Good Deed Brigade for Constant Contact
September 3, 2014

A Difference Maker in the Heart of the Nation:
Molly Schneider - Sporting Kansas City Soccer 




There are three things emphasized in Molly Schneider's impressive professional and playing resume:  1.  Soccer;  2. Soccer; and 3.  Soccer.   Yes, that's right.  Molly Schneider's resume is filled with a life dedicated to soccer.   Currently, Molly is the Manager of Camps and Special Events with Sporting Kansas City - a Major League Soccer (MLS) team.  The Sporting saw the value and experience of Molly and brought her onboard in June 2014.   I had the pleasure of serving as a volunteer for a program directed by Molly Schneider at Creeks Soccer in St. Johns, Florida known as the Center of Excellence. I have seen first hand Molly's skill set and her passion for the game. She also has that special ability to connect, mentor, and teach kids soccer from the ground up.   From basic skill training to advanced skill training to everything in between, Molly is the kind of coach who is right there on the field demonstrating techniques, running drills, and encouraging each player to do his or her best during every play, practice, and game. Whether it is a championship game or a weekly practice, Molly's enthusiasm and positive attitude are constants.  In sports and especially youth sports, it is important to have a consistent, reliable, experienced, and positive mentor in place like Molly Schneider.

At Sporting Kansas City, Molly directs and manages all camps including youth, recreation, competitive, development, and goalkeeper camps.  She develops the curriculum, logistics, marketing and budget.   She also serves as the Tournament Director for the KC All Girls Showcase.  Being part of a MLS team is a wonderful part of her job.  As such, Molly is able to assist with the Sporting game day experiences and many other events.    

Molly did not just walk into the job with Sporting Kansas City. There were many years of hard work and study that led to this awesome job.   She attended the University of Wisconsin and the University of Minnesota. She played and started as goalkeeper in each of these Division I NCAA Women's Soccer Programs.  Molly graduated from the University of Minnesota with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Exercise Kinesiology.  She briefly played professional soccer as well.  

When her professional playing days ended, Molly's love and dedication to the game of soccer never wavered as she embarked on a collegiate and youth coaching career.   She served as coach and trainer at the Minnesota Olympic Development Program, University of Minnesota, University of Missouri, Gonzaga University, Creeks Athletic Association (Creeks Soccer), University of North Florida, U.S. Soccer, and Jacksonville FC.  She has a USSF National "C" License, a NSCAA Goalkeeper Level III Diploma, and a Fitour Advanced Personal Trainer license.   

As you can see, Molly's soccer resume is impressive and extensive.  Molly is one of those rare soccer coaches who has successfully trained players ranging in age from 5 years old to adults.  Some soccer coaches excel in training young children. Others excel in the collegiate ranks.   Molly has some how been able to train players of all ages and skill sets.  What sets Molly apart is her attitude, communication skills, mindset, and respect for each and every player as well as the game itself.  

In her playing days from elementary through college, Molly spent countless hours on the field but she balanced soccer with her studies.  This hard work and dedication resulted in Molly being honored as a scholar athlete at two major colleges.   Along the way, she realized that her playing days would be limited. Molly clearly knew that education was going to be a key building block to her future success.   

In Kansas City, you will find Molly Schneider on the soccer field and in the community. She is there teaching basic and advanced soccer skills and also providing some life lessons to the thousands of players she comes in contact with.   Coach Molly will tell you the importance of controlling the ball, making a strong shot, and being in the right field position.  She will also tell you the importance of completing school work, studying for exams, having goals on and off the field, and being a good person.  As noted by Coach Molly, "Soccer can and does teach so much.  A good coach will value each and every player and take the effort to make every game, practice, and training session meaningful and positive experiences."

Molly has a wonderful soccer resume and pedigree. Sporting Kansas City and the surrounding community are lucky to have such an awesome coach to serve as a coach and mentor to the players enrolled in the various camps and programs. Kansas City is certainly a better place thanks to the work, attitude, and good examples set forth by Molly Schneider. 

The Good Deed Brigade salutes Molly Schneider for her dedication and awesome attitude on the job as a coach and mentor with Sporting Kansas City.  Follow the example set by both the words and actions of Molly Schneider and go out in your community and do your share of good deeds. Remember, wherever you see the Good Deed Brigade, it's all good.   


If you have a story to share about your good deeds or the good deeds of others in the community, please e-mail us at or visit our Contact Us Page on the Official Website for the Good Deed Brigade.  


*For those who want to read more about the origin of the term "Pay It Forward" Click Here. 

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