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Extremism and Moderation
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Safe means that you are being your best self and living the life you've imagined even in the face of uncertainty. It means that you are being kind and brave -- to yourself and to others -- even if you are afraid. Even when you don't know what's going to happen next.  

Glennon Melton



For all teenagers and college students interested in a new medical experience, pay attention.
Salisbury Pediatrics has opened a new wing dedicated to you. In Primetime we are only focused on your needs as an emerging adult. 
From the music when you enter, to the autonomy of your visit, we are sure that you will love a new way to see your doctor.

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Dr. Magryta
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Issue: #22
May 20, 2013
Water ski season is here!
Volume 3, Letter 22

May 20, 2013  


Extremism versus moderation. The news media would have us believe that we are living in a world of extremism. From politics to dieting, everyone is living on the edge. 


I don't subscribe to this belief. The media loves to sell this to us because many like to read it. In fact, most people are in the middle and quite happy being there.


When we look at life from almost any angle we see that moderation is great for us, where excess kills. 


Politics: too much democrat or republican = too much impasse/nothing for the common sense approach(fill in the blank because I am not going there).


Dieting: too many burgers = increased inflammation whereas a grass fed hormone free burger once in a while is good for iron and protein.


Exercise: moderate exercise and hard work are good for us while excessive exercise is dangerous for hormone balance and cellular function.


Medicine: antibiotics are necessary, but overuse has caused a myriad of problems.


The examples go on and on....


Teach your kids that the balance is key and middle of the road for many things is great. 




Dr. Magryta

Feeding Children Healthy Options

Imagine that it is 1901 and the food options are limited to mother natures. It is a good starting spot for any parent trying to change their child's eating habits.

You have heard me say that processed food is just not good for us. Period. The volume of additives, chemicals, high fructose corn syrup, trans fats and refined grains is enough to cause disease in any genome over enough time. Our children deserve a better life than a chronic disease laden existence. 

The problem with this philosophy is that it requires a parent or both to be savvy in the kitchen. If you have the desire, take the time to be a good cook for your child's long term needs. It is really not difficult when you spend a little time in the kitchen. It does take time though! Start with recipes from this newsletter/archive or 

I find myself discussing this topic everyday. Start slowly and encourage your child to try everything at least once. If they refuse and are neurologically normal, then there is no harm in letting them get hungry enough to eat like an obedient child. Remember that in 1901 there was no option for boxed chicken nuggets and lunchables. Mothers did not prepare two separate meals for children and adults. 

Make your life easy. They eat what you eat or they watch and get hungry. Lead by example, eat well and let them follow.

Because it matters that much!

Dr. M
GMO Fish, Oh Boy!


Frankenfish? here we go! Three views on the topic:


So, they say that the safety is here for modified fish. If anyone has seen Jurassic Park, you know that chaos theory reigns. Look at GMO seed for corn, alfalfa and soy. Farmers used to be able to use any seed, however, cross pollination has made it such that now 85+% of these commodities are GMO, much of which is now patented seed! We are patenting mother nature with some scientific changes. 


DNA is next up for patent because someone found a gene, figured out the gene is associated to a disease risk and wants to be paid for the discovery! That is like patenting a surgical procedure. I perform the surgery and you have to pay me royalties for devising the procedure. It used to be that physicians just put their name on it, taught others how to do it and were content. No longer. 


Science and medicine are about solving problems. Paying for someone's services is right, however, a patented gene or procedure because you found it makes little sense to me. Patenting a seed that can contaminate another local farmers crop and then not allowing its use unless one pays a royalty seems strange as well. 


Back to the fish! Do we really believe that these fish are going to stay out of the ocean and not corrupt normal fisheries? History would disagree. However, I surely hope so because our government is likely to approve this fish for American consumption. I also hope that they are correct in regards to safety. If not, too late for a redo.


Interestingly, they are discussing yet again to not label any of the fish as GMO. If it is so safe, let us choose. These are not the same fish. Whether they turn out to be safe is yet to be determined. Corn fed beef was thought to be great. 


Label appropriately and let capitalism and the market dictate its future. To not allow it to be labeled is akin to selling pyrite as gold because they look the same. We already know that grass fed beef is much healthier than corn fed varieties. Do we really not get a chance to vet the fish ourselves before it is thrust upon us??? No one would ever let them mislabel gold!


Just my opinion, make your own decision and vote accordingly,



Dr. M

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Copyright � 2010-2013 Christopher J. Magryta, MD. Readers, please note: The information provided in this newsletter is for educational and informational purposes only. It is not a substitute for advice and treatment provided by your physician or other healthcare professional and is not to be used to diagnose or treat a health issue.


Chris Magryta
Salisbury Pediatric Associates
Touchstone Pediatrics