective abortion. To Health and Human Services.
SB-202. Abortion Services (Grothman) Prohibits the group insurance board from contracting for or providing abortion services and exempting religious employers, religious organizations, and religious institutions of higher education from contraceptive insurance coverage. To Health and Human Services.
AB-221. Bullets (Kessler) Prohibition on certain bullets. To Criminal Justice.
AB-222. Assault Weapons (Kessler) Ban on assault weapons and large-capacity magazines. To Criminal Justice.
AB-224. Fetal Body Parts (Jacque) Sale and use of fetal body parts. To Criminal Justice.