July 25, 2013
News from the Shared Ministry 
of Christ Church Portsmouth & Trinity Church Hampton
In the Episcopal Diocese of NH

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 E-News Archives


Worship Services
The Rev. David "Chip" Robinson



All people of faith are welcome to receive Holy Communion at the Lord's Table 


Christ Episcopal Church 

1035 Lafayette Road

Portsmouth, NH 03801

Rite II at 10:30 am
Coffee Hour follows

200 High St.
Hampton, NH 03842
Rite II at 8:45 am
Coffee Hour after the service
Pastoral Care/Stephen Ministry Leaders
Jean Shula
Linda McVay

603-430-9888 (home)
603-988-9755 (cell)

Little Blessings Child Care Center at Christ Church Portsmouth  
Little Blessings Child Care Center
Village Preschool at Trinity Church, Hampton

Village Preschool

Support our Parishioners 
Support the businesses of self-employed small business owners who are also active members of Trinity and Christ Church
updated: 3/29/12



Episcopal Churches on the Seacoast
Seacoast Convocation
Christ Church,Portsmouth
St. John's, Portsmouth
St. Thomas, Dover
St. George's, Durham
Ministry Schedule
Christ Church

 In these early hours, when all the world around me is sleeping, I close my eyes and imagine it is so quiet I can hear the whispered prayers of other souls, prayers being lifted up around the sleeping world, prayers from places I will never see, whispered from people I will never meet, in languages I cannot speak, but with words I already know by heart. When we pray we are never alone. We are an unseen family, a community vast and loving, whispering hope into the quiet of a still sleeping world.
The Rt. Rev. 
Steven Charleston


Shared from Steven Charlestons facebook page.

From the Vicar...


I'm going on vacation...but not from God


Every summer all across the Episcopal Church, it seems as if people take a vacation from God. Worship goes on the backburner; summertime fun is moved up to the front. Inevitably, the summer attendance numbers go down. It is as if God's people have decided to take a vacation from God. "We'll see you in the fall, God! Take care!"


God does not take a vacation from us, so why do we often take a vacation from God? Our duty and responsibility as baptized persons is to engage in corporate worship, uniting "ourselves with others to acknowledge the holiness of God, to hear God's Word, to offer prayer, and to celebrate the sacraments." Book of Common Prayer, p. 857. We offer praise to Almighty God not because we want to get something from God, but "because God's being draws praise from us." I don't often celebrate the Rite One version of our Liturgy, but somehow its moving cadences come to mind: "It is meet, right, and our bounden duty, that we should at all times, and in all places, give thanks unto thee, O Lord, holy Father, almighty, everlasting God." BCP, p. 333. It does not say that we should give thanks and praise from September through May, but "at all times, and in all places."


This week, Cindy and I head off to two weeks of vacation. It is our first in three years, as I went straight from Our Saviour, Milford, to Holy Spirit, Plymouth two summers ago without a break - and was working in a secular job that offered no vacation benefits this time last year. It will be good to be away from the day-to-day work of being a priest - but never does that mean our prayers or our worship take a vacation. I urge you - if you are at home this summer, do not neglect coming to Church on Sundays. If you are traveling, then on Sundays, join with others wherever you are to offer praise and thanksgiving to God. Who knows, you might even bring back some new ideas and things for us to try at Christ and Trinity churches. Above all, do not take a vacation from God. God never takes a vacation from us.


In peace,
Fr. Chip




We welcome the Rev. Richard Belshaw while Fr. Chip is on vacation


This Sunday, and again on Aug. 4 & 11, the Rev. Richard W. Belshaw of Durham will be our guest celebrant at both Trinity and Christ churches. Until recently, he was Vicar of St. John the Evangelist Church, Dunbarton. A long-time resident of the Seacoast, he is now serving as a local supply priest. He is also the Facilitator of the We the People ecumenical group in Exeter that plans lectures, panel discussions, and events on contemporary and ethical issues that touch on the spiritual.




Pictorial directory photography continues this Sunday 


This week, our directory photography moves from Trinity Church, where it occurred last Sunday, to Christ Church. Gary Dozier will be set up in the classroom at the south end of the hall immediately following the 10:30 service.


Our remaining photography dates are as follows:                


Christ Church:    Sundays, July 28 and Aug. 11 after church in the Classroom; 
                             make-up date, Sept. 15                  

Trinity Church:   Sunday, Aug. 4 after church in Hobbs Hall;
                             make-up date, Sept. 22


Members of either church may be photographed in either location. If you did not receive information and release forms either by e-mail or by "snail mail," there will be extra copies on hand.



Rolling out our proposed Covenant


On Tuesday, July 16, the combined Bishop's Committees unanimously endorsed the draft Shared Ministry Covenant presented by the Covenant Working Group. Here is the process the Bishop's Committees established for adoption by the congregations at large:

  • The final text with an explanatory cover letter will be distributed to all households in both congregations in early September.
  • Open non-legislative forums will be held to introduce and discuss the Covenant in both congregations. Christ Church's forum will be after the 10:30 service on Sept. 22; Trinity Church's gathering will follow on Sept. 29 after its 8:45 service.
  • Each congregation will hold a special parish meeting in the context of its regular Sunday liturgy on Sunday, Oct. 6. The meeting will take the place of the sermon that day. As a full opportunity for discussion will have occurred at the open forums, this is anticipated to be a straight presentation, motion, and "up or down" vote. An affirmative vote of two-thirds of those present in both congregations will be required for adoption.
  • The Covenant, if so adopted, will be sent to the bishop for final approval. If he approves, a signing ceremony will be scheduled allowing him to celebrate with us the signing and inauguration of our Shared Ministry Covenant.

Be watching for the final text in early September.

New Safe Church Minister at Christ Church named
I am pleased to announce that Patsy Tremblay has accepted my invitation to serve as Christ Church's new Safe Church Minister. This past Tuesday she attended diocesan training for her new role and will soon be reviewing our current records to assure that our compliance is up to date. 
Herself the mother of twin 3-year-olds, she is keen to maintain our reputation as a safe place for children, youth, elders and people of all ages and life situations. 
A copy of the diocesan Safe Church policy she will be responsible for enforcing may be found here. http://www.nhepiscopal.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/Safe-Church-Policy-Diocese-of-New-Hampshire-2013.pdf
Fr. Chip
Events, Meetings & Announcements 
Holly Berry Fair
What, you say!  It's only July!  Who will co-ordinate the fair?   Planning needs to be done!   Do we recruit vendors again this year?  It's a great time to solicit donations - business is booming on the seacoast!  How can you help?  
An organizational meeting will be held  in the narthex at Trinity on Tuesday,  
July 30th at 6:30 p.m.  Come your ideas and a willingness to share in the organizing of this important fundraiser!



Adelynrood Retreat and Conference center 


Adelynrood Retreat and Conference center in Newbury, MA is a retreat and conference center offers women and men an opportunity to visit and to discover new resources for spiritual development through conferences and workshops, as well as individual or group retreats. There are lots of interesting conferences being given this summer, including people like Kathleen Norris and Martin Smith, SSJE. Check it out at www.adelynrood.org or see Betty Lane



Children and Youth Programs are on summer vacation!


A very special thanks to JR and his helpers for their dedication to our children this past year!  


Church Ministries
If your ministry is missing from this list please send an email to porthamp@gmail.com
  • Saturdays: Food Pantry at Hobbs House Trinity. 10:00 am - noon  year round (Sandi Nickerson, Gordon Lane & Thelma Hutton) ~ 601-6622
  • Sundays: The Christ Church "Holy Roller" Bus (Chuck Ott)
  • 1st Saturday of the month: Portsmouth Salvation Army Suppers, 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm
  • 1st Sundays of the month: Pastoral Visit to the Oceanside Rehabilitation Center, Hampton (Bob Main & Belinda Wilkes)
Hobbs House at Trinity Church
Providing transportation assistance to eligible seniors and others with medical mobility issues. Currently serving the NH seacoast communities of Exeter, Greenland, Hampton, Hampton Falls, Kensington, North Hampton, Rye, Stratham and Seabrook.
Contact:  603-926-9026

Dress4 School Success

Contact Amanda or Aidan at Dress4 School Success for clothing donation drop off or clothing needs 603.918.6816 or email  dress4schoolsuccess@comcast.net. during the school year.  All requests are confidential.



 Content Submission Guidelines 

The Shared Ministry E-News is an electronic newsletter for members of Trinity Episcopal Church, Hampton and Christ Episcopal Church, Portsmouth. It is published weekly on Thursdays. We welcome submissions that have a connection to the ministry of these churches. Inclusion of submissions is at the discretion of Reverend Robinson.

Please email submissions to porthamp@gmail.com or mail to the office at Trinity Church, 200 High St, Hampton, NH 03842 or Christ Church, 1035 Lafayette Rd, Portsmouth, NH 03801. Entries should follow the Submission Guidelines.



: The deadline to send a submission is Wednesday at noon.  


The Rev. David "Chip" Robinson, Vicar
Christ Episcopal Church, 1035 Lafayette Road, Portsmouth, NH 03801
phone: 603-436-8842
Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9:00-Noon

Trinity Episcopal Church, 200 High Street, Hampton, NH 03842
Shared Ministry Administrator: Nita Niemczyk
phone: 603-926-5688
Office hours: Monday-Friday from 9:00-1:00