Upcoming Action on State Budget
The Joint Finance Committee (JFC) is scheduled to take up two issues of special priority to the WCC next Thursday, May 23:
1. Rent-to-own exemption from the Wisconsin Consumer Act.
Urge legislators to remove this provision from the budget because it would promote predatory lending practices. For more information, see the WCC Issue Brief.
2. Treatment Alternatives and Diversion (TAD) funding.
Urge legislators to reduce our prison population by diverting non-violent drug and alcohol offenders into community treatment and supervision TAD programs. For more information, see the WCC Issue Brief.
The JFC still has to take up two other issues of importance to the WCC:
3. Medical Assistance (Medicaid) funding.
Urge legislators to accept federal funding for expansion of Wisconsin's Medicaid program in order to protect the poor and vulnerable. For more information, see the WCC Issue Brief.
4. Parental choice expansion.
Urge legislators to support the right of parents to send their children to the school that best helps their children by allowing more families to use vouchers at religious and independent schools. For more information, see the WCC Issue Brief.
It is vital that members of the JFC hear from their constituents on these important issues. The WCC will be issuing Action Alerts next week to facilitate communication with committee members. Please take action on these Alerts and encourage others in your network to do the same.
To find contact information for your State Representative or Senator, visit the Wisconsin State Legislature website at http://legis.wisconsin.gov and click on "Who Represents Me," or call the State Legislative Hotline, 1-800-362-9472.
Upcoming Hearings of Interest
(N.B. Only bills of interest are flagged. In most cases, committees will be considering other bills as well.)
Assembly Public Safety and Homeland Security, 1 pm, Tue, May 21, 400-NE
AB-175. Domestic Abuse (Jacque) Training standards for law enforcement officers regarding domestic abuse incidents and complaints, and law enforcement reports following a domestic abuse incident.
AB-176. Restraining Orders (Jacque) Temporary restraining orders and injunctions for domestic abuse, child abuse, individuals at risk, and harassment, confidential name change petitions, and ex parte orders with a judge substitution.
Assembly Children and Families, 11 am, Wed, May 22, 300-NE
Informational Hearing on:
DCF 35. Home visitation to prevent child abuse and neglect.
DCF 43. Training for child protective services caseworkers and supervisors.
DCF 49. Juvenile court intake worker training.
DCF 52. Residential care centers for children and youth
DCF 57. Group homes
DCF 58. Eligibility for kinship care and long-term kinship care program.
DCF 59. Shelter care facilities
No public testimony will be taken.
Assembly Criminal Justice, 10 am, Thu, May 23, 300-NE
AB-190. Assault of a Child (Weatherston) Travel, association, and residency conditions of release before trial for individuals charged with felony sexual assault of a child.
AB-193. Trafficking (Kessler) Definition of trafficking of an individual under the age of 18.
New Bills of Interest
SB-170. Income Tax Credit (Grothman) Creates a refundable individual income tax credit for tuition expenses paid for dependents who attend certain public and private elementary and secondary schools. To Workforce Development, Forestry, Mining and Revenue.
SB-176. License (Lazich) Special registration plates displaying the words Choose Life. To Transportation, Public Safety, and Veterans and Military Affairs.
SB-184. Bullying (Cullen) School bullying, unlawful use of a computer systems. To Education.
AB-190. Child Abuse (Weatherston) Travel, association, and residency conditions of release before trial for individuals charged with felony sexual assault of a child. To Criminal Justice.
AB-192. Child Abuse (Johnson) Investigation of a child abuse report in which a person who is not a caregiver of the child is suspected of permitting, allowing, or encouraging the child to engage in prostitution. To Criminal Justice.
AB-193. Human Trafficking (Kessler) Definition of trafficking of an individual under the age of 18. To Criminal Justice.
AB-195. Tuition Credit (Kaufert) Creates a refundable individual income tax credit for tuition expenses for dependents who attend certain public or private elementary and secondary schools. To Ways and Means.