Good Deed Brigade for Constant Contact
June 1, 2015

One Small Step to Help . . .
A Bunch of Giant Leaps for Deserving Children
(JCA Summer Camp - 
Tilt Campaign)


For many children, summertime is filled with the joy of camp where they can run, play, swim, and adventure in a safe environment lead by a team of responsible counselors and volunteers.  Unfortunatey for many children due to the limited financial resources of their paents, summer camp is only something that other children can enjoy.  The Jacksonville Jewish Community Alliance, through its wonderful staff in the Communications and Camp Departments, set up a Tilt Campaign to help out deserving children who would like to attend camp but cannot afford to pay the costs.  

A child can attend an entire summer of fun, adventure, exercise, and, yes, learning for about $1,500.  Do you want to send a deserving child to camp?  Certainly, you would but $1,500 is a sizable donation.  Rather than solicit one large or a few large donations, the JCA put a Tilt Campaign in place which is a form of crowdfunding. Whether a person donates $1, $5, $10, or more dollars, it all counts to a common and admirable goal of sending deserving children to camp.   Do you want to "Tilt" to make a difference? Well, here is your chance.  Here is a link to read about the JCA Summer Camp Tilt Campaign. 

By making just a small donation, you can be in the company of some wonderful people who have already supported this campaign including the Camp Director, Fitness Director, and others.  

Remember, wherever you see the Good Deed Brigade, it's all good. Pay it forward. Do your part. Please visit the Good Deed Brigade Website and the Good Deed Brigade Facebook Page.  


If you have a story to share about your good deeds or the good deeds of others in the community, please e-mail us at or visit our Contact Us Page on the Official Website for the Good Deed Brigade.    


*For those who want to read more about the origin of the term "Pay It Forward" Click Here.

The Good Deed Brigade - Thank You
Good Deed Brigade Logo

Thank you for reading this Issue of the Good Deed Brigade Newsletter.  Also, thank you in advance for all of your good deeds that you do today and will do in the future. 
Mission Statement:

The mission of the Good Deed Brigade is to promote the actions and kindness of people making a difference in the community.

Good Deed Brigade
Established 2013

Good Deed Brigade Bulletin Board Update