Prince William Sound Science Center
A publication of the Prince William Sound Science Center
April 2013
Katrina image Greetings!

Last week I attended a conference sponsored by The Foraker Group called Telling our Stories: As Leaders - As Organizations - As a Sector. Nearly 500 non-profit leaders from around Alaska were present--over 40% of them from places other than Anchorage. Organizations from all over the state came together to collectively consider the power of what we accomplish and how to convey our accomplishments to others. All non-profit leaders spend countless hours working to ensure the sustainability of their organization, regardless of its size or maturity. That means making sure the right people are engaging in effective partnerships in a way that generates sufficient unrestricted funds to enable us to carry out our missions, and then sharing broadly the value of what we do. One window into what we do is our new website, which I invite you to visit at


People, partnerships, and funds are robust when you do things with impact. And while it's handy to measure impact with numbers (and we have staff scientists at PWSSC who have devoted their lives to evaluating systems "by the numbers"), the stories about why we do what we do are equally as important. The Science Center studies and teaches about the ecosystems of our bioregion because we care deeply about this place that-despite both human and natural perturbations--has remained in balance in such a way that our community and ecosystems continue to thrive. We recognize the value of that balance every time we eat locally caught fish or fowl or locally foraged mushrooms and berries.


If you're reading this newsletter, it's because someone in our organization or something we've done has resonated with you. Why do you feel connected to the Prince William Sound Science Center? What experiences have you had that made you care about our mission? If you've donated money to us, what spurred you on to that level of generosity? Our story is important because it's connected to your story--to the things you care about. I'd love to hear your stories, so please consider sending me a note to share them.


All the best,

  Katrina Hoffman

Katrina Hoffman




Delta Sound Connections is now available
Western Sandpiper

Sharing connections between science, self, society and surroundings


Our digital version of the 2013 Delta Sound Connections is now online. Printed copies will be available soon at various locations throughout Cordova, Valdez, Whittier, Anchorage, Portage, Girdwood and Copper Center. CLICK HERE for more info.

Copper River Nouveau 2013
Copper River Nouveau Join us for the June 15 event

Tickets are on sale now! Seats are limited. CLICK HERE for more info.
Summertime offers amazing experiences
Summer Camp Attendees Registration open for summer camp


We are seeking inquisitive kids, ages 5-15, to enroll in our summer camp programs where we explore the glaciers, rainforest, tidepools, ocean, and wetlands right here in our backyard. CLICK HERE
Where do herring go after spawning? 
Acoustic Array May Project aims to shed light on herring movements


A curtain of arrays was recently deployed to track Pacific herring and other marine animals and assess the connectivity between the Gulf of Alaska and Prince William Sound. CLICK HERE to read more.

Cordova Harbor Clean-Up Day a success!
Harbor Clean-up Day Volunteers make our harbor look shipshape


Forty-five volunteers and four hours later, the Cordova harbor has fifty bags of trash removed from its shores, parking lots, and docks. CLICK HERE to read more.
OSRI Receives Increased Support
OSRI Logo Coast Guard bill to support oil spill research in Alaskan waters


The Coast Guard Reauthorization Act that was signed in December includes a provision that increases support for oil spill research in Alaskan waters. CLICK HERE to read more

Ocean Science Festival takes Valdez by storm

Live plankton Participants explore the watery world through activities and exhibits


Hundreds of Valdez residents flock to the Ocean Science Festival to learn more about the marine environment in their own front yard. CLICK HERE to read more.
Remotely Operated Vehicles (ROVs) hit the road
Valdez ROVs Discovery Outreach educators pay a visit to Kodiak and Valdez


Our hands-on underwater robotics -program teaches students how to design, build and operate their own remotely operated vehicle (ROV). An added bonus: they learn life-long skills, such as communication, innovation and cooperation. CLICK HERE to read more.
The Science Center is committed to understanding how one place on earth can maintain a reliable economy and natural environment for the long-term. 
We invite you - donors, researchers, partners, funders, elected officials, citizens - to join us in better understanding one of the world's last, great natural regions, home of the world's richest waters.

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