Good Deed Brigade for Constant Contact
March 3, 2015

We Can't Help Everyone,
but Everyone Can Help Someone




These powerful and insightful words did not originate from my pen or my keystroke.  These wonderful words were given to us by the 40th President of the United States - Ronald Reagan. "We can't help everyone, but everyone can help someone."  Whether the good deeds of a person span a lifetime like Mother Theresa or just span a moment of time in the form of a random act of kindness, our community is a better place when we help others.

There was a great story posted online and in the media that involved a Target store employee and a young man buying a tie to go on a job interview at a Chik Fil A restaurant.  The young man was looking for a clip on tie for the interview.   This particular Target store did not carry clip on ties but did carry regular ties.  One of the store employees took the time and effort to help this young man make a proper tie.  The store employee went even further by giving the young man some tips when the young man went on his interview.   Another person took a photo of the moment in time in which help was rendered to this young man.

The beauty of the Target tie story is that the help was rendered from the heart without any expectation of money, fame, or recognition.  The young man must also be applauded for his effort to present himself in the best manner possible for the job interview and to accept the advice of a kind stranger with humility and gratitude.

Keep this story and the words of Ronald Reagan in mind every day.  Certainly, you can help somebody today.  Pay it forward. Do your part.  
Please visit the Good Deed Brigade Website and the Good Deed Brigade Facebook Page.  


If you have a story to share about your good deeds or the good deeds of others in the community, please e-mail us at or visit our Contact Us Page on the Official Website for the Good Deed Brigade.    


This article originally appeared in the March 2015 issue of Durbin Crossing Living, published by the Florida-Times Union.  

*For those who want to read more about the origin of the term "Pay It Forward" Click Here.
The Good Deed Brigade - Thank You
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Thank you for reading this Issue of the Good Deed Brigade Newsletter.  Also, thank you in advance for all of your good deeds that you do today and will do in the future. 
Mission Statement:

The mission of the Good Deed Brigade is to promote the actions and kindness of people making a difference in the community.

Good Deed Brigade
Established 2013

Good Deed Brigade Bulletin Board Update