Health and Wellness Newsletter
Let food be thy medicine and thy medicine be thy food. 
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Vitamin D
Recipe of the Week
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Prayer is not asking. It is a longing of the soul. It is daily admission of one's weakness. It is better in prayer to have a heart without words than words without a heart.

Mahatma Gandhi


For all teenagers and college students interested in a new medical experience, pay attention.
Salisbury Pediatrics has opened a new wing dedicated to you. In Primetime we are only focused on your needs as an emerging adult. 
From the music when you enter, to the autonomy of your visit, we are sure that you will love a new way to see your doctor.

Quality Products

Vacuum out the oxygen to preserve the freshness..

Please email me your favorite products.  I would like to share quality products with our readers. Think - car seats, toys, anything that a mother would love!

Please reply with feedback or questions here.  I will try to answer as many questions via the newsletter as possible.  As always be well and love your children!


The forum
simply good
Dr. Magryta
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Issue: #3
January 6, 2014
River Arno, Pisa, Italy

Volume 4, Letter 3

January 6, 2014


Empathy - the ability to understand and share the feelings of another.
Video worth watching to get a basic understanding of empathy.
I find that being empathetic does not come naturally to many if not most. Men certainly have a more difficult time with this emotion than woman and young children. Teaching your kids at young ages to be empathetic will be unbelievably useful to them in their relationships as they age. 
Fixing and controlling someone's negative feelings and emotions will leave them feeling sad and lost. The silver lining approach rarely helps.
I can say that I never truly understood how to be empathetic until I entered into marriage. Learning to listen has helped me in many ways at home and at work. I believe that it is a long journey to actively witness someone's pain without trying to fix it. (unless they ask for it your guidance)
Empathy is good,


Dr. M



Update on measles viral infection prevalence.
North Carolina had the 3rd highest measles infection prevalence in 2013. 23 cases were identified. According to the CDC, 20 of the 23 infected individuals were unvaccinated for religious or philosophical reasons. The incidence of measles has increased by 3 fold in the last year. 
The source of the infection is almost always from unvaccinated travelers returning from overseas from countries with high rates of measles disease. 
If you are unvaccinated, think long and hard about getting vaccinated if you are going to travel or be exposed to such travelers. 
See Newsletter: volume 3 letter 19 for more info.
Vitamin D Update

Vitamin D continues to make headlines.


1) Vitamin D supplementation decreased the risk for recurrent acute otitis media, AOM. Susanna Esposito, MD from the University of Milan studied 116 children with a history of recurrent AOM. The children received either 1000IU of Vitamin D or placebo daily for 4 months. 


The group receiving the vitamin D had significantly less AOM than the placebo group. Vitamin D is involved in many reactions in the body and is known to effect the immune systems function. This is likely the effect that we are seeing. 


2) Vitamin D supplementation has no effect on the risk of recurrent diarrheal disease in the developing world. Adam Alusio, et. al. looked at this diarrheal problem in the September 9th issue in the journal Pediatrics. 


They studied 3,046 high risk infants from Kabul, Afghanistan. They gave the vitamin D group a 100,000IU mega dose once every three months versus placebo. They found no benefit in reducing the incidence of diarrheal disease in the treated group. 


The lack of effect may have been related to the dosing interval and its incorporation into the system. Humans like most mammals naturally obtain vitamin D from the sun or through certain foods on a daily or weekly basis. The huge dose every three months has no sound basis in nature. 


Zinc and probiotic supplementation have been shown to help and prevent diarrhea. Ask your physician for dosing. 


I recommend having your vitamin D level checked at least once. Ideally, keeping the level greater than 40 ng/ml is important for health based on current data. There is still a lot of controversy over what is the best level. For now be conservative and discuss all supplementation with your physician. 


Vitamin D is important,


Dr. M

Recipe of the Week

Honey curry-glazed chicken by David Katz, MD




12 chicken drumsticks, skin removed *

2 tablespoons Dijon mustard
1/4 cup lemon juice
1/4 cup natural honey
1/4 teaspoon mild curry powder
1/2 teaspoon salt 




  1. Preheat the oven to 375�F. Rinse the chicken and pat dry.
  2. In a large bowl, combine the mustard, lemon juice, honey, curry powder, and salt. Add the chicken and stir to coat (you can do this ahead of time and refrigerate, covered, overnight if you like).
  3. Bake for 1 hour, turning once and basting occasionally, until the chicken almost falls off the bone and the sauce has thickened to a rich golden glaze. 


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Copyright � 2010-2014 Christopher J. Magryta, MD. Readers, please note: The information provided in this newsletter is for educational and informational purposes only. It is not a substitute for advice and treatment provided by your physician or other healthcare professional and is not to be used to diagnose or treat a health issue.


Chris Magryta
Salisbury Pediatric Associates
Touchstone Pediatrics