Health and Wellness Newsletter
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"I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work." 

Thomas A. Edison 




For all teenagers and college students interested in a new medical experience, pay attention.
Salisbury Pediatrics has opened a new wing dedicated to you. In Primetime we are only focused on your needs as an emerging adult. 
From the music when you enter, to the autonomy of your visit, we are sure that you will love a new way to see your doctor.

Quality Products
Fertility questions answered.

Please email me your favorite products.  I would like to share quality products with our readers. Think - car seats, toys, anything that a mother would love!

Please reply with feedback or questions here.  I will try to answer as many questions via the newsletter as possible.  As always be well and love your children!


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simply good
Dr. Magryta
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Issue: #15
April 1, 2013

Happy Easter
Volume 3, Letter 15

April 1, 2013  


Two landmark articles have now significantly undermined the vaccine promotes autism argument.


The first is by Charles Woods in the June 2010 issue of Pediatrics entitled On time vaccine receipt in the first year does not adversely affect neuropsychological outcomes.


The second article is by Frank DeStefano in this months Journal of Pediatrics entitled Increasing exposure to antibody stimulating proteins and polysaccharides in vaccines is not associated with risk of autism.


Both studies were performed in order to assess the risk of autism in two separate ways. They looked at children who received vaccines versus those who did not or had a delayed schedule and also analyzed the number of protein antigens given to both groups. 


The end results are that there are not associations between modern vaccine scheduling or antigen makeups and the ASD increase.  


I highly encourage you to read both articles and judge for yourself. 


The bigger concern for me is this: what are mothers being exposed to while pregnant during critical priming times of intrauterine growth. We are exposed to volumes of drugs and chemicals everyday that could play a role in ASD. 


Vaccines on the other hand have a known and large defined benefit that is not disputable. They save lives everyday.  I, unfortunately, have seen both sides of the vaccine issue. I have seen the sick kids that were not vaccinated. And I see the children that have autism. Until we have some proof of causation regarding vaccines and ASD, I will have to side with recommending vaccinations despite the lack of its popularity for some parents. 


On the other hand again, maternal exposures to unhealthy chemicals has no benefit, only a downside. I am not saying that we have a cause and effect with ASD yet, but there could be a plausible mechanism for disease through epigenetics. Avoiding chemicals in all of their forms where possible is just common sense.


Either way, you have to weigh the evidence critically and decide what is right for your family. I respect each persons decision as their own.



Be well,


Dr. Magryta

Exercise With Your Children


When you think about modeling behavior, exercising daily and often with your children is a must. The obesity epidemic is in part due to sedentary behaviors that are related to television viewing and modern society.

When you get home from work or it is a weekend day, take a half hour or more to run or play a sport with your child that increases both of your heart rates significantly. Let them know that daily exercise is the norm and is expected for health.

Children by nature want to play. We need to honor that need and be a part of their day every day where possible. I think back to my college days and remember the guys whose parents were never a part of their lives with sports or time in general. They always were sad and longing for that parent child interaction. My father was there for me as I will be for my kids no matter how hard I work.

Be a part,


Dr. M
Recipe of the Week



Enjoy chopped fruit this week.  


Dr. M

Newsletter Photos
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Copyright � 2010-2013 Christopher J. Magryta, MD. Readers, please note: The information provided in this newsletter is for educational and informational purposes only. It is not a substitute for advice and treatment provided by your physician or other healthcare professional and is not to be used to diagnose or treat a health issue.


Chris Magryta
Salisbury Pediatric Associates
Touchstone Pediatrics