A newsletter from the Prince William Sound Science Center
April 22, 2014


Today marks the 25th birthday of the Prince William Sound Science Center.

Please join us if you can at our OPEN HOUSE today from 4:00 to 6:00 p.m. We'll have appetizers, cake and refreshments. Come out and enjoy the sunshine on our dock and celebrate with us!


We would like to thank all of our current and past funders, sponsors, donors and volunteers for helping the Science Center achieve its mission.


--- From the Science Center staff and board.

Satellite transmitting cameras assist with herring research

The Herring Research and Monitoring program has recently purchased two satellite transmitting cameras to provide an indication of when herring spawn might be occurring at remote locations. These cameras will help determine when to conduct aerial surveys and collect adult herring for various research projects.


CLICK HERE to see pictures and learn more

Sixth grade ROV challenge is a success!

On April 11, Corodva's sixth grade class participated in the ROV Challenge. It was a huge success, thanks to all the students, volunteers and community members who made it happen.

CLICK HERE to see pictures and learn more

The Science Center is committed to understanding how one place on earth can maintain a reliable economy and natural environment for the long-term. 
We invite you - donors, researchers, partners, funders, elected officials, citizens - to join us in better understanding one of the world's last, great natural regions, home of the world's richest waters.
The Science Center is committed to understanding how one place on earth can maintain a reliable economy and natural environment for the long-term. 
We invite you - donors, researchers, partners, funders, elected officials, citizens - to join us in better understanding one of the world's last, great natural regions, home of the world's richest waters.

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