Volume: 2 - Issue:  59
11 June 2014
Iran Update


We are delighted to present you with the current issue of Iran Update, a publication of International Solidarity for Democratic Change in Iran (ISDCI).  You can see ISDCI's latest events on our website at: International Conferences 

US military base within Iranian striking distance, official warns

Fox News

A top Iranian defense official's claim that a U.S. military base in the Indian Ocean is now within missile range served both as a threat to American interests and a revelation that, if true, Tehran has doubled its striking distance...Read On

Expanding Iran's borders: the marching threat


The Tehran regime's minister of defense openly stated on April 16, 2014, that his country's real borders are along south Lebanon, sitting on the northern frontiers of Israel...Read On

Dems face dilemma on Iran delay...

The Hill 

Democrats held back on imposing tougher sanctions earlier this year after a full-court lobbying press by the White House, which argued the move would kill prospects for a historic deal. Now, with a July 20 deadline approaching that will end an interim deal on Iran's program, negotiators seem likely to ask for more time...Read On

U.S. Push to Get Iran Talks on Track as France Sees Wall


Iran and world powers are holding a series of unscheduled talks to revive momentum for an accord on the Islamic Republic's nuclear program even as the French foreign minster said the two sides have "hit a wall."...Read On

Nuclear Expert: 'We Don't Know How Many Centrifuges Iran Has'

Washington Free Beacon

Nuclear expert Olli Henoinen told Congress Tuesday, "Today we don't know how many centrifuges Iran has." Although the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has some information on Iran's centrifuges, according to Henoinen,  "it has not got the total number of centrifuges produced."...Read On

Turkey, Iran fail to get gas price deal, agree further talks


Ankara and Tehran have failed to reach a deal on the pricing of Iranian gas imports to Turkey...Read On

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