Prince William Sound Science Center
A publication of the Prince William Sound Science Center
July 2013
Katrina image Greetings!

Just as there is seasonality to life, the nature of our work at the Science Center fluctuates in the summer. Summer is prime time for many scientists to conduct their fieldwork. As you'll read in this edition of the Breakwater, this summer's calendar is no different-our salmon research crews are sampling streams every week from July until late September. The same is true for our salmon ocean test fishery, which keeps our scientists busy gathering biological data from samples delivered to the mobile laboratory on our pier several days a week. 


Our research vessel the New Wave is frequently on the water collecting oceanographic data and plankton samples. Field technicians spend days on the barrier islands of the Copper River Delta tracking nesting success of some bird species while seeking evidence of avian influenza in others, or heading even farther afield to track birds on the Y-K Delta. 


If you live in Cordova and have a school-aged child, perhaps they have participated in one of our many day camps, and if not, there's still time to sign up. PWSSC's staff is busy every day of the week with all of these activities, and this summer, we're enjoying every minute of the sunshine that has frequently made an appearance. Here's hoping your summer has been full of action and enjoyment, as well.



All the best,

  Katrina Hoffman

Katrina Hoffman




No more fuming in the lab
New Fume Hood

Facility upgrades create a safer environment for staff


CLICK HERE to learn more

Copper River Nouveau a huge success
Murkowski and Bailey Participants and sponsors break all past records

CLICK HERE for more details.
A habitat a day keeps the kids at play
Haystack Trailhead

Young scientists learn about their surroundings through exploration 


CLICK HERE to learn more

The Hatchery-Wild Salmon Interaction Project forges ahead

xstream team

The X-Stream Team heads out on reconnaissance cruise


CLICK HERE to learn more

Tracking Black Turnstones 

Black Turnstone

Projects aims to shed light on migratory patterns


CLICK HERE to learn more


PWSSC studying wild-hatchery salmon interaction
Ocean Gillnet

Field work ramps up this summer


CLICK HERE to learn more


The Science Center is committed to understanding how one place on earth can maintain a reliable economy and natural environment for the long-term. 
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