February 5, 2015
News from the Shared Ministry 
Christ Church, Portsmouth  & 
Trinity Church, Hampton 
In the Episcopal Diocese of NH
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Worship Services
The Rev. David "Chip" Robinson



All people of faith are welcome to receive Holy Communion at the Lord's Table 


Christ Episcopal Church 

1035 Lafayette Road

Portsmouth, NH 03801

Rite II at 10:30 am
Coffee Hour follows
Clergy office hours 
Tues & Thurs 9am-12noon

200 High St.
Hampton, NH 03842
Saturday Rite l at 5pm
Rite II at 8:45 am
Coffee Hour after the service
Clergy office hours
Mon & Wed 9am-12 noon
The Vicar's sermons can be found by clicking on the link for either church and going to the Worship page.
Pastoral Care
Jean Shula
Linda McVay

603-430-9888 (home)
603-988-9755 (cell)

Little Blessings Child Care Center at Christ Church Portsmouth  

Little Blessings Child Care Center 

(603) 431-1809 

at Trinity Church, Hampton

Village Preschool
(603) 929-7349

Episcopal Churches on the Seacoast
Seacoast Convocation
Christ Church,Portsmouth
St. John's, Portsmouth
St. Thomas, Dover
St. George's, Durham
Ministry Schedule


Christ Church

Going into the hospital?


Due to privacy laws, churches are no longer routinely informed if you or a loved one is admitted to the hospital.  Please be sure you let us know when and where you will be a patient so we can be in touch with you and include you in our prayers and healing ministry. Don't assume the Vicar knows - he would much rather hear from several people than from no one!




From the Vicar...

Being centered in our core values


Part three of a four-part series


During this Epiphany season, we are giving some thought to the invitation of Jesus to his potential followers to become "fishers for people" - not just as regards the "fishing" but what the implications are once folks we touch with our ministry are "in the boat."


In last week's column, I spoke of the need to focus ourselves on Christ. This week, I'd like to expand on that in terms of naming and celebrating what we value. My final column in this Epiphany-season series next week will relate to how we better respond to the pastoral needs of our people and the communities we serve.

*      *      *

What do we value as a community of faith?


When I think about the things that make us who we are - the things we treasure and value as a community of faith, I find myself drawn to a series of what I call "core values." I'm not saying these are the only things we value. But as we reach beyond ourselves, striving to allow God to work through our hands as Christ's own, these are the gifts I see as central to our ministry:


A Spirit of Warmth and Welcome

We strive to love widely and deeply. We are inclusive, comprised of people of all stages and walks of life. We bear witness to God's love by aiming to provide a place of hospitality, healing, and hope for everyone who comes through our doors.


A Community of Integrity and Authenticity

How we operate our Shared Ministry is as important as what we accomplish. We value honesty and transparency, and try always to accept responsibility for our actions and follow through on commitments and promises. We bring our authentic selves to the work we do and value the variety of voices around the table.


A Call to Mission and Ministry

We endeavor to reach beyond ourselves. Jesus commends us to nourish the hungry and thirsty, care for the sick and needy, and welcome the stranger. We do this through a variety of means, some of which are directly through our churches, and many of which occur through the individual ministries of our members in the Name of Christ.


Eucharistic Faith

Each week we come together to seek solace and renewal in the healing power of the Holy Eucharist. Our celebration of thanksgiving for Christ's resurrection binds us as a community, lifts our hearts, and enlivens our faith, and we carry that faith into our daily lives and work.


Inquiring Minds and Open Hearts

We bring inquiring minds and open hearts to our journeys of faith. We know that we do not have all the answers and we enjoy exploring the questions as we seek a deeper knowledge and love of God.


A Sense of Beauty and Wonder

We value the elegance and ritual of Episcopal worship, whether it is celebrated with simplicity or with grandeur. We appreciate the beauty of sacred music and our liturgical forms of prayer. We also celebrate the wonder of God's creation by using our artistic and musical talents as instruments of praise.


*      *      *

People may not say so if you ask them, but these are the things I believe they're hungry for when searching for a church to call their home. They want to know Christ - and the way they'll get to know Christ is through our speaking his Word and showing the fruits of that speaking by how we live out our values. By putting our values into action we fulfill our call as the Body of Christ.


Fr. Chip



Fundraising meeting at Christ Church


There will be a fundraising meeting directly after services at Christ Church on Sunday, Feb. 8. We will be discussing fundraisers for the upcoming year. This is a great chance to bring any new ideas or events.


Thank you!

 Tena Wolf



Our Shared Ministry Cycle of Prayer


Each week, in both of our churches, we pray for one ministry we share and one or two households in each church. About once every six weeks, we will instead using the Shared Ministry Collect we prayed throughout the opening months of our Shared Ministry.


In our prayers the next two weeks, we give God thanks for...


Feb. 8

(We will use the concluding collect for our Shared Ministry)

Feb. 15

Trinity Church Buildings and Grounds Ministry; Bob Busch of Trinity Church; Ken, Lisa and Kayla Armstrong of Christ Church



A Notice Regarding Shared Ministry Office Hours


Due to circumstances beyond my control, I will be out of the office one day every other week through the beginning of May.  It is also beyond my control to choose the day I am out so please bear with me.


I will be out of the office on Tuesday, February 10.  I will be checking messages and email periodically. As always, if you have a pastoral emergency, please contact Fr. Chip directly.


Nita Niemczyk



New Orleans Style Mardi Gras Feast  



When: February 17, 2015 

Time: 6:00 to 8:00 PM


Where: Trinity Episcopal Church - Hobbs House

200 High Street, Hampton, NH


$5.00 Donation - Hobbs House

Entertainment: The EPISCO-CATS Jazz Band


Eats: Traditional New Orleans Fare, including King's Cake!!



Ash Wednesday Liturgies


On Ash Wednesday, Feb. 18, Holy Eucharist, with the Imposition of Ashes, will be offered at 12:15 p.m. at Trinity Church and at 7:00 p.m. at Christ Church.


Our Ash Wednesday services invite us to reflect on our lives and relationship with God, to bring renewal in our lives. The Imposition of Ashes reminds us of our mortality. The Eucharist reminds us of Christ's sacrifice for us and our new life in Christ. All baptized Christians (including children) are expected to attend one of these services. This is why we offer it in both churches, and invite "cross-attendance" based not on location but on convenience to the worshiper's schedule. 

Fr. Chip



Our Lenten worship


Sunday services throughout the season of Lent strike a simpler, more penitential tone than those normally offered through the rest of the year. By changing the liturgy in different seasons of the Church Year, our worship will be deepened as we experience different windows that are opened to God by our service.


At Christ Church... There will be no sung liturgy from the conclusion of the Great Litany on the first Sunday in Lent until the Liturgy of the Palms on Palm Sunday. By offering the Eucharist in a more austere setting through the remainder of Lent, we will be reminded of that "stripping away" that is at the heart of the season's self-examination and repentance.


At Trinity Church...  At Trinity Church's 8:45 a.m. Eucharist this Lent, the Penitential Order with Holy Eucharist, Rite One, will be offered. Like the liturgical setting we are using at Christ Church, this liturgical setting reminds us, through its penitential language and tone, of our call to prepare our hearts for the Paschal feast.



Looking ahead to Lent...


Plans are now underway for our Lenten series for 2015. This year's program will be titled, "The Parables of Lent" and will focus on a series of biblical parables that connect to Lenten themes. Meditations by renowned Lutheran theologian Dean Nadasdy will show us that within each parable's plot is woven a unique message about what we receive through the crucified Christ. Parishioners can take the message with them to enrich their own stories of faith in Christ as they journey through Lent.


Our schedule will be as follows:

  • Christ Church: Soup and bread luncheon and session at noon on five Sundays, beginning Feb. 22.

  • Trinity Church: Soup and bread supper and session on five Wednesday evenings at 6:00, beginning Feb. 25.

Week 1: "Receive the Word: The Sower and the Seed" * Matthew 13:1-8, 18-23

Sunday, Feb. 22 at noon, Christ Church; Wednesday, Feb. 25 at 6 p.m., Trinity Church

The seed that falls on fertile soil takes root and grows, while seeds in other soils fail. The Word of Christ flourishes within us.


Week 2: "Receive the Treasure: The Hidden Treasure and the Priceless Pearl" * Matthew 13:44-4

Sunday, March 1 at noon, Christ Church; Wednesday, March 4 at 6 p.m., Trinity Church

Two men give all that they have to buy objects of great worth. We who are priceless to Christ receive him who gave all that he had to call us his own.


Week 3: "Receive Mercy: The Good Samaritan" * Luke 10:25-37

Sunday, March 8 at noon, Christ Church; Wednesday, March 11 at 6 p.m., Trinity Church

A man beaten on the road gets help from an unlikely traveler. We who are often beaten down along the road of life encounter the healing of Christ through the cross.


Week 4: "Receive Grace: The Workers in the Vineyard" * Matthew 20:1-16

Sunday, March 15 at noon, Christ Church; Wednesday, March 18 at 6 p.m., Trinity Church

All workers in a vineyard are given the same pay from the master, no matter how long they have labored. All who have been called by the Master are blessed by the same reward in Christ.


Week 5: "Receive Forgiveness: The Prodigal Son" * Luke 15:11-32 

Sunday, March 22 at noon, Christ Church; Wednesday, March 25 at 6 p.m., Trinity Church

A wayward son returns to the forgiving embrace of his father, who welcomes him home. We who have strayed return again and again to the embrace of our Father, through the sacrifice of his Son.


As there are study materials to order for this year's program, we are asking that people sign up ahead of time if at all possible. No one will be turned away from attending, but if you wish to have your own set of materials, you will need to sign up by Sunday, Feb. 8. The sign-up sheet will be in the Narthex at Trinity and in the Marshall Room at Christ Church. There is no set charge, but a voluntary donation of $6.50 to cover materials costs is welcomed.


"Songs of Devotion - Fifteen Years of Inspiring Social Change through the Power of Song!"


Saturday, Feb. 7 at 7 pm and Sunday, Feb. 8 at 3 pm, Christ Episcopal Church, 1035 Lafayette Road, Portsmouth, NH. 

To order tickets online, click here: http://womensingingout.org/styled-4/



The Rev. David "Chip" Robinson, Vicar
Christ Episcopal Church, 1035 Lafayette Road, Portsmouth, NH 03801
phone: 603-436-8842
Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9:00-Noon

Trinity Episcopal Church, 200 High Street, Hampton, NH 03842
Shared Ministry Administrator: Nita Niemczyk
phone: 603-926-5688
Office hours: Monday-Friday from 9:00-1:00