January 5, 2017
News from the Shared Ministry 
Christ Church, Portsmouth  & 
Trinity Church, Hampton 
In the Episcopal Diocese of NH
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Worship Services
The Rev. David "Chip" Robinson
All people of faith are welcome to receive Holy Communion at the Lord's Table 

1035 Lafayette Road
Portsmouth, NH 03801
Rite II at 10:30 am
Coffee Hour follows
Clergy office hours 
Tues & Thurs 9am-12noon

200 High St.
Hampton, NH 03842
Saturday Rite l at 5pm
Rite II at 8:45 am
Coffee Hour after the service
Clergy office hours
Mon & Wed 9am-12 noon
Rev David Robinson
The Vicar's sermons can be found by clicking on the link for either church and going to the Worship page.

Little Blessings Child Care Center at Christ Church Portsmouth  

Little Blessings Child Care Center 

(603) 431-1809 

at Trinity Church, Hampton

Village Preschool
(603) 929-7349

Episcopal Churches on the Seacoast
Seacoast Convocation
Christ Church,Portsmouth
St. John's, Portsmouth
St. Thomas, Dover
St. George's, Durham
Ministry Schedule


Christ Church

Going into the hospital?


Due to privacy laws, churches are no longer routinely informed if you or a loved one is admitted to the hospital.  Please be sure you let us know when and where you will be a patient so we can be in touch with you and include you in our prayers and healing ministry. Don't assume the Vicar knows - he would much rather hear from several people than from no one!



A reflection from Fran Plank on our recent meeting with Diocesan Council
On Thursday, Dec. 8, several members of our Bishop's Committee were invited to testify before Diocesan Council with respect to the Fair Share proposal we had asked them to consider. One of those attending, Fran Plank, shared with me her reflection on our time before that group, and with her permission, I share it here with all of you.
- Fr. Chip
I am delighted I was able to attend this meeting!  Thanks, again, for making that possible for me!
In a nutshell, from my perspective, the presenters were authentic, powerful, informative, crystal clear, and at points, even very moving. Perhaps, longer than bargained on.... That took it all out of being just a perfunctory presentation about finances, and perhaps it was even essential.  I have to trust the Spirit was at work, and am most thrilled and thankful!
My sense is that the Bishop & the Council received, and actually "got," critical information and expanded awareness they needed to have (whether they liked it or not), and had not previously considered. I'd say, it was even a wake-up call!  What they do with it remains to be seen. Trinity & Christ Church have done their part, done what needed doing.
Special thanks to you for going out on the proverbial limb to take on this needed challenge. Hope you can feel peaceful about so doing!   A woman representing one of the small parishes told me she had much to share with her parish as a result.  In my book, that's a beginning....
Ever onward!
Fran Plank
Epiphany Feast of Lights
Saturday, Jan. 7 at 5:00 p.m. at Trinity Church
The Feast of Lights is one of the oldest observances of the Christian Church dating back to the Fourth Century after Christ. Introduced here five years ago, it is a moving, candlelight service that celebrates the manifestation of Christ to the world.
This year, we will celebrate it at 5 p.m. on Saturday, Jan. 7 - with a festive "Twelfth Day" gathering to follow. Bring any "leftover" Christmas goodies to share.
If you have not yet experienced this service, you are in for a remarkable worship opportunity. Do plan to join us!
Seacoast Choral Epiphany Celebration
Sunday, Jan. 8 at 3 p.m.
First Congregational Church, Hampton
What a joy it is to share with you that there will be six participating churches  the 2017 Choral Epiphany Celebration on Sunday, January 8, at 3 p.m. at the First Congregational Church, Winnacunnet Rd., Hampton! Choir members from our two churches will be joining a massed choir to sing the final anthem of the afternoon.
As you may remember, if you've been to one of these before, the service is a beautiful mix of poetry, scripture and the choir anthems of our various church choirs along with one massed choir piece that concludes the service. It is our hope that as many of you as possible can join us for this festive, uplifting close to Christmastide!

Our Shared Ministry Cycle of Prayer

Each week, in both of our churches, we pray for one ministry we share and one or two households in each church, who we suggest seeing themselves as Prayer Partners. As in the past, about once every six weeks, we will instead using the Shared Ministry Collect. The next two weeks, please hold in your prayers...
Jan. 8
Christ Church Altar Guild
Prayer Partners: Jim Ashworth & Dawn Ayer

Jan. 15
Concluding Collect for our Shared Ministry

Official Notice of Annual Meetings 
Know all persons by these presents that the Annual Meeting of Trinity Episcopal Church will be held on Sunday, Jan. 22, 2016 at 10:15 a.m. in Hobbs Hall at Trinity Church and that the Annual Meeting of Christ Episcopal Church will be held on Sunday, Jan. 29 at 12:00 noon in the Christ Church Undercroft.
The purpose of these meetings shall be:
  1. to enact a new set of bylaws for each congregation;
  2. to receive the Reports of the Officers and Organizations of the Congregations;
  3. to elect Officers and Delegates for the terms specified for their offices; and
  4. to conduct such other business as may lawfully come before these meetings.
Any baptized person, sixteen (16) years of age or older, who acknowledges in writing the authority of the By-Laws of the Congregation her or she attends and who declares his or her intention to aid in maintaining public worship therein by regular attendance at such worship and who is a contributor of record, is entitled to voice and vote.

Suzanne George & Lynda Swartz, Acting Wardens, Christ Church            
Patrice Wood, Senior Warden, Trinity Church
Annual Report deadline is tomorrow!
Annual reports are due to the shared ministry office no later than Friday, Jan. 6 (tomorrow!). Conveners of all committees as well as activity/ group coordinators are asked to submit reports. Please email these to trinity55ad@gmail.com. Thank you!
Offering envelopes
This year, as a cost-saving measure, we are only preparing packets of offering envelopes for those who requested them on their stewardship pledge form in November. If you did not request envelopes, but would like a set, please speak with Nita in the Shared Ministry office at 926-5688 and specify whether you want weekly, monthly, or quarterly envelopes. Those who requested envelopes at Christ Church will find them in their mailboxes. Those at Trinity who requested them will find them on the table in the Narthex.

The Rev. David "Chip" Robinson, Vicar
Christ Episcopal Church, 1035 Lafayette Road, Portsmouth, NH 03801
phone: 603-436-8842
Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9:00-Noon

Trinity Episcopal Church, 200 High Street, Hampton, NH 03842
Shared Ministry Administrator: Nita Niemczyk
phone: 603-926-5688
Office hours: Monday-Friday from 9:00-1:00