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Boys and Feelings
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When transparency is not allowed, the assumption is that a problem is being hidden. Our national food programs are becoming a commodity that is for sale to the highest donator. The Monsanto Protection Act is proof number one.


GMO foods are safe yet we need a protection act?????


Dr. M 


For all teenagers and college students interested in a new medical experience, pay attention.
Salisbury Pediatrics has opened a new wing dedicated to you. In Primetime we are only focused on your needs as an emerging adult. 
From the music when you enter, to the autonomy of your visit, we are sure that you will love a new way to see your doctor.

Quality Products
A primer on gut instinct and how to trust your senses in life.

Please email me your favorite products.  I would like to share quality products with our readers. Think - car seats, toys, anything that a mother would love!

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simply good
Dr. Magryta
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Issue: #40
September 23, 2013

Volume 3, Letter 40

September 23, 2013


Boys and feelings: revisiting an old topic.


In the machismo world that we reside in, there has always been a code that many men live by with their sons. That code is: don't feel, be strong.


How this affects these young boys and men is to shut down gut instinct and the creative feeling side of the right brain. The book Blink referenced to the left is a study in using feelings and instinct to succeed in decision making processes. 


When a boy falls or is hurt, he is told to get up and deal with it. They then learn to think through the event and to not feel it at the physical and emotional level. Feeling the emotion is the connection point between the gut and the brain. 


Boys who are in tune with their feelings are more likely when they are older to use the emotions to provide another level of perception to events. Many famous people, like investors, have always relied on the gut perception to make choices that are difficult to the left and linear brain. 


Also remember that feeling is not being weak or whimpy despite what we have been told as children. Great martial arts experts are strong yet feeling and perceptive. 


What to do? Let your boys fall, live and feel the emotions and then let the negative ones pass through them as they hold on to the positive ones. This gut instinct development will serve them well.


When they are hurt, our job is to be present and loving while they perceive and deal with the event.


Teaching my son, 


Dr. M



There is nothing more precious than your child. The source of their health is food. The source of this food is?? 
I try not to get political often, however, farming and our food sources are an issue that I am passionate about. If we cannot ascertain the sources of our food, the way in which they are produced and so on, then we are eating mysterious and potentially harmful things. 
Why are companies so dead set on us not knowing the country of origin, the farming methods or whether it is GMO sourced??? Why are we so wedded to the idea that the FDA is protecting us. I have read more than enough articles and studies to say otherwise.  A buddy of mine sent me this link that I find to be an excellent source of information on part of this topic. Also check out Food Democracy Now. Read it and make your own decisions.
It is time for us to speak with our pocket books. We all want natural, unprocessed, hormone free, pesticide free and clean foods. The problem is cost. Farmers market products are more expensive, no question there. I think that the answer is for those that can afford to switch from mass produced to quality farming to do so and maybe provide some of this food to charity. 
The other great need is our voice. Be active in the country. Join groups that espouse your beliefs. Call your congressmen and tell them that you care about this. Just because a hog lagoon is located in another county does not remove us from its risk of overflow. These contaminants are finding there way onto other farms via groundwater and then into irrigation. Just because you are not near the Mississippi delta does not make the algal bloom less real from the fertilizer boom. (see National Geographic articles)
Think and be concerned for your kids. Multinational food corporations are not in the business of protecting your children. I fear the government has abdicated its responsibility as well. 
Today, I listened to a show where the government speakers were espousing the safety of antibiotic use in farm animals at the feed level. Can anyone say antibiotic resistant bacteria!!! In humans it is clear that chronic antibiotic use is a recipe for human disaster, yet we are still having this argument about our food source! Where is the precautionary principle of safety first? Unfortunately, I fear that this is a major human health concern. 
Read and make your own decisions,
Dr. M


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Copyright � 2010-2013 Christopher J. Magryta, MD. Readers, please note: The information provided in this newsletter is for educational and informational purposes only. It is not a substitute for advice and treatment provided by your physician or other healthcare professional and is not to be used to diagnose or treat a health issue.


Chris Magryta
Salisbury Pediatric Associates
Touchstone Pediatrics