Good Deed Brigade for Constant Contact
January 1, 2015

How a "Jellybean" Made a Difference
for a Lonely Goat
The Power of Friendship

The Good Deed Brigade Wishes You a 2015 Year Filled with Friendship   



A goat named Mr. G was rescued from an animal hoarding situation in California.  He was taken to a wonderful sanctuary.  Although he otherwise appeared healthy, he stopped eating and functioning upon arrival at the sanctuary.  This went on for 6 days.  The rescuers were confused by Mr. G's behavior and were intent on finding out what was wrong with this otherwise nice goat.  As it turns out, Mr. G. was reacting to the separation from his friend Jellybean, a burro.   


This 3 minute video shows the value and importance of friendship.  Even though Mr. G. and Jellybean previously lived in horrible conditions, there was a wonderful thing that developed during the ordeal - a friendship built upon trust, companionship, and comfort.    

Mr. G and Jellybean 
Mr. G and Jellybean

Take a few moments to view the video and then take the time to thank a friend for his or her support, friendship, and comfort.   


The Good Deed Brigade wishes everyone a Happy 2015 New Year filled with health, prosperity, and, yes, good friendships.  


If you have a story to share about your good deeds or the good deeds of others in the community, please e-mail us at or visit our Contact Us Page on the Official Website for the Good Deed Brigade.   


*For those who want to read more about the origin of the term "Pay It Forward" Click Here. 

The Good Deed Brigade - Thank You
Good Deed Brigade Logo

Thank you for reading this Issue of the Good Deed Brigade Newsletter.  Also, thank you in advance for all of your good deeds that you do today and will do in the future. 
Mission Statement:

The mission of the Good Deed Brigade is to promote the actions and kindness of people making a difference in the community.

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Established 2013

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