September 3, 2015
News from the Shared Ministry 
Christ Church, Portsmouth  & 
Trinity Church, Hampton 
In the Episcopal Diocese of NH
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Worship Services
The Rev. David "Chip" Robinson



All people of faith are welcome to receive Holy Communion at the Lord's Table 


Christ Episcopal Church 

1035 Lafayette Road

Portsmouth, NH 03801

Rite II at 10:30 am
Coffee Hour follows
Clergy office hours 
Tues & Thurs 9am-12noon

200 High St.
Hampton, NH 03842
Saturday Rite l at 5pm
Rite II at 8:45 am
Coffee Hour after the service
Clergy office hours
Mon & Wed 9am-12 noon
Rev David Robinson
The Vicar's sermons can be found by clicking on the link for either church and going to the Worship page.

Little Blessings Child Care Center at Christ Church Portsmouth  

Little Blessings Child Care Center 

(603) 431-1809 

at Trinity Church, Hampton

Village Preschool
(603) 929-7349

Episcopal Churches on the Seacoast
Seacoast Convocation
Christ Church,Portsmouth
St. John's, Portsmouth
St. Thomas, Dover
St. George's, Durham
Ministry Schedule


Christ Church

Going into the hospital?


Due to privacy laws, churches are no longer routinely informed if you or a loved one is admitted to the hospital.  Please be sure you let us know when and where you will be a patient so we can be in touch with you and include you in our prayers and healing ministry. Don't assume the Vicar knows - he would much rather hear from several people than from no one!


From the Vicar...
Some observations from a 13-year-old visitor...and her Dad
Three weeks ago, we had some visitors from out of town at Christ Church. The husband, a longtime friend and former Episcopalian, had not attended an Episcopal service in several years, having married a Baptist and joined her church when they married. He shared some interesting observations in a note of thanks...including some thoughts from their 13-year-old daughter, for whom this was a first experience of Episcopal liturgy.
Thanks so much for sharing [the service] with us last Sunday. It took some doing getting back into the Episcopal service, but it wasn't very hard - except, I suspect, for [our daughter], who had never been in an Episcopal service before. (More on that in a minute.) One thing I never mentioned to you, Fr. Chip - and I meant to - is how good your homily was. Very straightforward, and I followed the logic all the way. Sometimes, in our church, where the sermons are more teachings than sermons, so much is taught that occasionally I'll lose a point or two (or three or four or...). Now, don't get me wrong - I couldn't recite your homily back to you. But I got the gist, and that's all that matters. I don't know if your parishioners give you any feedback. But I hope you will appreciate mine, for what it is worth.
I wanted to add an interesting footnote. While we headed [home] - I forgot how it got started - [our daughter] started saying how different your service was. She said how it was so much different from ours. She said it kept moving. She then said your service was over sooner. That's when I surprised her by telling her, "Believe it or not, it was exactly as long as our service. I looked at my watch when it was over, and it was [the exact same length]. It just seemed shorter because of all the activity." Then I started explaining about liturgy, and all the participation by people in the congregation, and the difference in the centrality of the altar in the Episcopal Church, versus the pulpit in our church. We talked a number of minutes about things like that.
Later on, back at home, [my wife] and I talked and wondered whether [our daughter] was drawn somewhat to your service because it wasn't just another teaching. In our church, teaching is king - almost to a fault. We haven't explored this further, but we're still thinking about it, and definitely praying about it. Hope you'll join us in that effort. I am a firm believer that God uses every experience to show us something we've been hoping he will show us. While that wasn't our plan, I think our worship time with you brought out something he wanted us to see in her.
- Roger Ray, Warwick, RI
Sometimes the observations of a young person remind us of the treasures we tend to take for granted. My thanks to my long-time friend Roger for sharing these words with me - and now, with you. Perhaps these are thoughts to keep in mind as we issue our 
Come and See invitations this month.
Fr. Chip

Our Shared Ministry Cycle of Prayer
Each week, in both of our churches, we pray for one ministry we share and one or two households in each church. About once every six weeks, we will instead using the Shared Ministry Collect we prayed throughout the opening months of our Shared Ministry.
In our prayers the next two weeks, we give God thanks for...
Sept. 6
Christ Church Bookkeeper Marianne Cusano; Yvonne & Miguel Draper of Trinity Church
Sept. 13
Little Blessings Directors, Diane Lewis & Kelly Coleman, and their staff; Sally Bowden of Trinity Church; Joyce Phoenix of Christ Church

Getting our churches ready for "Come and See"
One key element of "Come and See" is making sure our churches are clean, bright and attractive for when the guests we invite arrive. For the most part, both already are, thanks to the generous help of those who clean, garden, and help maintain our properties. There are always, however, tasks to be done: bushes to trim, windows to wash, details to attend to.
On the weekend of Sept. 12 and 13, we invite volunteers to come down to each of our churches prepared to take care of some of these items. Those who prefer inside work might bring window cleaning supplies or whatever is needed to make our churches sparkle. Those who prefer outside work might bring hedge trimmers or other such tools to tackle those tasks. Even a few minutes spent will help a lot - and, as the old saying goes, many hands make light work. Come join us!


Upcoming Dates
Tues., Sept. 8
"Come and See" invitation postcards being mailed (see Come and See dates below)
Sat., Sept. 19
5:00 p.m.
Come and See: Holy Eucharist at Trinity Church, followed by hors d'oeuvres reception
Sun., Sept. 20
10:30 a.m.
Come and See: Outdoor Eucharist and Open House at Christ Church - tours of new layout of Little Blessings to follow
Mon., Sept. 21
Family Night Out debuts at Trinity Church 
Tentative date: Weekend of Sept. 26/27
Cottage Meetings rolling out Christ Church's Capital Campaign and seeking three year pledges of support
Sun., Sept. 27
8:45 a.m.
Come and See: Holy Eucharist at Trinity, followed by Open House
Sun., Oct. 4
10:30 a.m.
Come and See: Holy Eucharist at Christ Church, followed by Blessing of the Animals
Mon., Oct. 5
Family Night Out at Trinity Church
Mon., Oct. 19
Family Night Out at Trinity Church
Oct. 24/25
at all services
Fall stewardship campaign gets underway: five weeks, concluding Nov. 15

Ringing bells for peace
Each year on Sept. 5, churches throughout Portsmouth ring their bells for three minutes at 3:47 p.m. to mark the anniversary of the signing of the Portsmouth Peace Treaty, which was ratified on that date in 1905 at Christ Church (the original building on Monroe St.). Christ Church has faithfully participated over the years - and this year will be no exception. If you happen to be at Christ Church or in the vicinity that day, listen for the tolling of the bell at 3:47. Christ Church will also be represented at the Governor's Proclamation and reception at Strawbery Banke later that day.

Growing Connections and Community
The Campaign for Christ Church
Last week in this space we introduced the public phase of our campaign, which kicks off this month. This week, we will address three important questions:
  • What is our goal?
  • How will this project help our ministry?
  • When will we be invited to make our commitment?
What is the goal of the campaign?
We have set a fundraising goal of $50,000 to support the building improvements outlined last week and the retirement of a loan taken on in 2013 to finance the installation of a new furnace for the church building. The campaign is designed to raise this amount over a three-year period, using not only pledges from Christ Church members and friends, but fund-raising on the part of Little Blessings, and grants, where possible, for energy conservation and community reinvestment. Achieving this goal will enable Christ Church to maximize our stewardship of our facility and to extend hospitality to all who count on us to provide a safe and welcoming space for furthering God's work in our community.
How will this project help our ministry?
Completing the master plan this campaign supports means that Christ Church will be able to continue the ministry of Little Blessings Day Care and to expand our outreach ministries to outside groups. Growing Connections and Community: The Campaign for Christ Church represents an opportunity as well to energize and strengthen our bonds as a church community by engaging each of us in the support of our church mission and God's mission through us.  
When will we be invited to make our commitment?
Some of our members have already been approached (or soon will be) about leadoff gifts to jumpstart our campaign. Most members and friends of Christ Church, however, will be asked to make their commitment to the capital fund at a series of "Cottage Meetings" in parishioners' homes late this month. Be watching for a letter inviting you to a parishioner's home near you, and containing a complete "Case Statement" outlining our hopes and the importance of your participation. Three-year pledges made during these meetings will begin in October 2015 and will continue through September, 2018.

Laying on of Hands Sept. 13 at Christ Church
As the first Sundays this fall all would make the inclusion of this pastoral ministry difficult (Labor Day weekend in Sept.; Blessing of the Animals in Oct.; All Saints' Day in Nov.), we will be offering the ministry of healing on the second Sunday of each month this fall at Christ Church. It continues to be offered the third Saturday of each month at Trinity Church. 

Choir rehearsals for both churches coming up!
Choir rehearsals for both Trinity Church and Christ Church will be starting up right after Labor Day.  Thursday evening joint rehearsals will begin on September 10 at 7pm at Trinity Church.  Beginning September 13, Sunday mornings at Trinity we will rehearse from 8 am until 8:30 am. At Christ Church we will rehearse right after the 10:30 service for 30 minutes. I will be there early on Sunday, September 6 at Trinity if anyone is willing and able to come in early. Likewise at Christ Church, I'll be happy to stay and rehearse. I'm just not sure how the holiday weekend may impact a scheduled rehearsal.  

Anyone is welcome to sing in the choir. No experience is necessary.  Any questions? Contact me at or call 603-436-1538.
I hope to see you there!
Alexis Zaricki
Shared Ministry Director of Music

The Rev. David "Chip" Robinson, Vicar
Christ Episcopal Church, 1035 Lafayette Road, Portsmouth, NH 03801
phone: 603-436-8842
Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9:00-Noon

Trinity Episcopal Church, 200 High Street, Hampton, NH 03842
Shared Ministry Administrator: Nita Niemczyk
phone: 603-926-5688
Office hours: Monday-Friday from 9:00-1:00