Volume: 2 - Issue:  44
7 May 2014
Iran Update


We are delighted to present you with the current issue of Iran Update, a publication of International Solidarity for Democratic Change in Iran (ISDCI).  You can see ISDCI's latest events on our website at: International Conferences 

Washington's strategic mistake in Iraq: Abandoning Iran's exiled opposition  

History Network News

Washington has undertaken two global mistakes in its regional policies. One was the partnership with the Muslim Brotherhood and its backers in the Arab world. The other global U.S. foreign policy mistake was the deal struck between the Obama administration and the Iranian regime based on the idea that engagement would moderate the Ayatollahs' grand designs...Read On

Cross Party Support for the Iranian Resistance in the French National Assembly


Maryam Rajavi:  Economic relations with the Iranian regime should be conditional upon stopping torture and execution. UN Security Council must investigate Ward 350 Evin prison attack and group executions...Read On

In Dealing With Iran, Human Rights Must Have Priority

Roll Call

By Rudy Giuliani and Howard Dean

Iran has maintained its constant place as a generator of trouble on the international scene. When concern over Iran's nuclear program subsides temporarily, concern about its meddling in countries in the region surface; when those concerns subside, its state sponsorship of terrorism takes the center stage. Suppression and flagrant violations of human rights, the regime's main tools of governance, have a permanent place in the litany of concerns...Read On

Iran: Stop torture, cruel and inhuman treatment against Mohammad Sadiq Kaboudvand and other human rights defenders


The Observatory for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders, a joint FIDH-OMCT programme, has been informed about acts of torture as well as cruel and inhuman treatment against Mr. Mohammad Sadiq Kaboudvand, an Iranian human rights defender and President of the Human Rights Organisation of Kurdistan, who has been serving an 11-year prison sentence...Read On

Iranian Navy Commander States His Goal Simply: 'Destruction of the U.S. Navy'

The Blaze

The naval commander of Iran's Revolutionary Guards says that his goal is to destroy the U.S. Navy and that Iran has the ability to sink an American aircraft carrier in "50 seconds."

"The Americans and the entire world know that one of the operational objectives of the Revolutionary Guard's naval force is the destruction of the U.S. Navy,"...Read On

Iran Mullahs' regime threatens U.S. forces with hostage taking  


In an official session of the Iranian regime's parliament (Majlis) on Tuesday (May 6) and at the presence of Javad Zarif, the regime's Foreign Minister, a member threatened the U.S. forces in the region of being taken hostage....Read On

Iran Guards suspected of keeping secret funds in Asia

Kyodo News International

An Iranian elite group is suspected of keeping secret funds in various parts of the world including South Korea and Malaysia, dodging internationally coordinated economic sanctions, people familiar with the matter said Sunday...Read On

China, Iran say they're 'Strategic partners' as U.S. watches warily

The State

China and Iran announced this week that they're deepening their military ties, with Tehran going so far as to claim that China now sees Iran as a "strategic partner."...Read On

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